Photograph of the towboat DEL COMMUNE. In the lower right corner of photograph are the words,“St. Louis MO. Engineer District Floating Plant / Tow Boat Del Commune Broadside View / MAR 28, 1938 / 3377."
"Fort Gage" - U. S. Engineer Corps towboat mastered by Capt. Morey Brady. The boat was sold to Capt. Robert Roehrig, who used her during the 1940's in his enterprise called 'Roehrig Marine Service' at the St. Louis levee.
U.S. Army Engineers Towboat laying at a Bank Revetment Location - Cannot determine name of towboat. Taken by the late John C. DeBolt, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in the 30ies or 40ies.
This collection consists of a group of photographs documenting the construction and eventual built environment of the Granite City Engineers' Depot, in Granite City, Illinois. Photographs include images of buildings, river engineering, road and wharf construction, and some high water pictures.
The U S, Engineer Dep't Snag-boat DENISON - During April 1955. In operation while demolishing and removing from the river, the old abandoned Lock #7 and it's dam , on the Warrior River, near Eutaw Ala .