Editorial cartoon depicting the New York Republican Convention on September 25-26 of 1906. Benjamin B. Odell Jr. favored ex-Governor Frank S. Black for re-election and Frank W. Higgins, the Governor at the time, favored Lt. Governor Matthew Bruce, but after the intervention of President Roosevelt the convention nominated Charles E. Hughes for Governor instead.
Published in the Chicago Tribune in 1906.
"The 'ayes' had it. The session of the New York Republican Convention: When the people make up their mind that they want a certain thing, give it to them." -- Handwritten.
"112" -- Handwritten on verso.
"Mr. Hammer 314 Tribune Building" -- Handwritten on verso.
Pencil and ink on board.
Original in University of Missouri Special Collections, John Tinney McCutcheon Collection.
Digitized on September 2017. Equipment: Indus Color Book Scanner. Scanning software: bcs-2 version 3.4.9. Image specifications: 400 dpi, color. Access copies: tiffs with LZW compression, rotated and cropped.
Title from caption.