[Holy, Holy, Holy] -- [Safely through another week] -- [O day of rest and gladness] -- [This is the day of light] -- [Sweetly the holy hymn] -- [Welcome, delightful morn] -- [When morning gilds the skies] -- [God of the morning] -- [Abide with me!] -- [Saviour, breathe an evening blessing] -- [Now the day, is over] -- [Silently the shades of evening] -- [Sun of my soul!] -- [All people that on earth do dwell!] -- [Now blessed be the mighty One] -- [Ye servants of God] -- [Lord, Thee I'll praise] -- [Begin, my tongue] -- [My God! the spring of all my eyes] -- [When all Thy mercies, O my God] -- [O God, our help in ages past] -- [God moves in a mysterious way] -- [Lord, we come before Thee now] -- [To Thy pastures fair and large] -- [Come, my soul, thy suit prepare] -- [Stealing from the world away] -- [They who seek the throne of Grace] -- [Lord! I cannot let Thee go] -- [From every stormy wind that blows] -- [What various hindrances we meet] -- [My God, is any hour so sweet] -- [Prayer is the soul's sincere desire] -- [I love to steal awhile away] -- [Father! whate'er of earthly bliss] -- [Joy to the world] -- [Hark! what mean those holy voices] -- [It came upon the midnight clear] -- [Calm on the listening ear of night] -- [While shepherds watched their flocks by night] -- [Angels rejoiced and sweetly sung] -- [Bright was the guiding star that led] -- [O little town of Bethlehem] -- [My dear Redeemer, and my Lord] -- [How beauteous were the marks divine] -- [How sweetly flowed the gospel sound] -- [To Thee be glory, honor, praise] -- [Ride on! ride on in majesty!] -- [Oh, love, how deep! how broad! how high!] -- [I heard the voice of Jesus say] -- [There is a name I love to hear] -- [A pilgrim through this lonely world] -- [We may not climb the heavenly steeps] -- [What grace, O Lord, and beauty shone] -- [O Lord, we now the path retrace] -- [Tis midnight; and on Olive's brow] -- [Within the garden's whispering shade] -- ["'Tis finished!"- so the Saviour cried] -- [Jesus, whom angel hosts adore] -- [When I survey the wondrous cross] -- [From Calvary a cry was heard] -- [He dies! the Friend of sinners dies!] -- [Jesus wept! those tears are over] -- [Hark! the voice of love and mercy] -- [In the cross of Christ I glory] -- [Alas! and did my Saviour bleed] -- [O sacred Head] -- [I need Thee] -- [On wings of living light] -- [Come, every pious heart] -- [The happy morn is come!] -- [Christ, the Lord, is risen today] / (Nuremburg) -- [Angels! roll the rock away] -- [Morning breaks upon the tomb] -- [Hail the day that sees Him rise] -- [Hail to Thee, our risen King] -- [Christ, the Lord, is risen today] / (Herold) -- [Rejoice, rejoice, believers!] -- [The marriage feast is ready] -- [Lo, He comes, with clouds descending] -- [O'er the distant mountains breaking] -- [Lo! what a glorious sight appears] -- [Light of the lonely pilgrim's heart!] -- [Bride of the Lamb, awake, awake!] -- [Come, Lord, and tarry not] -- [The Church has waited long] -- [Ye servants of the Lord!] -- [All hail the power of Jesus' name!] -- [Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing] -- [Come, ye that love the Saviour's name] -- [Come, Thou almighty King] -- [Glory to God on high!] -- [Oh, could I speak the matchless worth] -- [Come, let us join our cheerful songs] -- [Arise, my soul, arise!] -- [Ye saints, your music bring] -- [Blow ye the trumpet, blow] -- [How sweet the name of Jesus sounds] -- [To our Redeemer's glorious Name] -- [Jesus! delightful, charming name!] -- [Jesus, I love Thy charming Name] -- [There is a fountain filled with blood] -- [Jesus, the very thought of Thee] -- [Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove] -- [Spirit Divine! attend our prayer] -- [Our blest Redeemer, ere He breathed] -- [Come, O Creator, Spirit