Traffic is heavy on the bridge since the bridge has become toll free. A recent photo, above, shows heavy traffic on old Chain of Rocks bridge when it was toll-free but before the new Chain of Rocks bridge opened.
This photo, above, was taken Tuesday, showing the traffic situation on the old Chain of Rocks bridge now that the new Chain of Rocks bridge has opened.
Addressing public hearing at City Hall on a proposed toll-free bridge across the Mississippi River at Poplar street in downtown St. Louis is Globe-Democrat Publisher Richard H. Amberg. St. Louis city and county officials lined up solidly behind the proposal, which was opposed by East St. Louis.
Opposing Poplar Street location for a new toll-free bridge over the Mississippi River is East St. Louis attorney Ralph Walker. East St. Louis officials favor a location between Carroll and Chippewa streets in south St. Louis.
Three rescue workers on girders wait for litter basket to be lowered from deck of MacArthur Bridge after a toll collector fell to his death through broken grating on the deck.
Toll-collecting continues on MacArthur Bridge after a tractor-trailer smashes into the concrete collector's island early Friday, and tied up traffic for 90 minutes.
Automatic toll collector on Eads Bridge, put into operation Friday midnight, is watched by attendant Don Alexander and motorist drops toll payment into the basket-like collector.