Berkeley officials want to buy the former Berkeley Junior High School, above, for $1 from the Ferguson-Florissant School District. A preschool program is currently operating in the building. The city wants to use the building for a city hall and community center to bring all the city's departments under one roof. The existing city hall, right, is too small, city officials say.
The County Housing Authority's plan to purchase part of the new Audubon Park-Brentwood Forest condominium development for subsidized low-income public housing has encountered opposition from condominium purchasers, city officials and neighborhood residents. A controversial proposal to provide low-income subsidized housing in the moderately expensive Audubon Park-Brentwood Forest complex is being reviewed by County Executive Gene McNary.
Members of the congregation of the Bellevue Presbyterian Church at Caledonia, Mo. will observe the one hundred and twenty-fifth anniversary of the organization of the church and the sixty-ninth anniversary of the church edifice, above, this month. The church was founded August 3, 1816, and is the oldest Presbyterian Church west of the Mississippi.
Lumberyard Fire - A fire at the Friedmeyer Lumber Co., in California, Mo. Sunday reduced the lumberyard to ashes and spread to nearby buildings, including the 127-year-old Moniteau County Jail.
Completely remodeled inside, at a cost of $12,000, this building at California, Mo., was dedicated as a new Masonic Temple. James McBrayer Sellers, Most Worshipful Master, President of Wentworth Military Academy at Lexington, Mo., was in charge of the ceremonies. Open house was held yesterday afternoon.
California, MO., February 1. - Clinton B. Uttley of the First Assistant Postmaster General's staff will deliver the main address here tomorrow at the dedication of the new $46,300 Post Office.
The Pride of Cameron - Cameron, Mo., prides itself on its two tax-supported bands, the Municipal Band and the Junior Band. Pictured here is the Cameron Military Band of 60 years ago which acquired a national reputation under David K. Harper. It took part in events in Washington, New Orleans, and Denver.
Clinton County - Missouri Wesleyan College has been maintained by the Methodists at Cameron, Clinton County, since 1883. Its student body numbers upwards of 400.
Training for trades: Participating in recent dedication ceremonies for the Vocational Training Center's newest location, in Berkeley, are, from left, Steve Lasky, educational director; Curtis Greer, a member of the St. Louis Football Cardinals; Nancy Quigle, city manger of Berkeley; Barbara Riley, director of the new center; J.R. Davidson, executive director; William Fisher, assistant director of planning and outside activities; and Marshal Lasky, president. The location of the center, a private trade school, is 6317 Garfield Ave. and 5021 Fyler Ave. The centers are accredited by the National Association of Trade and Technical Schools.
Berkeley to push cleanup of airport-owned property - City Manager Nancy Shevey was instructed to contact the proper airport official to get the vacated properties cleaned up. There are two proposals for redevelopment of the properties: to use the lower end for active recreation and the upper end for a picnic and airport viewing area or to put the acreage to light-industrial use.
New Village Hall? The Martin Building, 9623 St. Charles Rock Road, Breckenridge Hills, is the building village officials hope to buy for a new village hall. The Board of Trustees approved an ordinance Monday to place before voters a general obligation bond issue of up to $250,000 authorizing the purchase of a building for a municipal building.
Ronald Droney's house at 3226 Chaucer Ave. was a perfect spot for Breckenridge Hills residents to talk about flooding and property loss with a representative from the Metropolitan Sewer District. On Aug. 8, stormwater had crashed through Droney's basement wall, depositing tons of dirt and ruining his furnace and water heater.