blest!] -- [Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove] -- [Eternal Spirit, we confess] -- [Holy Ghost! with light divine] -- [Gracious Spirit, Love divine] -- [Holy Spirit, Truth divine!] -- [Holy Spirit! gently come] -- [Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languish] -- [Today the Saviour calls!] -- [Behold a stranger's at the door] -- [Say, sinner, hath a voice within] -- [Haste, traveler, haste! the night comes on] -- [Why will ye waste on trifling cares] -- ["Take up thy cross," the Saviour said] -- [Come, sinners, to the gospel feast] -- [God calling yet! shall I not hear?] -- [Just as I am, without one plea] -- [With tearful eyes I look around] -- [Show pity, Lord! O Lord! forgive] -- [O Jesus, Thou art standing] -- [Depth of mercy! can there be] -- [Did Christ o'er sinners weep] -- [I was a wand'ring sheep] -- [And can I yet delay] -- [By cool Siloam's shady rill] -- [See, Israel's gentle Shepherd stands] -- [Proclaim, saith Christ, my wondrous grace] -- [O Lord, and will Thy pardoning love] -- [Till He come, O let the words] -- [Jesus invites His saints] -- [Jesus, we thus obey] -- [Blest be the tie that binds] -- [And though our bodies part] -- [Once more before we part] -- [Blest are the sons of peace] -- [How sweet, how heavenly is the sight] -- [Lord, Thou on earth didst love Thine own] -- [Walk in the Light! so shalt thou know] -- [Come in, thou blessed of the Lord] -- [God, in the gospel of His Son] -- [I love the sacred Book of God] -- [Upon the Gospel's sacred page] -- [How precious is the book divine] -- [The Spirit breathes upon the word] -- [Father of mercies! in Thy word] -- [Here I can firmly rest] -- [What cheering words are these] -- [I bless the Christ of God] -- [How can a sinner know] -- [My Shepherd is the Lord Most High] -- [Complete in Thee, no work of mine] -- [My soul complete in Jesus stands] -- [Let me but hear my Saviour say] -- [Take my life, and let it be] -- [Ask ye what great thing I know] -- [Saviour! teach me, day by day] -- [Jesus, I my cross have taken] -- [Must Jesus bear the cross alone] -- [Oh happy day that fixed my choice] -- [Take my heart, O Father, take it] -- [Majestic sweetness sits enthroned] -- [O bless the Lord, my soul!] -- [We would see Jesus for the shadows lengthen] -- [Come, Thou fount of every blessing] -- [Grace! 'tis a charming sound!] -- [Behold! what wondrous grace] -- [My faith looks up to Thee] -- [Saviour, I look to Thee] -- [O for a faith that will not shrink] -- [Faith adds new charms to earthly bliss] -- [Lord, I believe; Thy power I own] -- [How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord!] -- [My hope is built on nothing less] -- [Give to the winds thy fears] -- [Love divine, all love excelling] -- [God is love; His mercy brightens] -- [Awake, my soul, in joyful lays] -- [Thy loving-kindness, Lord, I sing] -- [I hear the words of love] -- [There's a wideness in God's mercy] -- [Jesus, Thy name I love] -- [O love that wilt not let me go] -- [I know that my Redeemer lives] -- [Give me a heart of calm repose] -- [Jesus, our life, our hope, our heaven] -- [Oh, what a blessed hope is ours] -- [Oh! for a shout of sacred joy] -- [The head that once was crowned with thorns] -- [Come, let us lift our joyful eyes] -- [Peace! perfect peace! in this dark world of sin?] -- [We bless Thee for Thy peace, O God1] -- [Lord, while for all mankind we pray] -- [Oh, where shall rest be found] -- [Calm me, my God, and keep me calm] -- [Jesus! Lover of my soul] / (Refuge) -- [Jesus! Lover of my soul] / (Martyn) -- [Rock of Ages, cleft for me] -- [Jesus, Saviour, pilot me] -- [Stand up! stand up for Jesus!] -- [My soul, be on thy guard] -- [Nearer, my God, to Thee] -- [Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah] -- [Awake, my soul, stretch every nerve] -- [God labor on; spend and be spent] -- [Laborers of