"Guests of the St. Louis de Ville Motor Hotel, 4483 Lindell bl., relax at the sunken swimming plaza. The $5,000,000 motor hotel opened for business Monday. The de Ville is owned by Melvin and Harold Dubinsky, St. Louis real estate investors, and Paul Kapelow, a New Orleans investor and construction magnate.
"A new swimming pool for enlisted men and civilan employes at Jefferson Barracks was dedicated yesterday in a program highlighted by the appearance of 50 members of the Shaw Park Swim Club of Clayton. Club members, some of whom are shown resting at top, gave swimming and diving exhibitions before a crowd of more than 2000. The dedicatory speaker was Brig. Gen. P. X. English (left, below), chief
Youngsters who had waited for hours in the broiling sun yesterday made a dash for the water as soon as the gates were opened at Fairgrounds Swimming Pool.