Antiquarian Maps Collection (1603-1863)

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Acquisitiones Pyrrhi Epirotarum Regis sicut in Plutarcho (1739)
Copper engraved historic map showing the Kingdom of Pyrrhus of Epirus, based on the sources of Plutarch. The map depicts the Southern tip of Italy, Sardinia, Corsica, Greece, Crete, the Northern tip of the African Continent, Croatia, Albania, Macedonia, and Turkey. The map is filled with a lot of geographic details concerning place names in Latin, Rivers, Mountains, and Islands. The title is inside a simple cartouche. Cities, Rivers, Towns, and Seas shown: Italia (Italy), Illyricum (Present day Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Albania), Roma (Rome), Samnites (People of South-Central Italy), Ferentium (Absorbed by Modern-day Viterbo), Asculum (Ascoli Satriano), Beneventum (Benevento), Apulia, Messapia (Salento), Hydruntum (Otranto), Heraclea Lucania (Roman town abandoned before the 19th Century), Magna Graecia, Mare Mediterraneum (Mediterranean Sea), Castella Mamerti Norum, Messana (Messina), Eryae, Agrigentum (Agrigento), Sicilia (Sicily), Leontium, Syracuse, Carthago (Carthage), Africa, Libicum Mare, Siculum Mare, Tarentum (Taranto), Graecia (Greece), Nimphea, Pieria Megares, Macedonia, Epirus (Modern-day Greece and Albania), Edessa, Paeonia (Paionia), Chaonia (Modern day Western Greece), Passaron, Berea (Veria), Coreyra Island, Tresprotia, Berenicea, Ambracia (Arta), Dodona (Greek city that dwindled sometime after 431 AD), Aegea, Thessalia (Thessaly), Peneus F., Pineios River), Amphilechia, Amphilechia, Aetolia, Phocis, Attica, Athenae (Athens), Nysea, Corinthus (Corinth), Peloponnesus (Peloponnese), Argos, Megalopolis (Megalopoli), Neapolis, Cilarbis, Tegea (Alea), Lernae, Sparta, Thracia, Troja (Troy), Asia, Creta I. (Crete Island), Aptera, and Gortyna (Gortyn). The source publication is: Geographia antique, Latinorum et Graecorum, tabulis XXXII novis & accuratis expressa, translated: Thirty-two new and accurate maps of the geography of the ancients, as contained in the Greek and Latin Classics. It was printed and sold in 1739 in London by Thomas Bowles. Herman Moll was a Dutchman bookseller, geographer and engraver. Around 1678 he moved to London where for a while he continued as an engraver. Later, he started his own businesses a map publisher and by the turn of the century had become the most prominent map publisher in the country. He published atlases and loose maps of all parts of the world many of which were highly decorative. In 1724 he published his 'New Description of England and Wales', an atlas of the English and Welsh Counties. He had many interesting friends including Daniel Defoe, Jonathan Swift (for whom he provided maps for Robinson Crusoe and Gulliver's Travels), explorers William Damier and Woodes Rogers, and the scientist Robert Hooke.
Africa (1860)
Steel engraved map of the whole African Continent. The map gives several geographic details on place names, rivers, mountains, and bays. The map is adorned with decorative borders. Countries shown: Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Republic of Congo, Rwanda, São Tomé and Príncipe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Cities of many of these countries as well as Bays and Rivers in these Countries are present including Aden and Mocha Yemen, Brava (Barawa), Torra, Jillip (Jilib), Magadoxo (Mogadishu), Barboni, Auxa, Hurrur, Zeyla (Zeila), and Somauli, Somalia, Angot, Antalo (Hintalo), Genater, Axum, Gondar, Sokota (Soqota), Tegulet, Bure, Moumi, Bosham, and Ankober, Ethiopia, Massowa (Massawa), Eritrea, Sennar, Teawa (Al Qadarif), Takala, Halfay, Shendy, Atbara (Atbarah), Melcheir, Berber, El Obeid (Al-Ubayyid), Suakin, Amour, Cobbe, Meroe (Merowe), Old Dongola (Dunqulah al-Ajuz), New Dongola (Dongola), Hannek, Leghea, Kouke, Kolbe, Sebma,and Khartoum, Sudan, Mecca and Medina, Saudi Arabia, Ipsambol (Abu Simbel), Assouan (Aswan), Edfou (Edfu), Thebes, Wah el Khargeh, El danan, Siout (Asyut), Minyeh, Abu Firgeh, Snez (Suez), Cairo, Cohizeh, Wah el Daleel, Farafreh (Farafra), Al Kasar, Sywah, Dresieh, Tifah, Damietta, Rosetta, Alexandria, Port Mahadda, and Derr (el-derr), Egypt, Akaba (Aqaba), Jordan, Jerusalem, Israel, Tarffanah, Jedid, Aujilah, Febabo, Zellah (Zella), Bureigah, Taukruo, Tolmeita (Tolmeitha), Boussaida, Ghirzah, Misratah (Misrata), Beniolid, Lebdah, Tripoli, Sokna, Sebba, Omlaraneb, Mafen, Gertrone, Tejert, Legkrir, El Baab, Monrzouk, Ghraat, Winega, Tadera, Labbiyed Gadamis (Ghadames),Grennat, Marajeh, Hanieh, and Dernah (Derna), Libya, Tierel, Mobadia, Sousah, and Tunis, Tunisia, and Bonah, Boujayah, Deltyz, Setif (Sétif), Constantina (Constantina), Tuggurt (Touggourt), Engousah, Algiers, Tenez (Ténès), Hamisa, Oran, Arzaw, Al Aghouath, Gardeia, Grara, Farsile, Ain Salah (In Salah), Agabli, Temadran, Armaghi, Al Walen, Tlemezen (Tlemcen), Fighig, and Al Galah, Algeria, Madroma, Tétouan, Tangier, Mequinez (Mekne), Fez (Fes), Segdmesa (Sijilmasa), Tabelhat, Tafilet (Tafilalt), Gourtand, Mansoriah, Azamor (Azemmour), Saffi (Safi), Al Kala, Magador, Agadir, Talent, Al Harib, Tatta, Nun, Saleco, Alekah, Al Guedea, and Marabooti, Morocco, Melilla, and Ceuta, Spain, Teneriffe (Tenerife), Canary Islands, St. Louis (Saint-Louis), Bakel, Hyenne, Sedo, Joal (Joal Fadiout), and Casamanza, Senegal, Kahede (Kaedi), Mauritania, Bangassi, Mali, Bathurst (Banjul), Gambia, Timbo, Guinea, Falaba, Sierra Leone, Monrovia, Tradetown, Settra Kroo, Sesters, Harper, and Bassa, Liberia, Tabou (Dabou), Bardy, King George Town, Lahou (Grand Lahou), Ivoery Town, Assineco, Ivory Coast, Apoflonia, Cape Three Points, Cape Coast Castle, Coomassie (Kumasi), Winabah (Winneba), Accra, and Adda (Ada Foah), Ghana, Badagry, Jenna, Engua, Koussou, Brass, Ibou, Beran, Iddah (Idah), Funda, Jacoba, Yola, Yakoba, Koji, Dikoa, Kuka (Kukawa), Boari, Kano, Bebeji, Zaria, Womba, Tabra, Egga, Eyeo, Boussa (New Bussa), Yaouri (Bin Yauri), and Dukes Town (Akwa Akpa or Calabar), Nigeria, Abomey, Benin, Boos, Niger, Williamstown, Cameroon, Adjumba, Gabon, Kabenda (Cabinda), Caconga (Cacongo), Sonho (Soyo), Batta, S. Salvador (M'banza-Kongo), Oando, Oaculo, Mani, Ambria, Casaba, Cassange, Tanza, Cambambe, Lutato, Old Benguela (Porto Amboim), Tamba, Bomba, Balhinda, Quisongi, Novo Redondo (Sumbe), Cabuto, Philip de Benguela (Benguela), Angaruca, Bihe, Caconda, Quilamata, Dumbo (Mandume), Quimbianba, and S. Paul de Loando (Luanda), Angola, Ondonga, Oyando, Orajo, Okavara, Burmen, Niaxs, Wesley Vale, Betni, Bethany (Bethanie), Africaners Kraal, and Rehoboth, Namibia, Kolobeng (Kolobeng Mission), Botswana, Pella, Lady Fn, Camel Mouth, Tulbagh, Stellenbosch, Clanwilliam, Cape Town, George, Uitenhage, Bathurst, Beaufort (Beaufort West), Cradock, Grahams Town, (Grahamstown), Fredericksburg, London (East London), Butterworth, Palmerston, Matuana Kraal, Phillipolis (Philippolis), Moriah, Griania, Kruman (Kuruman), Lattakoo (Dithakong), Moshow, Port Natal & D'Urban (Durban), Pietermaritzburg, Lakalabaldi, Potchefstroem (Potchefstroom), and Warm Bed, South Africa, Inhambane, Buok, Sofala (Nova Sofala), Luabo, Quillimane (Quelimane), Zumbo, Tete, Mesuril (Mossuril), Querimba (Quirimba), and Sena (Vila de Sena), Mozambique, Masapa (Massapa), Zumbo, Chicova, and Luanza (Luanze, Ruhanje), Zimbabwe, Sekeletu, Sesheke, and Sekhos, Zambia, Amboule, Tullear (Toliara), Fort Dauphin (Tôlanaro), Manamvatoo, Mananzari (Mananjary), Oiube, Voubai, Menabe, Mouron dava (Morondava), Enboudiaro, Andevorande (Andevoranto), Befaxona, Tananarivo (Antananarivo), Inaoja, Tamatave (Toamasina), Ifontsy, Vouipafie, Bembatooka, Tanzou, Narinda, Moringa, Angonta or Ngoncy, Ifonty, Passandava, and Mananbatou (Manambato), Madagascar, Saint-Denis, Réunion, Port Louis, Mauritius, and Quiloa (Kilwa Kisiwani), Tanzania, and the unknown locations of Argian, Hoden, Tisbeet, Shingaria, Kemmoo, Bambouk, Koena, Medina, Pisania, S. Domingo, Kakundy, Simera, Couseca, Aladah, Yandi, Bombom, Farfar, Korongo, Mombum, Doka, Salang, Raby Buba, Sette, Buka Meala, Monsol, Mayaimba, Loango, Sonho, S. Salvador, Batta, Oando, Oaculo, Ambria, Cabasa, Nariele, Setaabee, Kuissee, Nchokotsa, Maila, Tounobis, Makcto, Mashinga, Macanda, Mazayamba, Lukelingo, Marora, Dayua, Atumba, Oha, Ogomba, Lucenda, Mouvo, Chipaca, Henui, Gunaneh, Runga, Sebbo, Ketmede, Boushashem, Wara, Harrunek, Donas, Mangard, Day, Yogda, Mittu, Masena, Showy, Korbe, Birkel Fatima, Metmi, Birri, Mora, and Gider.
