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Population programs of aid: Background of legislation -- 99th congress
Bite, Vita (Author)
Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service
The 99th Congress considered various proposals concerning U.S. aid to family planning programs abroad. Congress appropriated $239.3 million for FY 1986 (after Gramm-Rudman-Hollings sequestration) and $234.6 million for FY 1987 for AID population assistance activities. In addition Congress addressed a number of policy issues including whether the United States should cut off assistance to organizations which support voluntary abortions or abortion related activities with non-U.S. funds; whether the United States should fund international organizations operating in countries like China where there are widespread reports of coercive family planning measures; and whether AID should change its policy of informed choice in favor of a policy allowing a larger share of funds for groups that promote only natural family planning methods.
CRS 86-1009 F
"November 25, 1986."
SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
8 pages