Viewing the proceedings from their table are (from left) Mrs. Berness Suway, Charles A Brandon, Mrs. Robert McN. Cochran and Mrs. Henry B Pflager, who were among those who attended in honor of Mrs. George A. McCalpin, recipient of the Civic Service award.
"Attending yesterday's luncheon to honor Mrs. Edward V. Cowdry, cited in the Human Relations category (from left) the honoree's husband, Dr. Cowdry; Mrs. T. Randall DuBois; Mrs. Howard F. Park III, daughter of the honoree, and the Rev. Mr. Park III."
Applauding the 10 Women of Achievement as they received their silver bowls are Mrs. Robert Neil Jr. (middle) a former award winner, and Mrs. Edward J Walsh Jr. (right).
Among the large number of St. Louisans who braved icy streets to attend the luncheon were (from left) Mrs. James F. Bussmann, Mrs. Harrison Schramm, Mrs. Richard W. Bland, Mrs. Charles L. Harrison Jr. and Mrs. Charles R. Harrison Sr.
From left: Mrs. Frank A. Frawley, Community Responsibility; Miss Helen Graves, Fine Arts; Mrs. Gilbert Harris, Civic Service, Miss Louise Knapp, Education; Mrs. Clay E. Jordan, Lifetime
From left: Mrs. C. Oscar Lamy, Social Service; Mrs. Elbert Leaders, Homemaker; Mrs. Holton R. Price Jr., Youth Leadership, and Mrs. Chadbourne Taylor, Community Welfare. Missing from the picture is Mrs. Frank E. Pelton Jr., Creative Philanthropy
Watching their mother receive her award as Good Citizen are Miss Jane (left) and Miss Judy Sutter. Miss Judy flew home from Bradford Junior College for the occasion.
About 1000 persons attended the luncheon in the Khorassan Room of Hotel Chase honoring the 1958 Ten Women of Achievement. Richard H. Amberg of The Globe-Democrat (at the microphone) singled out as universal attributes of the honorees their "love of humanity and compassion for their fellow man." Each of the 10 women received a plate in recognition of her work inscribed with her name and the
Almost 1000 person attended the luncheon yesterday honoring the 1957 Ten Women of Achievement. Richard H. Amberg, publisher of The Globe-Democrat presented each of the 10 women "selected way of life in 1957" with a silver plate inscribed with their names.
From left to right: Mrs. Donald Gunn, Good Neighbor; Mrs. Irene McCabe, Health; Mrs. George A. O'Sullivan, Community Welfare; Mrs. Mark C. Steinberg, Philanthropy; and Mrs. Peter L. Wulfing III, Public Affairs
From left to right: Mrs. Walter W. Collett, Homemaker; Mrs. George Gellhorn, Community Service; Miss Elizabeth Golterman, Education; Mrs. Frances Goodall, Profession