Afrique Ancienne (1812)
Detailed single page copper engraved map of Northern Africa in Ancient times. Depicts the various ancient kingdoms as well as offering good detail of the deserts - some of which is entirely mythological. The map covers also the Southern European Continent from Iberian Peninsula to Greece, Middle East and Arabian Peninsula. The map is adorned with a decorative title cartouche embellished with an Egyptian obelisk. Sites appearing on the map include: Tamusiga, Mysocora, Sala (Chellah-destroyed by an earthquake in the 18th Century), Banasa (Iulia Valentia Banasa-destroyed in 285 AD), Volubilis (Destroyed in the 11th Century), Tingis (Tangiers), and Parietina, Morocco, Olisipo (Lisbon), Portugal, Carthago Nova (Cartagena), Dianium, and Tarraco (Tarragona), Spain, Massilia (Marseille), France, Caratis, Genua (Genoa), Roma (Rome), and Syracusae (Syracuse), Italy, Athenae (Athens), Greece, Siga, Mina, Medianum, Cartenna (Mostaganem), Caesarea, Vescotbra, Saldae (Destroyed 429 AD), Tabudis, Cirta (Constantine), and Hippo Reglus (Annaba), Algeria, Cathago (Carthage), and Tacape (Gabes), Tunisia, Sabrata (Sabratha), Cydamus (Ghadames), Matalgae, Aea, Leptis Magna, Gerisa, Cyllaba, Garama (Germa), Muchtasii, Cyrene, Darais, Mazala, Augila (Awjila), and Philenor Arae, Libya, Tucabath (Timbuktu), Mali, Byzantium (Istanbul), Sinope (Sinop), Antiocha (Antioch), and Tarsus, Turkey, Babylon, Iraq, Salamis, Cyprus, Palmyra and Damascus, Syria, Persepolis, Iran, Omanum, Oman, Iabris, Alata, Asca, Casandi, Nagrana, Aeli, Chaalla, Sacacia, Macoraba (Mecca), Chariatha, Maaddeni, Iambe, Iatrippa, Leuce Come, Thema, Raunati, Phaenicium Oppidum, Madian (Midian), Thumata, and Gerra (Gerrha), Saudi Arabia, Macala, Mariaba, Sabat, and Muza, Yemen, Aetana, and Petra, Jordan, Aerosolyma (Jerusalem), Israel, Alexandria, Petusium, Ammon, Maraotis, Memphis, Oasis Magna (Kharga), Antinoa, Ptolomais, Coptos (Qift), Theba (Thebes), Berenice, Premis Parva, Cambysis Aeraruim, and Arbos, Egypt, Satachtha, Napata, Candace, Ptolomais, Meroe (Merowe), Tolen, and Auxuma, Sudan, Adulis, Eritrea, Tyrus (Tyre), Lebanon, and the unsure sites of Talubath, Saluce, Nigira Metrop., Ta Gana, Taermunda, Boin, Neglagemela, Thapsagus, Disecra, Tabidium, Thube, Berenice, Saba, Niloptolemaeum, Zingis Extrema, Rapta, and Aesar. Source publication: Atlas Complet Du Precis De la Geographie Universelle De M. Malte Brun dressee par M. Lapie Capitaine Ingenieur Geographie Pierre M. Lapie (1779-1850) and his son Alexandre Emile Lapie (1809-1850) were French cartographers and engravers active in the early part of the 19th Century. The Lapies were commissioned officers in the French army holding the ranks of Colonel and Caipitan, respectively. Alexander enjoyed the title of "First Geographer to the King", and this title appears on several of his atlases. Both father and son were exceptional engraversand fastidious cartographers. Working separately and jointly they published four important atlases, an 1811 Atlas of the French Empire (Alexander), the 1812 Atlas Classique et Universel (Pierre), the Atlas Universel de Geographie Ancienne et Modern (joint issue), and the 1848 Atlas Militaire (Alexander). They also issued many smaller maps and independent issues. All of these are products of exceptional beauty and detail. Conrad Malte-Brun (1755-1826) was an important late 18th and early 19th Century Danish/French cartographer and revolutionary. Conrad was born in Thisted, Denmark. His parents encouraged him to a career in the Church, but he instead enrolled in the University of Copenhagen. In the liberal hall of academia Conrad became an ardent supporter of the French Revolution and the ideals of a free press. Despite the harsh censorship laws of crown prince Frederick VI, Malte-Brun published numerous pamphlets criticizing the Danish government. He was finally charged with defying censorship laws in 1799 and forced to flee to Sweden and ultimately France. Along with colleague Edme Mentelle, Malte-Brun published his first cartographic work, the Geographie mathematique, physique et politique de toutes les parties du monde (6 volumes published between 1803 and 1807). Conrad went on to found Les Annales des Voyages (in 1807) and Les Annales des Voyages, de la Geographie et de l'Histoire (in 1819). He also founded the Paris Societe de Geographie. In time, Conrad became known as one of the finest French cartographers of his time.
Amerique Meridionale (1812)
Map showing the whole South American Continent. The map is filled with a lot of geographic details concerning place names, rivers, lakes, mountains, and islands. The title is engraved inside a volcano. Cities on this map include: Natal, Paraiba (Paraíba), N. S. de Conceicao, Olinda de Fernambue, Peneda (Penedo), Sergipe del Rey, St. Salvador ou Bahia (Salvador), Villa do Ice, Joazeiro, Rio das Contas, Rio Grande, Ipoeira, St. George de Ilheos (Ilhéus), S. Antoine, S. Anna, Tapiracaba, Porto Seguro, Villa Boa, Arayal de Parucatu, S. Mathieu (São Mateus), Minas Novas, Villa do Principe (Serro), Espiritu Santo, Pitang, Sabara (Sabará), Guyate, Garipari, St. Joao del Rey (São João del Rei), Rio Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro), S. Paul (São Paulo), Paragua, S. Miguel (São Miguel), Villanova, Os Conventos, Taramandi, Viamao (Viamão), Bujuru, S. Pedro de R. Grande (Rio Grande), S. Borja (São Borja), S. Angelo (Santo Ângelo), S. Ignacio, Santa Anna, Cubacao, Villa Bella (Matto Grosso), Cuyaba (Cuiabá), Amarante, Resisto da Insua, S. Patricio (São Patrício), Crisa (Crixás), Lopes, Guarine, Villanova, Arcay, S. Felix (São Félix do Araguaia), Oeiras, S. Pedro, Aldeas Atlas (Aldeias Altas), Urubin, Natividade, Matanca (Matança), Casa Forte, S. Lorenco, Almeida, Anauhirahi, Cabexis, Des Incamento das Pedras, Fortalezza, Real ou Arrayal, Poyocao Nova, Olivenca (São Paulo de Olivença), Ega, Thomar, Barcellos (Barcelos), Moura, Forter. de Rio Negro (Manaus), Serpa (Itacoatiara), Ovidos (Óbidos), Santarem (Santarém), Almeirim, Pombal, Camota, Fragoso, Gurupa (Gurupá), Macapa (Macapá ), Mondim, Belem ou Gram Para (Belém), Ouren, Jozelea, Branganca (Bragança), Tapitapera, Joze, Aldea G., Piracunica (Piracuruca), Villa Vicosa (Viçosa do Ceará), Parnaiba (Parnaíba), Camosin (Camocim), Seara ou S. Joze de Ribamar (Fortaleza), Est Mayez, and Aracati, Brazil, Mangrullo, F. S. Therese (Fortaleza de Santa Teresa), Monte Video (Montevideo), and El Sacramento (Colonia del Sacramento), Uruguay, Yapeyn (Yapeyú), S. Baromben (Samborombon), Buenos Ayres (Buenos Aires), Areco (San Antonio de Areco), S. Sebastien (San Sebastián), Pergamino, S. Louis (San Luis), Mendosa (Mendoza), S. Juan (San Juan), Mercedes (Villa Mercedes), S. Augustin, Cordoue (Córdoba), Barada, Sta. Fe (Santa Fe), S. Lucie (Santa Lucía), Andrade, Zumampa, Santiago del Estero, S. F. de Catamarca (San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca), Vagna, St. Juan, Rioja la nueva Simbolan (La Rioja), S. Miguel de Tucaman (San Miguel de Tucumán), S. Joseph de Petacas, Corrientes, Candeturia, Paleipas, Malayas, Tala (El Tala), S. Felipe el Real de Salta (Salta), S. Sumen, S. S. Jujuy (San Salvador de Jujuy), and Calchaqui (Calchaquí), Argentina, Castro, S. Xavier, Osorno, Villarica (Villarrica), La Mocha (Valle de la Mocha), Valdivia, Sta. Fe, P. Rumena, La Concepcion (Concepción), Chillan (Chillán), St. Fernando (San Fernando), Astillero, Santiago, Legrone, Valparyso (Valparaíso), Quillota, S. Felipe Real (San Felipe), Mincha, La Serena, Huasco, Copiapo (Copiapó), Bas Chaco, Peine, Tarapaca (Tarapacá), Arica, and S. F. de la Selva, Chile, Ncembuen (Ñeembucú), S. Ignacio aband, Conception (Concepción), and Assomption (Asunción), Paraguay, Potosi (Potosí), La Plata (Sucre), Temina (Tomina), Pilaya, Cinti, Cotagayta (Santiago de Cotagaita), S. J. Baptiste, Plaine, S. Ana (Santa Ana de Velasco), S. Xavier (San Javier), Santa Cruz de la Sierra, S. Ignacio (San Ignacio de Velasco), Cochabamba, Oruro, Cicacica (Sica Sica), S. Nicolas (San Nicolás), Conception (Concepción), and La Paz, Bolivia, Tacna, Ililo (Ilo), Ica, Palpu (Palpa), Pausa, Camana (Camaná), Arequipa, Chucuyto (Chucuito), Sandia, Apolobamba, Challuanca (Chalhuanca), Chinchero (Chincheros), Abancay, Cuzco (Cusco), Xaura, Guancabelica (Huancavelica), Pisco, Canete (San Vicente de Cañete), Lima, Chancay, Huaillano, Guanuca, Truxillo (Trujillo), Caxamarquilla (Cajamarquilla), Caxamarca (Cajamarca), Sana, St. Antoine, Jaen (Jaén), Payta (Paita), S. Yago, Omagua, and Uraninas, Peru, Loja, Cuenca, Guayaquil, Macas ou Seville del Oro, Quito, S. Joseph de Huates, and S. Miguel, Ecuador, Ste. Foi, S. Paul, Pt. S. Louis, Casari, and Cayenne, French Guyana, Paramribo, Suriname, Stabrook (Georgetown) and Nle. Amsterdam (New Amsterdam) Guyana, Caroni, Thoina, Real Corona, Esmerelda, Cabiula, S. Carlos, Il d'Atureo, S. Fernando, M. de Carichama, Pampelune, Gibraltar, Truxillo (Trujillo), Maracaibo, Coro, Carora, Valence (Valencia), Leon (Caracas), Barcelone (Barcelona), and Cumana (Cumaná), Venezuela, Hiendo, Sta. Fe de Bogota (Bogotá), Girone, M. de Maypuri, Mira, Barbacoas, S. Juan de Pasta (Pasto), Popayan (Popayán), Carthago (Cartago), Sta. Fe de Antioquia (Santa Fe de Antioquia), Lorica (Santa Cruz de Lorica), Sta. Marta (Santa Marta), Cathagene (Cartagena), El Hacha, and Les Palme, Colombia, and Santiago (Santiago de Veraguas) and Panama (Panama City) Panama and the unknown locations of S. Tecta, S. Aria, Candeturia, and Fort. Source publication: Atlas Complet Du Precis De la Geographie Universelle De M. Malte Brun dressee par M. Lapie Capitaine Ingenieur Geographie Pierre M. Lapie (1779-1850) and his son Alexandre Emile Lapie (1809-1850) were French cartographers and engravers active in the early part of the 19th Century. The Lapies were commissioned officers in the French army holding the ranks of Colonel and Caipitan, respectively. Alexander enjoyed the title of "First Geographer to the King", and this title appears on several of his atlases. Both father and son were exceptional engraversand fastidious cartographers. Working separately and jointly they published four important atlases, an 1811 Atlas of the French Empire (Alexander), the 1812 Atlas Classique et Universel (Pierre), the Atlas Universel de Geographie Ancienne et Modern (joint issue), and the 1848 Atlas Militaire (Alexander). They also issued many smaller maps and independent issues. All of these are products of exceptional beauty and detail. Conrad Malte-Brun (1755-1826) was an important late 18th and early 19th Century Danish/French cartographer and revolutionary. Conrad was born in Thisted, Denmark. His parents encouraged him to a career in the Church, but he instead enrolled in the University of Copenhagen. In the liberal hall of academia Conrad became an ardent supporter of the French Revolution and the ideals of a free press. Despite the harsh censorship laws of crown prince Frederick VI, Malte-Brun published numerous pamphlets criticizing the Danish government. He was finally charged with defying censorship laws in 1799 and forced to flee to Sweden and ultimately France. Along with colleague Edme Mentelle, Malte-Brun published his first cartographic work, the Geographie mathematique, physique et politique de toutes les parties du monde (6 volumes published between 1803 and 1807). Conrad went on to found Les Annales des Voyages (in 1807) and Les Annales des Voyages, de la Geographie et de l'Histoire (in 1819). He also founded the Paris Societe de Geographie. In time, Conrad became known as one of the finest French cartographers of his time.
