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Vol. XXII. No. 30. Duty of Congress As To National Waterways. A Successful Gasoline Engine. The Conquest of the Missouri. Improved Waterways. Waterway Sentiment Is Growing: Bond Issue is Becoming Favorable. Bond Issues For Waterways. River Gambling Before The War: Some Things That Were, and Some Things That Were Not So-How Fortunes Were Lost and Won in a Single Night. President Taft's Itinerary. Program for the Waterways Convetion. Ernest Gaudard. Two Famous Racers of '70. Success To The New Orleans Convention. The Ohio River Convention. Captain I. M. Mason Seriously Ill. Miscellaneous River News. Practical Talk On River Improvements. Came to St. Louis in '53. Boilers Built By Rohans. Capt. Patten's First River Ride: Sailed on the Wyoming Fifty-nine Years Ago. J. R. Massengale, President of the St. Louis Lumberman's Exchange. Capt. Phil S. Hacker. Capt. Wm. L. Heckmann. Capt. Sol York. St. Louis & Tennessee River Packet Co. Harry S. Hawes. J. F. O. Reller. A. C. Tindle. Captain D. W. Wisherd. J. H. Gunlach. L. W. Quick. Frank F. Blades. Capt. Mike Williams. Packet Company To Quit. Ohio River. W. H. Thorwegen. Capt. J. Frank Beaty. Captain M. J. Gibbons. The Whiteman Brothers. The Katie (1875). The Ark. Capt. Frank R. Farnsley. Maritime Decisions. Frisco Transfer Engines To Be Built At Clinton, IO. The Natchez. Capt. John E. Luebben. Charles R. Nadal. Edmund Koeln. C. L. Goldsmith. W. C. Lepper. Richard Bartholdt: America's First Apostle of Peace. The President And The Ship Subsidy. Commercial Movements On Rivers and Canals: Report of the Department of Commerce and Labor for the Month of August, 1907, 1908, and 1909. For the Improvement of our Rivers. Monongahela River Notes. Some Reminiscences. Mark Twain's Friend Bixby. New Coal Dump At Cairo. Walk! Late Marine Decisions. Observations From The Bridge. Wharfage And Agency Charges. U. S. Engineers Favor Ohio River. Will Travel In Fine Style.