Christ arise] -- [Arise, ye saints, arise!] -- [Make haste, O man, to live] -- [He that goeth forth with weeping] -- [Father, hear the prayer we offer!] -- [Cast thy bread upon the waters] -- [All unseen the Master walketh] -- [Jesus shall reign where'er the sun] -- [Go, messenger of peace and love] -- [Look from Thy sphere of endless day] -- [Sovereign of worlds! display Thy power] -- [From Greenland's icy mountains] -- [On the mountaintop appearing] -- [The morning light is breaking] -- [Now be the gospel banner] -- [Lead, kindly Light, amid th'encircling gloom] -- [Jesus calls us, o'er the tumult] -- [My Jesus, as Thou wilt!] -- [Pilgrims in this vale of sorrow] -- [Asleep in Jesus! blessed sleep!] -- [Far from these scens of night] -- [Sleep on, beloved, sleep, and take thy rest] -- [It is not death to die -- to leave this weary road] -- [My days are gliding swiftly by] -- [There is a land of pure delight] -- [Jerusalem, my happy home!] -- [O mother dear, Jerusalem] -- [There is a fold whence none can stray] -- [Art thou weary? art thou languid?] -- [Joyfully, joyfully onward I move] -- [Happy the spirit released from its clay] -- [My country! 'tis of thee] -- [Our land, with mercies crowned] -- [God bless our native land] -- [Under His wings] -- Open wide the Door -- The Homeland! -- Come on the wings of the morning -- Come unto Me, ye weary -- Moment by moment -- Saved to serve -- Eye hath not seen -- I'll live for Thee -- There'll be no dark valley -- Jesus, I come -- Saved by grace -- "Not I, but Christ" -- Trust and obey -- Why not now? -- Take time to be holy -- I will pass over you -- Hide me, O my Saviour -- Throw out the life-line -- The eye of faith -- Sweet hour of prayer -- Lead me, Saviour -- O glad and glorious gospel -- A soldier of the cross -- Sometime we'll understand -- True-hearted, whole-hearted -- I will lift up mine eyes -- Wonderful love! -- Speed away -- Satisfied -- Our Saviour King -- Faith is the victory -- More love to Thee, O Christ -- Praise Him! Praise Him! -- I know whom I have believed -- Blessed assurance -- At the cross -- Go ye unto all the world -- Jesus is calling -- Onward, Christian soldiers -- There shall be showers of blessing -- A shelter in the time of storm -- Christ arose! -- Casting all your care upon Him -- Arise and shine -- Through your sins be as scarlet -- Christ receiveth sinful men -- Come unto Me -- Every day and hour -- Abundantly able to save -- Resurrection morn -- I will sing the wondrous story -- Take me as I am -- Hark, hark! my soul! -- My Jesus, I love Thee -- When the mists have rolled away -- I am coming to the cross -- O how love I Thy law -- Sunshine in the soul -- Blessed be the fountain -- Even me -- Behold, what love -- While the days are going by -- Onward go! -- 'Tis the blessed hour of prayer -- Beloved, how are we -- Hold Thou my hand -- Bringing in the sheaves -- For Jehovah I am waiting -- We're marching to Zion -- Hiding in Thee -- Christ returneth -- Ye must be born again -- The mistakes of my life -- Traveling home -- When the roll is called up yonder -- Light after darkness -- The ninety and nine -- He leadeth me -- Yield not to temptation -- Trusting Jesus, that is all -- The better land -- There is a green hill far away -- I am praying for you -- Rescue the perishing -- Wonderful words of life -- Safe in the arms of Jesus -- Welcome! wanderer, welcome! -- I hear Thy welcome voice -- Pass me not -- We praise Thee, O God! -- I need Thee every hour -- What a friend we have in Jesus -- Draw me nearer -- Nothing but leaves -- I am Thine own -- My body, soul and spirit -- Oh, give me rest from self -- None of self, and all of Thee -- I am His and He is mine -- Like a river, glorious -- Work, for the night is coming -- God be with you! -- [Holy, Holy, Holy] -- [Safely through another week] -- [O