Asia (1843)
Steel engraved map of Asia by Thomas Kelly. Countries appearing on the map: Indonesia, India, Ceylon (Sri Lanka), Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Myanmar, Vietnam, China, Jordan, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Iran, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Taiwan, Turkey, Syria, Israel, Iraq, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, South Korea, Japan, Russia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, North Korea, . Cities appearing on the map: Indonesia: Island of Sumatra: Padang, Manjatta (?), Bencoolen (Bengkulu), Liman (?), Natal, Tappanooly (Tapanuli), and Acheen (Banda Aceh). Island of Borneo: Succadana (Sukadana), Banjar Massir (Banjarmasin), Itabier (?), Sambas, Lava (?), and Barvongan (?). Island of Celebes: Waya (?) and Boot (?). India: Cochin (Kochi), Tanjore (Thanjavur), Pondicherry, Calicut (Kozhikode), Mysore, Seringapatam (Srirangapatna), Mangalore, Bednoor (Nagara), Arcot, Bolhari (?), Canoul (?), Onore (Honnavar), Goa, Vingorla (?), Daboul (?), Bombay (Mumbai), Poonah (Pune), Visiapoor (Vijayapura), Madras (Chennai), Nellore, Masulipatan (Machilipatnam), Cicacole (Srikakulam), Gumsoor (?), Pour Bunder (Porbandar), Aurangabad, Surat, Cambay (Khambhat), Burhampoor (Burhanpur), Ahmedabad, Ougein (?), Pattan (Patan), Ajimere (Ajmer), Nagore (Nagaur), Jesslemere (Jaisalmer), Agra, Matra (Mathura), Hissar (Hisar City), Delhi, Nagpoor (Nagpur), Ruttenpour (Ratanpur), Allahabad, Benares (Varanasi), Cuttack, Calcutta (Kolkata), Hoogly (Chinsurah), Moorshedabad (Murshidabad), Almora, Ghergonge (?), Leh, Cashmere (Kashmir region), and Nagal (?). Ceylon (Sri Lanka): Candi (Kandy) and Trincomalay (Trincomalee). Thailand: Papera, Cini (?), Siam (Ayutthaya), Ogmo (?), and Zemee (Chiang Mai). Malaysia: Queda (Kedah), Pahang, Malacca, Sedang (?), Barrulo, Borneo (Bandar Seri Begawan), and Abia (?). Philippines: Mindanao, Tandag (Tandang), Tambove (?), Bigan (Vigan), Manilla (Manila), and Duillican (?). Saudi Arabia: Confodah (Al Qunfudhah), Attuie (?), Ghezan (Jizan), Midian (?), Acra (?), Abou Jhee (?), Kalais Clarega (?), Medina, Yambo (Yanbu), Rabac, Juddah (Jeddah), Mecca, Tangia (?), Kariatain (?), Deraie (?), Anizeh (?), Tima (?), Kin (?), Daumat (Dumat Al-Jandal), Shakra (Shaqraa), Faraha (?), Lahsa (Al-Hasa), and El Katif (?). Yemen: Chamir (Khamir), Loheia (Al Luḩayyah), Sana (Sana'a), Hodeida (Al Hudaydah), Mocha, Aden, Mareb (Ma'rib), Mouab (?), Shahar (Ash Shahar), and Doan (?). Oman: Hasec (Hasik), Ainad (?), Harmin (?), Sohar, Sikki (?), Muscat, Masera (?), and Dsjau (?). Myanmar: Loongee (?), Persaini (?), Rangoon (Yangon), Martaban (Mottama), Tavay (Dawei), Ramedhayn (?), Aracan (Located in Modern Rakhine State, possibly Sittwe?), Ummerapoora (Amarapura), and Quangtong (?). Vietnam: Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City), Nhiatrang (Nha Trang), Quinhone (Qui Nhơn), Huefoo (Huế), Sinhoa (?), Kosho (?), Ketos (?), and Caihoa (?). China: Tankien (?), Louitcheou (?), Macao (Macau), Tcharor (?), Lassa (Lhasa), Chamka (?), Pa (?), Nanngin (Nanning), Quangnan (?), Yucnkiang (?), Yunnan (Kunming), Quansi (?), Tongchuen (Tongchuen), Kiensee (?), Oumongtou (?), Coking (?), Kynynen (?), Setcheou (?), Tchintcheou (?), Pongchoui (?), Yongtcheou (?), Pinglo (?), Canton (Guangzhou), Nanyong (?), Hinghoa (?), Kantchoou (?), Ningan (?), Kicutchang (?), Yatcheou (?), Tchucheou (?), Karakish (?), Karia (?), Kheimlig (?), Peim (?), Jemlah (?), Conthooudsong (?), Chaupaton (?), Cocosai (?), Itcha (?), Ike (?), Out (?), Tchanki (?), Van (?), Koeitcheou (?), Fang (?), Hantchong (Hanzhong), Singan (Xi'an), Oei (?), Li (?), Lingtao (?), Pangloso (?), Mitchi (?), Tchingtou (?), Longgan (?), Chansang (?), Hangtcheou (Hangzhou), Nanking (Nanjing), Kaitcheou (?), Koung (?), Nanyang, Kouett (?), Honan (Province of Henan), Ytcheou (?), Tchintcheou (?), Tongchang (?), Pinyang (Linfen), Taiyuen (Taiyuan), Tiensing (Tianjin), Peking (Beijing), Taitcheou, Korga (Khorgas), Cashgar, Manas, Tarfan (Turpan), Aktas (?), Hotocossa (?), Soroto (?), Chatcheou (?), Ouerlo (?), Chaomamg (?), Pilotau (?), Zouroukaitou (?), Tchahan (?), Charot (?), Zhehol (Chengde), Kaltagher (?), Maomingan (?), Saghalien Oula Hotun (?), Merguen-hotun (?), Tsitchicar (?), Tchalei (Tchalei), Petoune (?), Sarhou (?), Nimgoula (?), Kirmoula (?), Chinyang (Shenyang), and Kaitcheou (?). Jordan: Akaba (Aqaba) and Amman. Kuwait: Grane (Kuwait City). United Arab Emitares: Kalba (?) and Mascalet. Iran: Shiraz, Busheer (Bushehr), Ruins of Persepolis, Lar, Mastih (?), Gombroon (Bandar Abbas), Minau (?), Killeck (?), Tabriz, Hamadan, Nehavrend (Nahavand), Basano (?), Mesghed (?), Esterabad (Gorgan), Sabsivar (Sabzevar), Foocheng, Tahiran, Amol, Koum, Ardistan, Samadji, Salan, Asopas, Istakar, and Ispahan. Pakistan: Penjpour (?), Dizek (?), Siveh (?), Ermajil (?), Haur (?), Arbis (?), Kandabil (Jhal Magsi), Kosdi (?), Tatta (Thatta), Bakar (?), Behawelpoor (Bahawalpur), Vaehend (?), Pusheng (?), Maroo (?), Moultan (Multan), Attock, and Lahore. Nepal: Khatmandu (Kathmandu), Goarkha (?), and Jemlah (Supposedly in Western Nepal). Bangladesh: Dacca (Dhaka) and Islamabad (Chittagong). Taiwan: Taiwan (Tainan) and Qudon (?). Turkey: Brusa (Bursa), Adramytta (Edremit), Smyrna (İzmir), Scala nova (Kuşadası), Marmorice (Marmaris), Angora (Ankara), Medan (?), Bostan (?), Konieh (Konya), Sconderoon (İskenderun), Diarbekir (Diyarbakır), Constantinople (Istanbul), Ismit (İzmit), Erekli (Karadeniz Ereğli), Sinope (Sinop), Louri (?), Trebizonde (Trabzon), Syria: Aleppo, Hems (Homs), Damascus, and Leja (Region of Lajat). Israel: Acra (Acre) and Jerusalem. Iraq: Mosul, Tekrat (Tikrit), Bagdad (Baghdad), Babylon, and Bassora (Basra). Turkmenistan: Ashor (?) and Amul (Türkmenabat). Afghanistan: Zarang (Zaranj), Herat, Candahar (Kandahar), Caubul (Kabul), and Balk (Balkh). Tajikistan: Badakshan (Region in both Afghanistan and Tajikistan), Kollan (?), and Cogend (Khujand). Uzbekistan: Bokhara (Bukhara), Koptchok (?), Khieva (Khiva), Tashkund (Tashkent), Andegan (Andijan), and Kaynk (?). South Korea: Kingkitao (Seoul?), Sanpou (?), and Coufou (?). Japan: Nagasaki, Kokura, Jeddo (Tokyo), Gisma (?), Shanday (?), Matsmay (Matsumae), and Sangar (Tsugaru). Russia: Azov, Atchuey (?), Askary (?), Archangel (Arkhangelsk), Stavropole (?), Taritzin (?), Astrachan (Astrakhan), Stavrople (Stavropol), Alandrovsk (?), Derbent, Marninski (?), Iskarski (?), Nervoski (?), Alimya (?), Virkhotouriye (Verkhoturye), Alapayov (Alapayevsk), Ecatterinburg (Yekaterinburg), Birsk, Oufa (Ufa), Sterlitomansk (Sterlitamak), Orenburg, Obdorsk (Salekhard), Pittarski (?), Voikoski (?), Beresov (?), Kodinskoi (?), Trouskoe (?), Repatovskoe (?), Tobolsk, Tiume (Tyumen), Issim (Ishim), Kourgan (Kurgan), Troitsk, Tyniskaya (?), Surgutoi (Surgut), Pirtchina (?), Tara, Omsk, Caynsk (?), Soumy (?), Sdorovskoie (?), Khatanskoie (?), Narym, Tomsk, Kholhyvan (?), Barnaule (Barnaul), Camen (Kamen-na-Obi), Biysk, Belochan (?), Avamska (?), Chorikha (?), Tchoumskaya (?), Inbatskoe (?), Yenisei (Yeniseysk), Krosnoyorsk (Krasnoyarsk), Oudinsk (?), Sayansk, Khotanskoie (?), Iurieva (?), Tchadobska (?), Covinska (?), Bineicava (?), Ykarova (?), Kirensk, Bourskikli (?), Irkoutsk (Irkutsk), Bargousin (Barguzin), Upr. Oudinsk (Ulan-Ude), Selenginsk (Novoselenginsk), Olensk (Ust-Olenyok), Dolganova (?), Colican (?), Corolcoya (?), Nuiskoi (?), Peghina (?), Vitunskaya (?), Koularska (?), Nertchinsk (Nerchinsk), Gighansk (Zhigansk), Yakoutsk (Yakutsk), Olekminsk (Olyokminsk), Yasca (?), Outaoussanmoudan (?), Ust Yansk (Ust-Yansk), Verkhotanskoi (Verkhoyansk), Aldan, Ust Mayo (?), Uda (Uda River), Kalar (?), Toun (?), Tondon Cajan (?), Novo (?), Pijm (?), Tchoulgue (?), Fourda (?), Zachiversk (?), Irbas (?), Yschoudskoi (?), Ochotsk (Okhotsk), Covimskoi (?), Upr. Covimskoi (?), Igighinsk (?), Zamskoi (?), Gavenki (?), Kortchina (?), Kamtschatka (Ust-Kamchatsk), Kiskina (?), Bolcherdsk (Ust-Bolsheretsk), Upper Kamtschatka (?), and Awatska B. or Port S. Peter & S. Paul (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky). Georgia: Kopi (?), Poti, and Teflis (Tbilisi). Azerbaijan: Backou (Baku). Kazakhstan: Ouralsk (Oral), Koletinor (?), Lokman (?), Turkistan, Tankat (?), Lebiagei (?), and Semipalatine (Semey). Mongolia: Karakum/Holin (Kharkhorin), Pombatu (?), Tchagan (?), and Parahotun (?). North Korea: Tchang tcham (?), Peitching (?), and Sichoui (?).
Asia (1854)
This is an engraved map of Asia from 1854 published by Oliver & Boyd in Edinburgh, Scotland. Countries appearing on the map:
  • Indonesia,
  • Sri Lanka,
  • Malaysia,
  • Thailand,
  • Brunei,
  • Philippines,
  • Yemen,
  • Oman,
  • India,
  • Myanmar,
  • Cambodia,
  • Vietnam,
  • Laos,
  • Egypt,
  • Saudi Arabia,
  • United Arab Emirates,
  • Iran,
  • Pakistan,
  • Nepal,
  • Bhutan,
  • China,
  • Turkey,
  • Syria,
  • Israel,
  • Iraq,
  • Uzbekistan,
  • Afghanistan,
  • Tajikistan,
  • Russia,
  • Georgia,
  • Azerbaijan,
  • Armenia,
  • Turkmenistan,
  • Kazakhstan,
  • Mongolia.
