This is a copper engraved map of Benguella in modern day Angola printed in 1749 Jacques-Nicolas Bellin. Bellin was a famous 18th century mapmaker who focused mainly on nautical and coastal maps.
This map is titled Carte De La Rade De Benguella et Riviere De Cantonbelle, which is translated to Map of the Roadstead of Benguella and the Cantonbelle River. A shows Endroit de la Riviere de Cantonbelle ou les Chaloupes vont faire de l'eau, which roughly translated to The Place of the Cantonbelle River or where the Sloops are able to travel by water. B shows Bras de Mer ou il y a quanlite de Caymans et de Baeufs Marins, which roughly translated to Inlet or the Bay of Caymans and Bay of oxen.
The units shown are Une Lieue Marine de France et d'Angleterre or a Marine League of France and England.
The map shows Ville de Benguella (Benguela) including Petit Fortin Ruine (Ruins of the Little Fort) and F. S. Philippe (Forte de São Filipe de Benguela) as well as Village de Negres (?), and F. Kabuto (?).
In F. Kabuto, it says Les Anglois marquent ici apres Mr. Delisle le Fort de Kabuto je ne scan sur quel sondement which roughly translates into The English and Mr. Delisle mark Fort Kabuto Here and I put it in based on them.