day of rest and gladness] -- [This is the day of light] -- [Sweetly the holy hymn] -- [Welcome, delightful morn] -- [When morning gilds the skies] -- [God of the morning] -- [Abide with me!] -- [Saviour, breathe an evening blessing] -- [Now the day, is over] -- [Silently the shades of evening] -- [Sun of my soul!] -- [All people that on earth do dwell!] -- [Now blessed be the mighty One] -- [Ye servants of God] -- [Lord, Thee I'll praise] -- [Begin, my tongue] -- [My God! the spring of all my eyes] -- [When all Thy mercies, O my God] -- [O God, our help in ages past] -- [God moves in a mysterious way] -- [Lord, we come before Thee now] -- [To Thy pastures fair and large] -- [Come, my soul, thy suit prepare] -- [Stealing from the world away] -- [They who seek the throne of Grace] -- [Lord! I cannot let Thee go] -- [From every stormy wind that blows] -- [What various hindrances we meet] -- [My God, is any hour so sweet] -- [Prayer is the soul's sincere desire] -- [I love to steal awhile away] -- [Father! whate'er of earthly bliss] -- [Joy to the world] -- [Hark! what mean those holy voices] -- [It came upon the midnight clear] -- [Calm on the listening ear of night] -- [While shepherds watched their flocks by night] -- [Angels rejoiced and sweetly sung] -- [Bright was the guiding star that led] -- [O little town of Bethlehem] -- [My dear Redeemer, and my Lord] -- [How beauteous were the marks divine] -- [How sweetly flowed the gospel sound] -- [To Thee be glory, honor, praise] -- [Ride on! ride on in majesty!] -- [Oh, love, how deep! how broad! how high!] -- [I heard the voice of Jesus say] -- [There is a name I love to hear] -- [A pilgrim through this lonely world] -- [We may not climb the heavenly steeps] -- [What grace, O Lord, and beauty shone] -- [O Lord, we now the path retrace] -- [Tis midnight; and on Olive's brow] -- [Within the garden's whispering shade] -- ["'Tis finished!"- so the Saviour cried] -- [Jesus, whom angel hosts adore] -- [When I survey the wondrous cross] -- [From Calvary a cry was heard] -- [He dies! the Friend of sinners dies!] -- [Jesus wept! those tears are over] -- [Hark! the voice of love and mercy] -- [In the cross of Christ I glory] -- [Alas! and did my Saviour bleed] -- [O sacred Head] -- [I need Thee] -- [On wings of living light] -- [Come, every pious heart] -- [The happy morn is come!] -- [Christ, the Lord, is risen today] / (Nuremburg) -- [Angels! roll the rock away] -- [Morning breaks upon the tomb] -- [Hail the day that sees Him rise] -- [Hail to Thee, our risen King] -- [Christ, the Lord, is risen today] / (Herold) -- [Rejoice, rejoice, believers!] -- [The marriage feast is ready] -- [Lo, He comes, with clouds descending] -- [O'er the distant mountains breaking] -- [Lo! what a glorious sight appears] -- [Light of the lonely pilgrim's heart!] -- [Bride of the Lamb, awake, awake!] -- [Come, Lord, and tarry not] -- [The Church has waited long] -- [Ye servants of the Lord!] -- [All hail the power of Jesus' name!] -- [Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing] -- [Come, ye that love the Saviour's name] -- [Come, Thou almighty King] -- [Glory to God on high!] -- [Oh, could I speak the matchless worth] -- [Come, let us join our cheerful songs] -- [Arise, my soul, arise!] -- [Ye saints, your music bring] -- [Blow ye the trumpet, blow] -- [How sweet the name of Jesus sounds] -- [To our Redeemer's glorious Name] -- [Jesus! delightful, charming name!] -- [Jesus, I love Thy charming Name] -- [There is a fountain filled with blood] -- [Jesus, the very thought of Thee] -- [Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove] -- [Spirit Divine! attend our prayer] -- [Our blest Redeemer, ere He breathed] -- [Come, O Creator, Spirit blest!] -- [Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove] -- [Eternal Spirit, we