Cities appearing on the map:
  • Indonesia: Island of Sumatra: Palembang, Bencoolen (Bengkulu), and Acheen (Aceh).
  • Island of Java: Bantam (Banten), Batavia (Jakarta), Samarang (Semarang), and Sourabay (Surabaya).
  • Borneo: Pontianak and Sucadana (Sukadana).
  • Celebes (Sulawesi): Mavassar (Makassar).
  • Ceylon (Sri Lanka): Candy (Kandy).
  • Malaysia: Queda (Kedah State) and Malacca (Malacca City).
  • Thailand: Ligor (Nakhon Si Thammarat), Siam (Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya), Bankok (Bangkok), and Ogmo (?).
  • Brunei: Borneo (Brunei).
  • Philippines: Mindanao (Mindanao Island) and Manilla (Manila).
  • Yemen: Mareb (Ma'rib), Sana (Sana'a), Mocha, Aden, and Doan (?)
  • Oman: Dafar (Dhofar Governorate), Rostak (Al-Rustaq), and Muscat.
  • India: Tanjore (Thanjavur), Cochin (Kochi), Madras (Chennai), Seringapatam (Srirangapatna), Goa (Old Goa), Poonah (Pune), Hydrabad (Hyderabad), Bombay (Mumbai), Masulipatam (Machilipatnam), Delhi, Agra, Gwalior, Ajmere (Ajmer), Cambay (Khambhat), Nagpour (Nagpur), Surat, Allahabad, Dacca (?), Patna, Ruttunpour (?), Calcutta (Kolkata), Moorshedabad (Murshidabad), Rutujpour, Munnypour (Manipur princely state in India), Serinagur (Srinagar), Ladak (Ladakh region in India), and Cashmere (Kashmir region in India).
  • Myanmar: Prome (Pyay), Pegu (Bago), Rangoon (Yangon), Martaban (Mottama), Tavoy (Dawei), Mergui (Myeik), Tenasserim (Tanintharyi), Aracan (Arakan State in Myanmar), Ummerapoora (Amarapura), and Ava (Inwa).
  • Cambodia: Cambodia (?).
  • Vietnam: Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City), Feneri (?), Turon (Da Nang), Huefo (Huế), and Kesho (Hanoi).
  • Laos: Lanchang (In region of ancient Lan Xang Kingdom).
  • Egypt: Tor (El-Tor).
  • Saudi Arabia: Medina, Jidda (Jeddah), Mecca, and Lahsa (Al-Hasa).
  • United Arab Emirates: Seer (Al Seer).
  • Iran: Shiraz, Rushire (Bushehr), Lar, Gombroon (Bandar Abbas), Tabriz, Resht (Rasht), Casbin (Qazvin), Shuster (Shushtar), Astrabad (Gorgan), Mushed (Mashhad), Sarae (Sari), Teheran (Tehran), Koom (Qom), Ispahan (Isfahan), Yezd (Yazd), and Kerman.
  • Pakistan: Teez (?), Kelat (Kalat), Tatta (Thatta), Bukkur, and Lahore.
  • Nepal: Catmandoo (Kathmandu).
  • Bhutan: Tassisudon (Palace of the Druk Desi).
  • China: Yunnan (Kunming), Koeiyang (Guiyang), Queiling (?), Canton (Guangzhou), Hong-Kong (Hong Kong), Amoy (Xiamen), Footchoo (Fuzhou), Shekerdon (?), Karia (?), Kotun (?), Lassa (Lhasa), Chingtoo (Chengdu), Singan (Xi'an), Lantchoo (Lanzhou), Ningpo (Ningbo), Nankin (Nanjing), Vootchang (The district of Wuchang in Wuhan, China), Kaifong (Kaifeng), Tsinan (Jinan), Taiyuen (Taiyuan), Cashgar (Kashgar), Yarkand (Yarkant), Turfan (Turpan), Hami or Chamil (Hami City), Pekin (Beijing), Chin-yang (Shenyang), Ningoota (?), Kirin Oula (Jilin), Petoune (Songyuan), Tsitchicar (Qiqihar), Merguen (?), and Sagalien (Now Aigun, a district in the city of Heihe, China).
  • Taiwan: Tywann (Tainan).
  • Turkey: Smyrna (İzmir) and Makry (Fethiye).
  • Syria: Aleppo and Damascus.
  • Israel: Acre and Jerusalem.
  • Iraq: Mosul and Bagdad (Baghdad).
  • Uzbekistan: Bokhara (Bukhara), Samarcand (Samarkand), Termed (Termez), and Khiva.
  • Afghanistan: Balkh, Ghoor (Ghor province in Afghanistan), Cabul (Kabul), Candahar (Kandahar), Herat, and Dooshak (?).
  • Tajikistan: Kotlan (Khatlon Region of Tajikistan), Badakshan (Badakhshan Regions in both Tajikistan and Afghanistan), and Khojand (Khujand).
  • South Korea: Kingkitao (?).
  • Japan: Nangasaki (Nagasaki), Miaco (Kyoto), Jeddo (Tokyo), and Matsmai (Matsumae).
  • Russia: Azof (Azov), Astracan (Astrakhan), Derbend (Derbent), Oufa (Ufa), Orenburg, Tobolsk, Ekaterinburg (Yekaterinburg), Omsk, Tomsk, Kolivan (Kolyvan), Yeniseisk (Yeniseysk), Krasnoiarsk (Krasnoyarsk), Irkutsk, Kiachta (Kyakhta), Kirensk, Nertchinsk, Ochotsk (Okhotsk), Yakutsk, and Olensk (Ust-Olenyok).
  • Georgia: Tiflis (Tbilisi).
  • Azerbaijan: Baku.
  • Armenia: Erivan (Yerevan).
  • Turkmenistan: Urghenzo (Konye-Urgench).
  • Kazakhstan: Taraz or Turkestan (Taraz).
  • Mongolia: Ourga (Ulaanbaatar), Kara-korum (Karakorum), and Maimatchin (Altanbulag).
Asia Minor (1851)
This is a steel engraved map of Asia Minor in 1851. It shows Cities, Towns, Rivers, Mountains, Lakes, and other features. John Tallis (1817–1876) was an English cartographic publisher. His company, John Tallis and Company, was in business in London from 1838 to 1851. Countries Shown on the map: Turkey, Greece, Cyprus, and Syria. Cities appearing on the map: Greece: Island of Scarpanto (Karpathos): Scarpanto (?), Avdemo (?), and Pt. Grado (?). Island of Rhodes: Kalavyah (Kattavia), M. Oros (?), Pyrgos (?), Lakanyah (Lachania), Lanathey (?), Polakah (Apolakkia), Skyanna (Siana), Phanes, Lindo (Lindos), Archangelo (Archangelos), Kalathease (Kalithies), and Rhodes. Island of Samos: Samos, Leka, and Courtotes (?). Island of Nicaria: Evthelo (Evdilos?). Island of Mytilene (Lesbos): Sigri, Liman (?), Arghena (?), Mytilene, and Scopelo (Skopelos). Island of Scio (Chios): Valisso (Volissos), Lethe (Lithi), and Kalamoti (Kalamoti). Cyprus: Stroumbi (Stroumpi), Baffa (Paphos), Carbouthi (?), Avdinio (Avdimou), Limesol (Limassol), Old Limesol (?), Pendasimo (?), Cormachitti (Kormakitis), Lapitho (Lapithos), Nicosia, Larnica (Larnaca), Cerina (?), Famagosta (Famagusta), Zdatilo (?), Amendra (?), Costro (?), and Haidar (?). Syria: Baneas (Baniyas), Jebili (Jableh), Ladikiyeh (Latakia), Serakheb (Saraqib), Emghir (?), Suriyeh (?), Herakleh (?), Rakkah (Al-Raqqah), Haji Wali (?), Toyhuk (?), Jinder Aba (?), Ak Deyavin (?), Tadef (Tedef), Meheritei (?), Hoilan (?), Aleppo, Carurabad (?), Safireh (As-Safira), and Sajur (?). Turkey: Davabourno (?), Vasilca (?), Boodroom (Bodrum), Melasso (Milas), Labrando (Labraunda), Heraclea (Herakleia), Demerjj Dere (?), Patinotiko (?), Samsoun (?), Scala Nuova (Kuşadası), Aiasaluck (Selçuk), Aidin Ghieuzel Hissar (Aydın), Claros, Cassab (Kasaba), Andiphilo (?), Suaret (?), Fornas (?), Patara, Yaloogie (?), Koonik (Kınık), Deuvar (?), Kousk (?), Ayvasil (?), Orahn (?), Makri (Fethiye), Oorloojah (?), Katra (?), Dollomon (Dalaman), Caunus (Kaunos), Keuygeeze (Köyceğiz), Olouboonar (?), Cagiolasolhucooe (?), Marmaras (Marmaris), Port Giova (Gökova), Moulinda (?), Almalee (Elmalı), Lekena (?), Yenibazar (Yenipazar), Chifteh Cafe (?), Nazeli (Nazilli), Arepas (?), Kuyuia (Kuyucak), Arrahchiflee (?), Kardsu (?), Yeerah (?), Cafe (?), Saraikieui (Sarayköy), Eski Hissar (?), Denizli, Yoomrhudas (?), Hoomarhoosarry (?), Pombuk Kaleli (Pamukkale), Chonas (?), Kaldele (?), Chardak (Çardak), Myra, Phineka (Finike), Artrasarny (Adrasan), Deliktash (?), Arycanda, Tekrova (Tekirova), Hameau (?), Adalia (Antalya), Laara (Now the District of Lara in Antalya), Bigikli (Bıyıklı), Stanisaw (?), Kara Punarkieui (?), Tshaltigshi (?), Allahsun (Ağlasun), Buldur (Burdur), Yazekieui (?), Isbarta (Isparta), Ketzi Borlou (Keçiborlu), Egerdir (Eğirdir), Kereli (Kireli), Bei Shehr (Beyşehir), Ptolemais (?), Alaya (Alanya), Silinty (?), Karadran (?), Chelindreh (Aydıncık), Selevke (Silifke), Mout (Mut), Ermenek, Sinana (?), Maiane (?), Karaman, Kizil Chesmeh (?), Ulisera (?), Cassaba (?), Chorla (?), Ak Chesha (Akçaşehir), Har Khan (?), Karabounar (Karapinar), Well (?), Well (?), Ismil (İsmil), Well (?), Elmasun (Güneysınır?), Katabothra (?), Isaura (Isauria), Kirogakieui (?), Koniyeh (Konya), Zillieh (?), Boghaz Kieui (?), Kara Bourja (?), Tris Maden (?), Kara Euran (Ortakaraören), Seidi Shehr (Seydişehir), Aufschar (?), Alan Buzuk (?), Eregli (Ereğli), Har Khan (?), Kayan (?), Bor, Nigdeh (Niğde), Kiz Hissar (?), Kolu Kushla (?), Ruined Khan (?), Guard Ho. (?), Barracks (?), Guard Ho. (?), Golek (Gülek), Mezarluk (?), Khan Vil (?), Vil (?), Adana, Ojivahli (?), Jakliguba (?), Sis, Yedezliy Kieui (?), Karasis (?), Pershendy (?), Lamas Vil. (?), Mezetli (Mezitli), Kara Hissar (?), Marsyn (Mersin), Koradouvar (?), Tarsus, Karadash Khan (Karataş), Misis (Mopsuestia), Kara Kapu (?), Ayas (Yumurtalık), Suadeiah (Samandağ), Kokson (Göksun), Belahlan (?), Marash (Kahramanmaraş), Dunkalat (?), Tartahli Koi (?), Kars (?), Urzin (?), Burnazsu (?), Yuzler (?), Boyas (?), Iskenderoon (İskenderun), Bogras (?), Sanamibli (?), Aliji (?), Aintab (Gaziantep), Arje (?), Port William (?), Eleisha (?), Andakia (Antakya), Diyar-Bekr (Diyarbakır), Severek (Siverek), Gergen Kaleh si (?), Hadro (?), Tornedah (?), Khantarah (?), Laro weran (?), Hoshun (?), Nahrlaga (?), Kerkunah (?), Oghegird (?), Somisat (?), Urfah (Şanlıurfa), Zibbili (?), Tel Jaffer (?), Tel Attchan (?), Harran, Kulleyuk (?), Arslan Tagh (?), Saruj (Suruç), Bireh jik (Birecik), Charmeli (?), Ruins (?), Adiyaman (Adıyaman), Pelvereh (Perre), Bur Konak (Börkenek), Besni, Haidli Bazar (?), Narsis (?), Zeklery Boser (?), New Troy (?), Old Troy (Troy), Alexandria (Alexandria Troas), Gura (Güre), Ichivna (?), Adraniytti (?), Sarkieup (?), Kareinkieui (Kareinkieui), Alvali (Ayvalık), Ayasmat (?), Kabakum, Pergamo (Bergama), Dekili Kieui (Dikili), Menimen (Menemen), Fouges (Phocaea), Smyrna, Vourla (Urla), Sahio (?), Murdovan (Mordoğan), Ritri (?), Latzaka (?), Soghajik (Seferihisar), Tourbali (Torbalı), Tyria (Tire), Bainder (Bayındır), Trianda (?), Ninfi (?), Cassaba (Turgutlu), Manisa, Ak Hissar (Akhisar), Kirkagatch (Kırkağaç), Bash Gelemba (?), Balikesri (Balıkesir), Umerkul (?), Meulver Kieui (?), Tash Kapou (Taşköprü), Kirmasli (?), Hdiz (?), Kefseut (?), Chiflik (?), Ahadj Hissar (?), Balat (?), Yeniji-kieui (?), Bogaditza (?), Singerli (?), Munyik (?), Ak Dagh (?), Assanler (Hasanlar), Kierkji (?), Selendi, Tefen (?), Kieui (?), Koula (Kula), Adala (?), Bin Tepeh (Bin Tepe), Sart (Sardis), Allah Sheher (Alaşehir), Aineh Ghieul (?), Sirghe (?), Aktash (?), Gueleri Kieui (?), Geuneh (Güney), Kelles (?), Debrent (?), Alamsalam (?), Bulladan (Buldan), Chindery (Cindere), Demirji-kieui (?), Seve-kieui (?), Yaessi-kieui (?), Alfachar (?), Ishekti (Çivril), Suleimanli (?), Canchas (?), Segicler (Selçikler), Sousous-kieui (Sousous), Yenisher Selendi (Yenişehir), Ushak (Uşak), Kieurkji (?), Gunenkieui (?), Yeni-kieui (Yenikent), Ghiediz (Gediz), Yeni-kieui (Gediz), Tchavdour (?), Chaji kieui (?), Gozuljah (?), Kargitash (?), Tauschanli (Tavşanlı), Mohimoul (?), Aineghuil (İnegöl), Turbeh (?), In Oghi (?), Eski Shehr (Eskişehir), Sarilar (Sarılar), Meulk (Mülkköy), Sevri Hissar (Sivrihisar), Sidi Ghazi (Seyitgazi), Kutahiyah (Kütahya), Taular (?), Altun Tash (Altıntaş), Morad Dagh (?), Usman(?), Alfiom Kara Hissar (Afyonkarahisar), Eski Kara Hissar (İscehisar?), Bolawadim (Bolvadin), Tshaktelu (?), Heraan Kaleh (?), Beiad (?), Geumek kieui (?), Hamza Hadji (?), Tchander (?), Germa, Bala Hissar (?), Barduklu (Bardakcı), Kara (?), Aslan (?), Sevin kieui (?), Saoran (?), Sandukli (Sandıklı), Deenair (Dinar), Olou Borlou (Uluborlu), Borlou (?), Yalobatch (Yalvaç?), Yeukler (?), Fn. of Midas (?), Arischar (?), Ak Hissar (?), Kani Aghatch (?), Ak Shehr (Akşehir), Arkut Khana (?), Pichankieui (?), Sarullas (?), Angora (Ankara), Yaila (?), Karghahli (Kargalı), Alif Ru (?), Kam Gedik (?), Juluk (?), Ingehsu (?), Hasan Oghlu (Hasanoğlan), Akserai (?), Sangor (?), Denek Madden (?), Banam (?), Karajiler (Karakeçili), Tol (?), Kurkli (Kırıklı), Kapa-keui (Köprüköy), Achmed (?), Sogher (?), Tash Kasman (Kaman), Kulu Kieui (Kulu), Arghun Kieui (?), Chukur Agha (?), Ilghun (Ilgın), Bedel Kaleb (?), Kadun Khaha (Kadınhanı), Ladik, Dedeler, Tuzla (?), Inya (?), In Avi (?), Iskil (Eskil), Sultan Khan (Sultanhanı), Adjem (?), Mousa Kouyou-su (?), Kodj Hissar (Şereflikoçhisar), Boghaz Kieui (Boğazköy), Sarai (?), Boghaz Kieui (Boğazkale), Nefezkieui (?), Yeuzgatt (Yozgat), Ingurly (?), Batal (?), Kislan (?), Kir Shehr (Kırşehir), Mujur (Mucur), Booslyan (Boğazlıyan), Aflok (?), Kurakum (?), Haji Kektash (Hacıbektaş), Yara-pason (?), Sari Karaman (Sarıkaraman), Taitor (?), Nenib Shehr (Nevşehir), Malagob (?), Ak Serai (Aksaray), Koyali (?), Helvar Dere (Helvadere), Sevri Hissar (Sivrihisar), Misli (?), Kara hissar (?), Ruined Khan (?), Develi, Injesu (İncesu), Kaisariyeh (Kayseri), Gomotch (?), Sultan Khan (?), Kalat Masman (?), Pallas (Palas), Sari Oghlan (Sarıoğlan), Gelermek (Gemerek), Arslan Toghmish (Arslandoğmuş), Zora (Zara), Yenijeh (Çimenyenice), Keimez (Dışkapı), Sivas, Aladja Khan (?), Kangol (Kangal), Derendah (Darende), Tanil (?), Manjutik (?), Gurum (Gürün), Karasaki (?), Chaherlasle (?), Tunuz (?), Abasilli (?), Setrek (?), Yenijah (?), Bostan (?), Sooey isury (?), Kara Kulak (?), Erzingan (Erzincan), Kemakh (Kemah), Hernemeh (?), Muselimo House (?), Devriki (?), Enden (?), Gemi Koi (?), Hoshmat (?), Palu, Egin (Kemaliye), Kharput (Elazığ), Kebban Maden (Keban), Arab-gir (Arapgir), Hakim Khan (Hekimhan), Tilkeh (?), Hogasur (Flooded by the creation of Lake Keban in 1974), Kizin (Gezin), Arghana Maden (Maden), Sardar Khan (?), Mezirah (?), Keumaur Khan (Kömürhan Bridge?), Fez Oglu (?), Gozeneh (Gözene), Sarghi (Sürgü), Malatia (Malatya), Arka (Akçadağ), Hassan Bedrik (?), Biga, Kazakti (?), Aidinjik (?), Erdek, Port Paillo (?), Ganos (Gaziköy), Kavatch (Kavakköy), Dunatika (?), Kamares (Kemer), Lampsacus (Lapseki), Burgas (?), Kippis Bouroun (Kepez), Abydos, Cas. of Europe (?), Bovalli Kallesci (?), Gallipoli, Enos (Enez), Agweh (Ağva), Mesjid Keui (?), Chileh (?), Ft. Kilios (?), Castles of Europe & Asian (Rumelihisarı and Anadoluhisarı), Pera (Now the district of Beyoğlu in Istanbul), Constantinople (Istanbul), Kntchuk Tchekmedje (Now the district of Küçükçekmece in Istanbul), Buyuk Tchekniedje (Now the district of Büyükçekmece in Istanbul), Silivri, Scutari (Now the district of Üsküdar in Istanbul), Fener Bagtche (Now the neighborhood of Fenerbahçe in Istanbul), Tuzla Kieui (Tuzla), Jarimdji (?), Izmid (İzmit), Dagirmon (?), Karamusal (Karamürsel), Ersek (Hersek), Bazarkiui (?), Iznik (İznik), Brusa (Bursa), Tartali (Tahtalı), Moudaniah (Mudanya), Yeniji Kieui (Yenikaraağaç), Ulubad (Uluabat), Karaoglankieu (Karaoğlan), Deblekieui (?), Zunguldaik (Zonguldak), Kara Bunar (Karapınar), Eregli (Karadeniz Ereğli), Pershembah (?), Shaurak (?), Alabli (Alaplı), Ak Kaya Kieui (Akkaya), Bayani (?), Akehah Shehr (?), Uskub (?), Duzchah (Düzce), Boli (Bolu), Tchagi (?), Milankaui (Melenağızı), Darikeui (Darıçayırı), Scheraf (?), Kerken Adasi (Kefken), Bahna (?), Ada Bazar (?), Khandak (?), Yarbasan (?), Armascha (?), Sabaniah (Sapanca), Kiwa (?), Terekli (Taraklı), Lefke (Osmaneli), Shughut (?), Kestabet (?), Nali Khan (Nallıhan), Kotchuk Kieui (?), Kalaijik (Kalecik), Akja Tash (?), Yayli (?), Akgharan (?), Kankiri (Çankırı), Olajik (?), Karaja Wiran (?), Tunai (?), Mironos (?), Arandi (?), Jighes (?), Eukban Aghiran (?), Jigher (?), Sahlun (?), Tcherkes (Çerkeş), Istanos (?), Kerede (Gerede), Hamanli (Hamamlı), Kastamuni (Kastamonu), Daurikan (?), Bakir Kureh si (Küre?), Chergora (?), Osmanziki (?), Bedil, Ayyanof Chilam (?), Araba Chila (?), Kara Binar (?), Zafaran Boli (Safranbolu), Naghzar (?), Dursanli (?), Ormah (?), Makin (?), Aramlah (?), Charmanli kieui (?), Filiyas (Filyos), Kizil Elmah (Kızılelma), Bartan (Bartın), Murad Bey (Muratbey), Amasserah (Amasra), Delikli Chileh (?), Kidros (?), Chideh (Cide), Uln Kereme (?), Fakoz (?), Meset (?), Kar Yani (?), Zarpana (Özlüce?), Ineboli (İnebolu), Ereni (?), Amasia (Amasya), Cauvsa (Havza?), Vizir Keuprr (Vezirköprü), Hadji Kieui (?), Aurhat Kieui (?), Khojanlik (?), Alajah (Alaca), Euyuk (Alaca Höyük), Tekiyeh Hatap (Çayhatap), Tchorum (Çorum), Mujteli (?), Osmanjik (Osmancık), Soungourli (Sungurlu), Chayan Kieui (?), Bayad (Bayat), Kurshal (?), Chai Kiui (?), Iskelib (İskilip), Tosia (Tosya), Korghi (Kargı), Durgan (?), Yuruk Yaylisi (?), Tash Kupri (Taşköprü), Iwalli (?), Arana (Abana), Stefanos (?), Kaza Kildi (Kazakyalisi?), Kaniza Kieui (?), Mehmet Bey (?), Boiavad (Boyabat), Amsoros (Amsoros Point?), Sinope (Sinop), Chobanlar (?), Gherseh (Gerze), Kousoufetova (?), Alatcham (Alaçam), Bafra, Douraan (Durağan), Chua (?), Cheltik (Çeltek), Omanagh Agbatsh (?), Isberde (?), Mellen (Mesudiye?), Isskassar (?), Bashichiflik (Başçiftlik), Ordu, Fatsa, Niksar, Denekse (?), Kuchuk Kouera (?), Herek (?), Kizil Chiflik (?), Gumenek Keupri (?), Tocat (Tokat), Boghaz Hissan Kaleh (?), Eamich (?), Thermeh (Terme), Tumulus (?), Korevli (?), Zilleh (Zile), Tourkhal (Turhal), Ladik, Charshambah (Çarşamba), Samsun, Kuru Balur (?), Koumjaas (?), Baibut (Bayburt), Balahor (?), Kerkit Chiftlik (?), Uleh Sheivan (?), Kara Hissar (Şebinkarahisar?), Kulei Hissar (?), Gumishkhana (Gümüşhane), Kerasun (Giresun), Tireboli (Tirebolu), Trebisonde (Trabzon), Givislik (?), Karakaban (Karakaban Dagi), Yanboli (?), and Kulensah (?).
