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Economic growth and changing labor markets: Those left behind
Roth, Dennis M. (Author)
Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service
Specific groups in the Nation's work force experience employment difficulties even in good economic times. The Labor Section of the Economics Division in the Congressional Research Service in analyzing labor market problems of these groups which include youth, women, older workers, adult nonwhites, Hispanics, and dislocated workers. This overview report summarizes the principal labor market characteristics and problems of these groups. A separate report focusing on dislocated workers is available and individual reports on other groups are in preparation.
Introduction -- Youth -- Women -- Adult Nonwhites -- Hispanics -- Older Workers -- Dislocated Workers -- Geographical and Skill Mismatch -- Education and Work.
CRS 83-631 E
"December 19, 1983."
SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
30 pages