confess] -- [Holy Ghost! with light divine] -- [Gracious Spirit, Love divine] -- [Holy Spirit, Truth divine!] -- [Holy Spirit! gently come] -- [Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languish] -- [Today the Saviour calls!] -- [Behold a stranger's at the door] -- [Say, sinner, hath a voice within] -- [Haste, traveler, haste! the night comes on] -- [Why will ye waste on trifling cares] -- ["Take up thy cross," the Saviour said] -- [Come, sinners, to the gospel feast] -- [God calling yet! shall I not hear?] -- [Just as I am, without one plea] -- [With tearful eyes I look around] -- [Show pity, Lord! O Lord! forgive] -- [O Jesus, Thou art standing] -- [Depth of mercy! can there be] -- [Did Christ o'er sinners weep] -- [I was a wand'ring sheep] -- [And can I yet delay] -- [By cool Siloam's shady rill] -- [See, Israel's gentle Shepherd stands] -- [Proclaim, saith Christ, my wondrous grace] -- [O Lord, and will Thy pardoning love] -- [Till He come, O let the words] -- [Jesus invites His saints] -- [Jesus, we thus obey] -- [Blest be the tie that binds] -- [And though our bodies part] -- [Once more before we part] -- [Blest are the sons of peace] -- [How sweet, how heavenly is the sight] -- [Lord, Thou on earth didst love Thine own] -- [Walk in the Light! so shalt thou know] -- [Come in, thou blessed of the Lord] -- [God, in the gospel of His Son] -- [I love the sacred Book of God] -- [Upon the Gospel's sacred page] -- [How precious is the book divine] -- [The Spirit breathes upon the word] -- [Father of mercies! in Thy word] -- [Here I can firmly rest] -- [What cheering words are these] -- [I bless the Christ of God] -- [How can a sinner know] -- [My Shepherd is the Lord Most High] -- [Complete in Thee, no work of mine] -- [My soul complete in Jesus stands] -- [Let me but hear my Saviour say] -- [Take my life, and let it be] -- [Ask ye what great thing I know] -- [Saviour! teach me, day by day] -- [Jesus, I my cross have taken] -- [Must Jesus bear the cross alone] -- [Oh happy day that fixed my choice] -- [Take my heart, O Father, take it] -- [Majestic sweetness sits enthroned] -- [O bless the Lord, my soul!] -- [We would see Jesus for the shadows lengthen] -- [Come, Thou fount of every blessing] -- [Grace! 'tis a charming sound!] -- [Behold! what wondrous grace] -- [My faith looks up to Thee] -- [Saviour, I look to Thee] -- [O for a faith that will not shrink] -- [Faith adds new charms to earthly bliss] -- [Lord, I believe; Thy power I own] -- [How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord!] -- [My hope is built on nothing less] -- [Give to the winds thy fears] -- [Love divine, all love excelling] -- [God is love; His mercy brightens] -- [Awake, my soul, in joyful lays] -- [Thy loving-kindness, Lord, I sing] -- [I hear the words of love] -- [There's a wideness in God's mercy] -- [Jesus, Thy name I love] -- [O love that wilt not let me go] -- [I know that my Redeemer lives] -- [Give me a heart of calm repose] -- [Jesus, our life, our hope, our heaven] -- [Oh, what a blessed hope is ours] -- [Oh! for a shout of sacred joy] -- [The head that once was crowned with thorns] -- [Come, let us lift our joyful eyes] -- [Peace! perfect peace! in this dark world of sin?] -- [We bless Thee for Thy peace, O God1] -- [Lord, while for all mankind we pray] -- [Oh, where shall rest be found] -- [Calm me, my God, and keep me calm] -- [Jesus! Lover of my soul] / (Refuge) -- [Jesus! Lover of my soul] / (Martyn) -- [Rock of Ages, cleft for me] -- [Jesus, Saviour, pilot me] -- [Stand up! stand up for Jesus!] -- [My soul, be on thy guard] -- [Nearer, my God, to Thee] -- [Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah] -- [Awake, my soul, stretch every nerve] -- [God labor on; spend and be spent] -- [Laborers of Christ arise] -- [Arise, ye saints, arise!] -- [Make