Asie Ancienne (1812)
Single page historical copper engraved ap of the ancient Asian Continent. The map also covers Turkey, Israel, Lebanon, Italy, Croatia, Albania, Russia, Ukraine, Crimean Peninsula, Greece, Cyprus, Arabian Peninsula, Egypt, and the Eastern Coast of African Continent. The map shows several geographic details on cities, towns, rivers, mountains, and islands. The map features a vignette of a monument incorporating the title. Cities that appear on the map include: Malao (Berbera), Somalia, Adulis, Eritrea, Berenice Troglodytica, Syene (Aswan), Nechesia, Thebae (Thebes), Myos Hormos, Memphis, and Heroapolis, Egypt, Hyerosolyma (Jerusalem), Israel, Damascus, Syria, Tyrus (Tyre), Lebanon, Amathus, Cyprus, Aelana (Aqaba), Jordan, Modiana, Rhaunathi, Iambia, Arga, Macoraba, Thebae, Gerra (Gerrha), and Uumala, Saudi Arabia, Musa, Cane (Al Mukalla), and Sabbata, Yemen, Ausara, Oman, Babylon, Iraq, Susa, Ecbatana, Rages (Rey), Aspadana (Isfahan), Persepolis, Taoce, Carmana (Kerman), Paragarda, Gagana, Iran, Ozene, Barygaza (Bharuch), Heptanesium (Bombay or Mumbai), Harmagera, Nitria, Tyndis (Kadalundi), Muziris, Barace (Purakkad), Plitana, Tagara, Modura, Calinga, Gangesegia, and Palibothra (Pataliputra), India, Thinae, Thailand, Lahoru (Lahore), Aornus (Aornos), and Taxila, Pakistan, Maracanda (Samarkand), Uzbekistan, Bactra (Balkh), and Prophthasia (Alexandria Prophthasia), Afghanistan, Phasis (Poti), Georgia, Melitene (Malatya), Antiochia (Antioch), Iconium (Konya), Gangra (Çankırı), Byzantium (Istanbul), Mazaca (Kayseri), Sardes (Sardis), and Uins, Turkey Also the unknown cities of Tadmora, Dirithotis, Pella, Tadmora, Tisa, Malana, Pattalene, Gagasmira, Issedon Scythica, Maliana, Sogdae, Arachotus, Ladissa, Trapesus, and Artucona Source publication: Atlas Complet Du Precis De la Geographie Universelle De M. Malte Brun dressee par M. Lapie Capitaine Ingenieur Geographie Pierre M. Lapie (1779-1850) and his son Alexandre Emile Lapie (1809-1850) were French cartographers and engravers active in the early part of the 19th Century. The Lapies were commissioned officers in the French army holding the ranks of Colonel and Caipitan, respectively. Alexander enjoyed the title of "First Geographer to the King", and this title appears on several of his atlases. Both father and son were exceptional engraversand fastidious cartographers. Working separately and jointly they published four important atlases, an 1811 Atlas of the French Empire (Alexander), the 1812 Atlas Classique et Universel (Pierre), the Atlas Universel de Geographie Ancienne et Modern (joint issue), and the 1848 Atlas Militaire (Alexander). They also issued many smaller maps and independent issues. All of these are products of exceptional beauty and detail. Conrad Malte-Brun (1755-1826) was an important late 18th and early 19th Century Danish/French cartographer and revolutionary. Conrad was born in Thisted, Denmark. His parents encouraged him to a career in the Church, but he instead enrolled in the University of Copenhagen. In the liberal hall of academia Conrad became an ardent supporter of the French Revolution and the ideals of a free press. Despite the harsh censorship laws of crown prince Frederick VI, Malte-Brun published numerous pamphlets criticizing the Danish government. He was finally charged with defying censorship laws in 1799 and forced to flee to Sweden and ultimately France. Along with colleague Edme Mentelle, Malte-Brun published his first cartographic work, the Geographie mathematique, physique et politique de toutes les parties du monde (6 volumes published between 1803 and 1807). Conrad went on to found Les Annales des Voyages (in 1807) and Les Annales des Voyages, de la Geographie et de l'Histoire (in 1819). He also founded the Paris Societe de Geographie. In time, Conrad became known as one of the finest French cartographers of his time.
Baetica sive Hispania Pars Australis ut in Caesare descripta de Bello Hispanico (1739)
This is a copper engraved historic map showing the Southern tip of Spain, Portugal, and Gibraltar as well as the Northern tip of Morocco. The map is filled with a lot of geographic details concerning place names in Latin. The title is inside a simple cartouche. The source publication is: Geographia antique, Latinorum et Graecorum, tabulis XXXII novis & accuratis expressa, translated: Thirty-two new and accurate maps of the geography of the ancients, as contained in the Greek and Latin Classics. It was printed and sold in 1739 in London by Thomas Bowles. Herman Moll was a Dutchman bookseller, geographer and engraver. Around 1678 he moved to London where for a while he continued as an engraver. Later, he started his own businesses a map publisher and by the turn of the century had become the most prominent map publisher in the country. He published atlases and loose maps of all parts of the world many of which were highly decorative. In 1724 he published his 'New Description of England and Wales', an atlas of the English and Welsh Counties. He had many interesting friends including Daniel Defoe, Jonathan Swift (for whom he provided maps for Robinson Crusoe and Gulliver's Travels), explorers William Damier and Woodes Rogers, and the scientist Robert Hooke. Cities, towns, and rivers shown on the map are Castulo (Destroyed in 1227), Baetis F. (Guadalquivir River), Castra Posthumy, Ategua (Fortified city at the time of Caesar), Ulla, Salsum F., Corduba (Córdoba), Sorita, Ucubis, Aspaula, Singulus F., Astigi (Écija), Crematur a Caesare, Urso, Malaca (Málaga), Italica (Roman City that Dwindled in the 3rd Century), Lenius F., Cilicensis F., Carmona, Obeulo, Hispalis (Sevilla), Carruca, Mare Internum (Mediterranean Sea), Munda, Asta, Carteia (Roman town that declined in the 9th Century), Fredum Gaditanum, Gades (Cádiz), Lusitania (Portugal and parts of Spain), and Hispania Ulterior (Southern Spain).
Belgium (1851)
This is a steel engraved map of Belgium published in the atlas, Illustrated Atlas, by J. & F. Tallis in London in 1851. Besides the colored map of Belgium are three vignettes and the Belgian Coat of arms, all designed by J. Marchant and J. B. Allen. Provinces of Belgium Shown on the map: West Flanders, East Flanders, Hainault, Antwerp, South Brabant (Modern Flemish Brabant, Brussels-Capital Region, and Walloon Brabant), Namur, Limburg, Liege, and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (the Belgian province of Luxembourg and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg). Cities appearing on the map: West Flanders: Adinekerke (Adinkerke), Houthem (Houtem), Oeren, Oostkerke, Nieucap (Nieuwkapelle), Loo (Lo), Furnes (Veurne), S. Catherine (?), Nieuport (Nieuwpoort), Westhende (Westende), Lessinghe (Leffinge), Albertin (?), Ostende (Ostend), Breedene (Bredene), Oudenburg, Jabeke (Jabbeke), Ghistel (Gistel), Sevecot (?), Cromb (?), Codaar (?), Leke, S. Peters, Sohoore, Keyhem (Keiem), Beerst, Dixnmnde (Diksmuide), Rousbrugge (Roesbrugge), Stavele, Haringhe (Haringe), Proven, Poperinghe (Poperinge), Abeele (Abele), St. Joseph (Abele), Merckhem (Merkem), Langemark, Elverdinghe (Elverdinge), S. Jans (Sint-Jan), Ypres, S. Eloy (Sint-Elooi), Reningelot (Reningelst), Wambeke (?), Messines (Mesen), Nieuwekerke (Nieuwkerke), Cnoke (Knokke), Heist, Ramskapelle, W. Kapelle (Westkapelle), Dudzeele (Dudzele), Damme, Moerkerke, Syscele (Sijsele), Assenbroek (Assebroek), Beernem, Bruges, Suivenkerke (Zuienkerke), Houtave, Blankenberg (Blankenberge), Wendune (Wenduine), Vlissegem, Ruysselede (Ruiselede), Thielt (Tielt), Winghene (Wingene), Hille, Pitthem (Pittem), Lichtervelde, Thorout (Torhout), Rudersvoorde (Ruddervoorde), Oostcamp (Oostkamp), S. Michaels (Sint-Michiels), Wynendale (?), Meulebeke, Ingelmunster, Disseghem (Desselgem), Haerlebeke (Harelbeke), Courtray (Kortrijk), Iseghem (Izegem), Roulers (Roeselare), Staeden (Staden), Cortemareq (Kortemark), Hantsaeme (Handzame), Wercken (Werken), Waerghem (Waregem), Oteghem (Otegem), Avelghem (Avelgem), Sweveghem (Zwevegem), Belleghem (Bellegem), S. Antoine (?), Coeyghem (Kooigem), Reckem (Rekkem), Bisseghem (Bissegem), Menin (Menen), Werwick (Wervik), Moorsele, Winkel S. Eloy (Sint-Eloois-Winkel), Tuymelaere (?), Roosebeke (Westrozebeke), and Staedenburg (Stadenberg). East Flanders: Maldeghem (Maldegem), Ursele (Ursel), Waerschoot (Waarschoot), Ecloo (Eeklo), Caprick (Kaprijke), Watervliet, Assenede, Bassevelde, OostEcloo (Oosteeklo), Ertvelde, Bouchoute (Boekhoute), Mendonck (Mendonk), Moerbeke, Overslag (?), Sinay (Sinaai), Stekene, Ft. S. Jean (?), S. Nicolas (Sint-Niklaas), Verrebrack (Verrebroek), Ft. Liefkenshoek, Beveren, Haasdonck (Haasdonk), Somerghem (Zomergem), Vinderhaute (Vinderhoute), Everghem (Evergem), Mariakerke, Ghent, S. Denys (Sint-Denijs-Westrem), Deurle, Bachte (Bachte-Maria-Leerne), Deynse (Deinze), Peteghen (Petegem-aan-de-Leie), Huysse (Huise), Olsenk (Olsene), Loochristy (Lochristi), Lokeren, Overmeere (Overmere), Caeleken (Kalken), Laerne (Laarne), Gontrode (Gontrode), Oosterzeele (Oosterzele), Burst (Burst), Lede, Keersmacher (Keersmaker), Hamme, Zele, Grembergen, Dendermonde, Hofstaede (Hofstade), Alost (Aalst), Welle, Oyeke (Ooike), Oudenarde (Oudenaarde), Sulsique (Zulzeke), Renaix (Ronse), Segelsem (?), S. Maria (Sint-Maria-Horebeke), Nr. Swalm (Zwalm), Brakel, Velsique (Velzeke-Ruddershove), Sotteghem (?), Vryen (Maybe Vrijheld), Grammont (Geraardsbergen), Viane, Kerexken (Kerksken), Denderhauten (Denderhoutem), Ninove, and Smerrebbe (?). Hainault: Warneton (Comines-Warneton), Dottignies, Escanaffe (Escanaffles), Pottes, Celles, Warsoing (Warcoing), Areq (Arc), Vlanine (Velaines), Melle (Melles), Obrigies (Obigies), Pecq, Kain (Kain), Ramegnies (Ramegnies-Chin), Templeuve, Marquain, Tournay (Tournai), Vaulx, Antoing, Hollain, Wadriport (Wattripont), Ainiers (Ainières), Elegnies (Ellignies), Maulde, Lenze (Leuze-en-Hainaut), Ellegnies (Ellignies-Sainte-Anne), Besacles (Basècles), Penwels (Péruwelz), Blaton, Flobecq, Ellezelles, la Hamaide (Lahamaide), Oedenghien (Oeudeghien), Vs. S. Amant (Villers-Saint-Amand), Ath, Tongre (Tongre-Notre-Dame), Auberhies (Aubechies), Beloil (Belœil), Harchies (?), S. Ghislain (Saint-Ghislain), Hensies, Quievrain (Quiévrain), Lessines, Ollegnies (Ollignies), Bassilly, Ghislenghein, Mevregnies (Mévergnies-lez-Lens), Chievres (Chièvres), Lens, Jurbise, R. Rolond (?), Mons, Gemappe (Jemappes), Poturage (Pâturages), Sart (Sars-la-Bruyère), Genly (?), Nouvelle (Nouvelles), Enghien, Thoricourt, Braine le Coamte (Braine-le-Comte), Chaussee (Chaussée-Notre-Dame-Louvignies), Soignies, Thieusies, Havre (Havré), S. Ghislain (Villers-Saint-Ghislain), Bray, Grandreng (Grand-Reng), BellesTetes (?), Naast, Meignault (Mignault), Roeulx (Le Rœulx), le Hestre (?), Rosignies (?), Liberchies, Frasne (Frasnes-lez-Gosselies), Villers (Villers-Perwin), Ligny, Fleurus, Gosselies, Gilly, Trazegnies, Courcelle (Courcelles), Charleroy (Charleroi), Binch (Binche), Aldegonde (?), Anderlues (Anderlues), Merbes le Chat (Merbes-le-Château), Thuin, Ragnee (?), Stree (Strée), Ham (Ham-sur-Heure-Nalinnes), Gerpinnes, Beaumont, Leugnies, Relournaut (?), Xivry (Sivry), Ranse, Lorson (?), Robechies, Chimay, S. Remy (Saint-Remy), Forges, and Seloigne (Seloignes). Antwerp: Zwyndrecht (Zwijndrecht), Santvliet (Zandvliet), Stabroek, Ft. Lillo (Fort Lillo), F. S. Philip (Fort van Sint-Filips), Antwerp, Esschen (Essen), Achterbroek, Zilver Hodeje (?), Putten (Putte), Capelle (Kapellen), Braeschaet (Brasschaat), Wynigem (Wijnegem), Halle, S. Antonius (Sint-Antonius), Westmalle, Gr. Veerle (Groot-Veerle), Meerle, Meer, Minderhout, Loenhout, Brecht, Hoogstraeten (Hoogstraten), Rykvorsel (Rijkevorsel), Hoek (?), Oostmalle, Vlimmeren, Gierle, Severdonck (Gene-Zevendonk), Oude (Oud-Turnhout), Turnhout, Merexplas (Merksplas), Geheul, Sterte (?), Poppel, Welde (Weelde), Billevleen (?), Voorheide (Part of Pleintje now), Postel, Arendonk, Rethy (Retie), Dessel, S. Amants (Sint-Amands), Thisselt (Tisselt), Willebroeck (Willebroek), Paers (Puurs), Haesdonek (?), Boom, Conticq (Kontich), Wilryck (Wilrijk), Mortsel, Vreemde (Vremde), Mechlen (Mechelen), Peulus (Peulis), S. C. Waever (Sint-Katelijne-Waver), Duffell (Duffel), Lier, Nazareth (Nazaret), Embleken (Emblem), Kessel, Gnestel (Gestel), Viersel, Schrick (Schriek), Beersel (Beerzel), Itegem, Grobbendonck (Grobbendonk), Herenthals (Herentals), St. Gomar (?), Noorderwyck (Noorderwijk), Morkhoven, Westerloo (Westerlo), Herselt, Tongerloo (Tongerlo), Oevel, Oolen (Olen), Lichtaert (Lichtaart), Aert (?), Hesse (?), Geel, Gestel, Moll (Mol), Baelen (Balen), and Merhout (Meerhout). South Brabant (Modern Flemish Brabant, Brussels-Capital Region, and Walloon Brabant): Modern Flemish Brabant: Steenuffel (Steenhuffel), Opwyk (Opwijk), Mollem, Assche (Asse), Londerseel (Londerzeel), Wolverthem (?), Vilvorde (Vilvoorde), Elewyt (Elewijt), Melsbroeck (?), Bucken (Buken), Haeght (Haacht), Betecom (Betekom), Aerschot (Aarschot), Vrouwe Perck (?), S. Joriswinge (Sint-Joris-Winge), Averbeden, Sichem (?), Montague (?), Beckevoort, Betz (?), Cortenaecken (Kortenaken), Haelen (Halen), Diest, Rummen (?), S. Pierre (Sint-Pieters-Kapelle), Vollezeeles (Vollezele), Herinnes (Herne), Lerbeeck (Leerbeek), Castre (?), Elingen, S. M. Lennick (Sint-Martens-Lennik), Wambeke (Wambeek), Alsembergh (Alsemberg), Linkenbeek (Linkebeek), Tervueren (Tervuren), Kortenberg, Overyssche (Overijse), Neryssche (Neerijse), Tombeek, Leefdael (Leefdaal), Winxel (Winksele), Corbeeck (Korbeek-Dijle), Louvain (Leuven), Vlanden (Blanden), Hougaerde (Hoegaarden), Tirlemont, (Tienen) Binkom (Binkom), Clabbeeke (Glabbeek), Leau (Zoutleeuw), and Hal (Halle). Modern Brussels-Capital Region: Anderlecht, Brussels, Schoneburg (?), Heembeek, and Woluwe (Woluwe-Saint-Lambert). Modern Walloon Brabant: Hamme (Hamme-Mille), Bossut (Bossut-Gottechain), Grez (Grez-Doiceau), Mellain (Mélin), Rebeckque (Rebecq), Saintes, Tubic (Tubize), Chat (Braine-le-Château), Waterloo, Hougomont (Hougoumont), Bois Sr. Isaac (Bois-Seigneur-Isaac), Orival (Bois d' Orival), Nivelles, Mt. St. Jean (Mont-Saint-Jean), Ohain, la Belle Alliance (La Belle Alliance), Planchenoit (Plancenoit), Genappe, Quartre Bras, Marbais, Wavre, Limale (Limal), Mt. St. Guibert (Mont-Saint-Guibert), Cour S. Ettienne (Court-Saint-Étienne), Rx. Miroir (Roux-Miroir), Opprebais, Orbois (Orbais), Perwez le Marche (Perwez), Jodoigne, Glimes, Jauche, and Ramillies. Namur: Gonrieux, Oigny (?), Couvin, Frasne (Frasnes-lez-Couvin), Oloy (Olloy-sur-Viroin), Mariembourg, Dourbes, Roly, Mattaigne (Matagne-la-Grande/Matagne-la-Petite), Sautour, Surice, Philippeville, Franchimont, Slenrieux (Silenrieux), Rosee (Rosée), Florenne (Florennes), Walcourt, Gourdinne, Tarsienne (Tarcienne), Hansinne (Hanzinne), S. Gerard (Saint-Gérard), Mariame (Morialmé), Stave, Leroux (Le Roux), Corenne, Serville, Wiellen (Weillen), Bouvignes (Bouvignes-sur-Meuse), Senenne (?), Barnot (Burnot), Bois de Villers (Bois-de-Villers), Fosse (Fosses-la-Ville), Malogne (Malonne), Florette (Floreffe), Ligny, Onos (Onoz), Temploux, Risnes (Rhisnes), Botey (Bothey), Avelle (Ardenelle?), Erfnage (Ernage), Gembloux, Sauveniere (Sauvenière), Dhuy, Leuze, Champion, Frisee (?), Namur, Bonnines (Boninne), Seilles, Andenne, Thon, Maiseronle (?), Tombes (Faulx-Les-Tombes), Loyers, Andoy, Geronsart (?), L'Agneau (?), Assesse, Floree (Florée), Jassogne, Nattoie (Natoye), Godinne, Hubinne, Emptinne, Ciney, Awagne, Thine (Thynes), Sorinne (Sorinnes), Achin (Achêne), Dinant, Custine (Custinne), Seminchamps (?), S. Remy (?), Mentil S. Blaise (Mesnil-Saint-Blaise), Eglise (Mesnil-Église), Houjet (Houyet), Wanlin, Bardonville (Baronville), Beauraing, Severy (Sevry), Veneiche (Vonêche), Ave (Ave-et-Auffe), Rochefort, Wellin, Chanly, Barzin, Neupont, Daverdisse, Malvoisin, Villerzies (Willerzie), Gedinne, Porcheresse, Graide, Gosne (Goesnes), Havelange, Bachelle, Somme (Somme-Leuze), Noiseaux, Sensain (Sinsin), Hogne, Martin (?), Orchimont, and Sugny. Limburg: Lommel, Achel, Haverbeck (?), Hamont (Hamont-Achel), Nether Pelt (Neerpelt), Over Pelt (Overpelt), Kautille (Kaulille), KL Breugel (Kleine-Brogel), Excel (Eksel), Hechtel (Hechtel-Eksel), Wechmael (Wijchmaal), Peer, Bree, Eelicum (Ellikom), GrRoy (Gruitrode), Hoef, Helchteren (Houthalen-Helchteren), Op Hoven (Ophoven, Maaseyck (Maaseik), Rothem (Rotem), Ft. Op Oeteren (Opoeteren), Ob Glabbeeck (Opglabbeek), Hingelhoef (?), Winterslag, Niel (Now a part of As), Asch (As), Wucht (?), Stockem (Dilsen-Stokkem), Mecheln (Maasmechelen), Reckem (Rekem), Haren (Neerharen), Ghenck (Genk), Diepenbeek, Beyerst (Beverst), Bilsen (Bilzen), Corspel (Korspel), Oostham (?), Coursel (Koersel), Houthalen (Houthalen-Helchteren), Tessenderlen (Tessenderlo), Beringen, Solder (Zolder), Berekenin (Berkenen), Bolderberg, Linchout (Linkhout), Haelen (Halen), Herek (Herk-de-Stad), Hasselt, Cosen (Kozen), Cortenhasch (Kortenbos), Alcken (Alken), Guichoven (Guigoven), Vletoghem (Vlijtingen), Rymps (Riemst), Tongres (Tongeren), Ob Repe (?), Looz (Borgloon), Keers (Heers), Wellen, S. Tron (Sint-Truiden), Brusthem (Brustem), Ailst (Aalst), Gelinden (Gelinden), Wellem (Velm), Borlo, and Frezin (?). Liege: Wassiege (Wasseiges), Wonck, Landen, Hallet (Petit-Hallet or Grand-Hallet), Hannut, Jere (Geer), Turine (Tourinne), Mefrle (Meeffe), Fumat (Fumal), Hucorgne (Huccorgne), Moha, Venam (?), Villers (Villers-le-Bouillet), Bodegnee (Bodegnée), Celle (Celles), Gd. Hacq (Grand-Axhe), Doncel (Donceel), Chock (Chokier), Hologne (Grâce-Hollogne), Nouville (Noville), Warem (Waremme), Lantremonge (Lantremange), Lens (Lens-sur-Geer), Fize (Fexhe-le-Haut-Clocher), Liege (Liège), Rocour (Rocourt), Juprelle, Haccour (Haccourt), Vise (Visé), Mortier, Housse, Jupille (?), Aubel, Clermont, Herve, Batice (Battice), Soumagne, Aulne (Olne), Limburg (Limbourg), Verviers, Theux, Poleur (Polleur), le Sort (Sart), Spa, Francorchamp (Francorchamps), Stavelot, Gleize (La Gleize), Nonceveux, Leray (La Reid), Louvaigne (Louveigné), Sougnez (Sougné-Remouchamps), Sprimont, Esneux, Beaufay (Beaufays), Wane (Wanne), St. Vith, Basse Rodeux (Basse-Bodeux), Chevron, Lierneux, Ferriere (Ferrières), My, Harze (Harzé), Ivot (Ivoz-Ramet), Avister, S. Severin (Saint-Séverin), Fraigneux (Yernée-Fraineux), Nandrin, Neuville (Neuville-sous-Huy), Soxhet (Xhos), Comblain (Comblain-au-Pont), Ouffet, Lenche (Linchet), Terwagne, Huy, Vile (Vyle-et-Tharoul), Avain (Les Avins), Pailhe, Bois, and Clavier. Luxembourg: Redu, Transinne, Gr Holleux (Grand-Halleux), Salm Chat (Salm-Château), Comonster (Commanster), Behault (Beho), S. Martin (?), Sterpigny, Alt Salm (Vielsalm), Sart (Petit-Sart), Hare, Heid (Heyd), Bomal, Durbuy, Biron (Bîron), Erezee (Érezée), Melreux, Rendeux, Marie (?), Marcourt, la Roche (La Roche-en-Ardenne), Fronville, Marenne, Marche (Marche-en-Famenne), Roy, Bande, Halleux, Vecquemont (Vecmont), Hubermont, Warempage, Cena (Cens), Tenneville, Bellevue (Belle-Vue), Nassogne, Neuville (Laneuville-au-Bois), Avenne (Awenne), Grupont, Arville, S. Hubert (Saint-Hubert), Smuid, Libbinbos (Libin-Bas), Romagne (Remagne), Rondu, H. Bras (Bras