Pages from the past: 1580-1589

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Antaome corporis humani : [pages 29-30]
This book was identified using the information from the label.
Biblia, das ist die gantze heilige Schrifft Deudsch : [138-139]
Information about this leaf: Printed in a German type know as fraktur with at least three different type sizes. There are also woodcut initial letters in both gothic and roman style and marginal note, both in type and handwritten., Information about this book: This book was an important work for both literary and political reasons. Martin Luther, by choosing his vocabulary with scrupulous care, "endowed Germany with a uniform literary language." --from the label, Information about this digital copy: digitized by University of Missouri—Columbia, MU Libraries on February 23, 2016. Scanning specifications: 600 dpi; scanned on Zeutschel OS 15000; cropped using Photoshop., This leaf was identified from information on the label. WorldCat records were used to glean additional information about the book.
Estatutos generales de Barcelona : [pages 113-114]
This book was identified by the information on the label.
Les vrais pourtraits et vies des hommes illustres grecz, latins et payens, recueilliz de leurs tableaux, livres, médalles antiques et modernes : [pages 71-72]
Information about this leaf: The portrait was created by a Flemish engraver using copper rather than wood. In contrast, the initial letter was most probably done using a woodcut., Information about this book: This book contains approximately 700 leaves., Biographical information: Thevet was a well-known traveller and claimed that all the portraits in this book are the great men he had seen on his travels, which he then remembered in such great detail that the engravers were able to create their portraits based on his description. Despite Thevet's claims, though, very few of the portraits are likely authentic., Information about this digital copy: digitized by University of Missouri—Columbia, MU Libraries on February 23, 2016. Scanning specifications: 600 dpi; scanned on Zeutschel OS 15000; cropped using Photoshop., This leaf was identified from information on the label. WorldCat records were used to glean additional information about the book.
Sermons of M. Iohn Caluin vpon the fifth booke of Moses called Deuteronomie : [1225-1226]
Information about digital copy: digitized by University of Missouri—Columbia, MU Libraries on September 11, 2015. Scanning method: 600 dpi; scanned on Zeutschel OS 15000; cropped using Photoshop., Information about leaf: Water-damaged and stained; torn paper edge; mounting tape on top page edge.
Testamenti Veteris Biblia Sacra, sive, Libri canonici, priscae Iudaeorum ecclesiae a Deo traditi : [pages 155-156]
Information about this leaf : the paper is thin and of fine quality. The type is roman with italic notes. The top edge of the page contains the remains of the original mounting tape., Information about the digital copy : digitized by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries on September 11, 2015. Scanning method : 600 dpi; scanned on Zeutschel OS 15000 ; cropped using Photoshop.