haste, O man , to live] -- [He that goeth forth with weeping] -- [Father, hear the prayer we offer!] -- [Cast thy bread upon the waters] -- [All unseen the Master walketh] -- [Jesus shall reign where'er the sun] -- [Go, messenger of peace and love] -- [Look from Thy sphere of endless day] -- [Sovereign of worlds! display Thy power] -- [From Greenland's icy mountains] -- [On the mountaintop appearing] -- [The morning light is breaking] -- [Now be the gospel banner] -- [Lead, kindly Light, amid th'encircling gloom] -- [Jesus calls us, o'er the tumult] -- [My Jesus, as Thou wilt!] -- [Pilgrims in this vale of sorrow] -- [Asleep in Jesus! blessed sleep!] -- [Far from these scens of night] -- [Sleep on, beloved, sleep, and take thy rest] -- [It is not death to die - to leave this weary road] -- [My days are gliding swiftly by] -- [There is a land of pure delight] -- [Jerusalem, my happy home!] -- [O mother dear, Jerusalem] -- [There is a fold whence none can stray] -- [Art thou weary? art thou languid?] -- [Joyfully, joyfully onward I move] -- [Happy the spirit released from its clay] -- [My country! 'tis of thee] -- [Our land, with mercies crowned] -- [God bless our native land] -- [Under His wings] -- Open wide the Door -- The Homeland! -- Come on the wings of the morning -- Come unto Me, ye weary -- Moment by moment -- Saved to serve -- Eye hath not seen -- I'll live for Thee -- There'll be no dark valley -- Jesus, I come -- Saved by grace -- "Not I, but Christ" -- Trust and obey -- Why not now? -- Take time to be holy -- I will pass over you -- Hide me, O my Saviour -- Throw out the life-line -- The eye of faith -- Sweet hour of prayer -- Lead me, Saviour -- O glad and glorious gospel -- A soldier of the cross -- Sometime we'll understand -- True-hearted, whole-hearted -- I will lift up mine eyes -- Wonderful love! -- Speed away -- Satisfied -- Our Saviour King -- Faith is the victory -- More love to Thee, O Christ -- Praise Him! Praise Him! -- I know whom I have believed -- Blessed assurance -- At the cross -- Go ye unto all the world -- Jesus is calling -- Onward, Christian soldiers -- There shall be showers of blessing -- A shelter in the time of storm -- Christ arose! -- Casting all your care upon Him -- Arise and shine -- Through your sins be as scarlet -- Christ receiveth sinful men -- Come unto Me -- Every day and hour -- Abundantly able to save -- Resurrection morn -- I will sing the wondrous story -- Take me as I am -- Hark, hark! my soul! -- My Jesus, I love Thee -- When the mists have rolled away -- I am coming to the cross -- O how love I Thy law -- Sunshine in the soul -- Blessed be the fountain -- Even me -- Behold, what love -- While the days are going by -- Onward go! -- 'Tis the blessed hour of prayer -- Beloved, how are we -- Hold Thou my hand -- Bringing in the sheaves -- For Jehovah I am waiting -- We're marching to Zion -- Hiding in Thee -- Christ returneth -- Ye must be born again -- The mistakes of my life -- Traveling home -- When the roll is called up yonder -- Light after darkness -- The ninety and nine -- He leadeth me -- Yield not to temptation -- Trusting Jesus, that is all -- The better land -- There is a green hill far away -- I am praying for you -- Rescue the perishing -- Wonderful words of life -- Safe in the arms of Jesus -- Welcome! wanderer, welcome! -- I hear Thy welcome voice -- Pass me not -- We praise Thee, O God! -- I need Thee every hour -- What a friend we have in Jesus -- Draw me nearer -- Nothing but leaves -- I am Thine own -- My body, soul and spirit -- Oh, give me rest from self -- None of self, and all of Thee -- I am His and He is mine -- Like a river, glorious -- Work, for the night is coming -- God be with you!
by Ira D. Sankey, James McGranahan and Geo. C. Stebbins.
Includes : Young Men's Christian Association supplement.