la Haute), B. Bras (Bras la Basse), Maissin, Ourth (Ourthe), Steinbach, Novelle (Noville), Wicourt, Long Champs (Champs), Fraiture, Bihain, Tailles (Petites-Tailles), S. Urban, Fontenaille, Houfalize (Houffalize), Engreaux (Engreux), Roumont (Roûmont), Flamizoul (Flamisoul), Flamierge, Louville (?), Hemroule (Hèm'roûle), Bastogne, Houmout (Hoûmont), Villeroux, Loutrebois (Lutrebois), Mohet (Morhet), Loutremange (Lutremange), Messancy, Buvange, Weyler, Arlon, Heischling (?), Attert, Tintange, Redst (?), Warnach, Strinchamp (Strainchamps), Hollange, Remichampagne, Burnan, Vaulx les Rosiere (Vaux-les-Rosières), Neuville (Laneuville), Verlaine, Neuvillers, Rosart (Rôssart), Neufchateau (Neufchâteau), Bertrix, Auby (Auby-sur-Semois), Palizeru (Paliseul )l, Mergny (Merny), Mogimont, Belvaux (Bellevaux), Bouillon, S. Cecile (?), Martilly, Chiny, Florenville, Villers d'Orvat (Villers-devant-Orval), d'Orval (Ab d'Orval), Velansart (Valansart), Izel, Asnoix (Assenois), Thibesart (Thibessart), Rossignol, Tintigny, Meix (Meix-devant-Virton), Etale (Étalle), Fauxvillers (Fauvillers), l Eglise (Léglise), Becheme (Behême), Anlier, Habay le Neuve (Habay-la-Neuve), Hachy, Chartenelle (Chantemelle), Valansart (Vlessart), Heemsteert (Heinstert), Virton, Ethe (?), and Signeux (Signeulx). France: Dunkirk, Armentieres (Armentières), Conde (Condé-sur-l'Escaut), Valenciennes, Maubeuge, Avesnes (Avesnes-sur-Helpe), Charlemont (Fort de Charlemont), Givet, Sierck (Sierck-les-Bains), Longwy, Mezieres (Charleville-Mézières), Sedan, and Montmedy (Montmédy). Netherlands: Sasvan Gent (Sas van Gent), Flushing (Vlissingen), Cadzand, Cassandria (?), Sluis, Oostburg, Aardenburg, Terneuse (Terneuzen), Axel, Hulst, Bergen op Zoom, Breda, Venlo, and Roermond. Germany: Aix-la-Chapelle (Aachen) and Dasbourg (Dasburg). Grand Duchy of Luxembourg: Ob Beslingen (Hautbellain), Weise Wampach (Weiswampach), Busbellain (Basbellain), Hachville (Hachiville), Sassel, Heinerscheyd (Heinerscheid), Clervaux, Hosingen, Allerhorn (Allerbur), Doningen (Doennange), Dernbach (Derenbach), Holzthum, Gelbom (?), Wiltz, Soule (?), Harling (Harlange), Berl (Berlé), Kaundorf, Esch (Esch-sur-Sûre), Eschdorf, Gralingen, Michelau, Bettendorf, Diekirch, Ettelbruck, Vianden, Haller, Echternach, Ostweiler (Osweiler), Born, Feltz (?), Consdorf, Hirsburg (?), Beydweiller (Beidweiler), Betsdorf (Betzdorf), Grevenmachern (Grevenmacher), Rodt (Roodt-sur-Syre), Junglinster, Burglinsten (Bourglinster), Auwen (?), Beyren, Sandweiler, Wormeldange, Bous, Remich, Schengen, Dalheim, Tettinghen (Tétange), Bettemburg (Bettembourg), Alzingen, Hesperange, Luxembourg (Luxembourg City), Eich (Eich, a quarter in Luxembourg City), Valserlingen (?), Helmdingen (Helmsange), Lintgen, Rollingen, Mersch, Pittingen (Pettingen), Useldange, Berg, Mertzig, Belvoux (Belvaux), Differdange, Clemancy (Clemency), Pissingen (Piseng), Nr. Eller (?), Capweiler (Kapweiler), Beckerich, Ooperen (?), Grosbous, Holz, and Sirret (Surré). In the upper left corner of the map is the Coat of Arms of Belgium. In the left central part of the map, there is a vignette entitled Altar of St. Gudule, Brussels. This Altar is located within the Cathedral of St. Michael and St. Gudula in Brussels. In the lower left corner of the map there is a vignette entitled Monuments on the Plains of Waterloo. These monuments commemorate the battle that took place on June 18, 1815 in which Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated. The entire right side of the map is a vignette entitled Antwerp Cathedral showing the Cathedral of Our Lady in Antwerp with a religious procession. John Tallis was an English cartographer and publisher who lived from 1817 to 1876 and published from the 1830s to the 1850s in London at his company J. & F. Tallis & Co.
British Isles (1851)
This is a Steel engraved map of the British Isles engraved in 1851 by J. Rapkin. Included on this map are the countries of Ireland and The United Kingdom as well as a portion of Northern France. Cities appearing on the map include: France: Harfleur, Dieppe, Boulogne (Boulogne-sur-Mer), and Calais. The United Kingdom: Cities in England: Cornwall: Penzance, St. Ives, Helstone, Falmouth, Portreath, Truro, St Columb (St Columb Major), Bodmin, Fowey, Looe, Saltash, Callington, Camelford, Launceston, and Stratton. Devon: Hartland, Bideford, Hatherleigh, Crediton, Tavistock, Devonport (Now a district in the city of Plymouth since its merger in 1914), Plymouth, Dartmouth, Totness (Totnes), Chudleigh, Exeter, Exmouth, Tiverton, Bampton, S. Molton (South Molton), Barnstaple, Ilfracombe, Sidmouth, and Honiton. Somerset: Watchet, Bridgewater (Bridgwater), Taunton, Ilchester, Yeovil, Langport, Wells, Weston (Weston-super-Mare), Bath, and Frome. Dorset: Lyme Regis, Shaftesbury, Dorchester, Sherborne, Cerne Abbas, Weymouth, Corfe Cas (Corfe Castle), and Poole. Wilts (Wiltshire): Salisbury, Heytesbury, Amesbury, Devizes, Marlboro (Marlborough), Swindon, and Cricklade. Gloucester (Gloucestershire): Bristol, Sodbury (Chipping Sodbury), Tetbuty, Stroud, Gloucester, Newent, Cheltenham, Tewkesbury, and Northleach. Hants (Hampshire): Lymington, Gosport, Southampton, Romsey, Portsmouth, Fareham, Andover, Alton, Alresford (New Alresford/Old Alresford), Winchester, and Petersfield. Isle of Wight: Newport. Berks (Berkshire): Hungerford, Newbury, Reading, and Windsor. Oxford (Oxfordshire): Wantage, Abingdon (Abingdon-on-Thames), Burford, Banbury, Bicester, and Oxford. Warwick (Warwickshire): Kineton, Stratford (Stratford-upon-Avon), Warwick, Henley (Henley-in-Arden), and Rugby. Worcester (Worcestershire): Evesham, Worcester, and Droitwich (Droitwich Spa). Hereford (Herefordshire): Ross (Ross-on-Wye), Hereford, Weobley, and Leominster. Sussex (Split into West Sussex and East Sussex in 1888): West Sussex: Chichester, Bognor (Bognor Regis), Worthing, Horsham, and E. Grinstead (East Grinstead). East Sussex: Brighton, Newhaven, Lewes, Battle, Hastings, Winchelsea, and Rye. Surrey: Farnham, Godalming, Dorking, Guildford, and Epsom. Kent: Gravesend, Dartford, Rochester, Maidstone, Tunbridge (Royal Tunbridge Wells), Chatham, Cranbrook, Lydd, Hythe, Folkstone (Folkestone), Ashford, Dover, Canterbury, Deal, Ramsgate, Margate, and Sheerness. Bucks (Buckinghamshire): Marlow, Aylesbury, and Buckingham. Middlesex (Now mostly Greater London since 1965): Greater London: Greenwich, Uxbrie (Uxbridge), London, and Romford. Herts (Hertfordshire): St. Albans, Hertford, Ware, Stevenage, Stortford (Bishop's Stortford), and Royston. Essex: Epping, Tilbury Ft. (Tilbury Fort), Thaxted, Witham, Chelmsford, Rochford, Colchester, and Harwich. Northampton (Northamptonshire): Towcester, Northampton, Wellingboro (Wellingborough), Kettering, Rothwell, and Oundle. Bedford (Bedfordshire): Luton, Ampthill, Bedford, and Biggleswade. Huntingdon (Huntingdonshire which is part of Cambridgeshire): Cambridge (Cambridgeshire): Huntingdon, St. Neots, Linton, Cambridge, Ely, March, Peterboro (Peterborough), and Wisbeach (Wisbech). Suffolk: Haverhill, Clare, Bury St. Dems. (Bury St Edmunds), Newmarket, Mildenhall, Hadleigh, Ipswich, Debenham, Eye, Bungay, Orford, Aldboro (Aldeburgh), Southwold, and Lowestoft. Norfolk: Downham (Downham Market), Thetford, Attleburg (Attleborough), Swaffham, Lynn (King's Lynn), Cas. Rising (Castle Rising), Holme (Holme-next-the-Sea), Wells (Wells-next-the-Sea), Cley (Cley next the Sea), Holt, Foulsham, Cromer, N. Walsham (North Walsham), Aylsham, Norwich, Yarmouth (Great Yarmouth), and Loddon. Salop (Shropshire): Ludlow, Bridgenorth (Bridgnorth), Wenlock (Much Wenlock/Little Wenlock), Shrewsbury, Newport, Wem, Oswestry, and Ellesmere. Stafford (Straffordshire): Tamworth, Penkridge, Lichfield, Stafford, Burton (Burton upon Trent), Uttoxeter, Stone, and Leake (Leek). West Midlands (Created in 1974): Coventry, Birmingham, and Wolverhampn. (Wolverhampton). Leicester (Leicestershire): Loughboro (Loughborough), and Leicester. Rutland: Oakham. Derby (Derbyshire): Ashborne (Ashbourne), Derby, Alfreton, Bakewell, and Buxton. Nottingham (Nottinghamshire): Bingham, Nottingham, Mansfield, Newark (Newark-on-Trent), Ollerton, Worksop, E. Retfd. (Retford), and Blyth. Lincoln (Lincolnshire): Crowland, Spalding, Swineshd. (Swineshead), Boston, Bourn (Bourne), Grantham, Sleaford, Horncastle, Lincoln, Wragby, Market Rasen, Burgh (Burgh Le Marsh), Alford, Louth, Saltfleet, Caistor, Barton (Barton-upon-Humber), and Epworth. Chester (Cheshire): Chester, Malpas, Nantwich, Northwich, and Warrington. Merseyside (Created on April 1, 1974): Birkenhead and Liverpool. Greater Manchester (Created on April 1, 1974): Stockport, Manchester, Bolton, Bury, Wigan, and Rochdale. Lancaster (Lancashire): Ormskirk, Chorley, Blackcn. (Blackburn), Burnley, Colne, Preston, Kirkham, Fleetwood, Garstang, and Lancaster. York (Split into North Yorkshire, South Yorkshire, West Yorkshire and East Riding of Yorkshire since April 1, 1974): East Riding of Yorkshire: Hedon, Hornsea, Market Weighton, Hull (Kingston upon Hull), Howde, Goole, and Bridlington. North Yorkshire: Cawood, York, Harrowgate (Harrogate), Ripley, Pateley Br. (Pateley Bridge), Knaresboro (Knaresborough), Ripon, Thirsk, Bedale, Middleham, Richmond, Scarborough, Pickering, New Malton (Malton), Whitby, Redcar, and Stokesley. South Yorkshire: Doncaster, Rotherham, Sheffield, and Penistone. West Yorkshire: Halifax, Wakefield, and Leeds. Westmoreland (Part of Cumbria since April 1, 1974): Cumbrialand (Cumbria): Sedberg (Sedbergh), Appleby (Appleby-in-Westmorland), Kendal, Ravenglass, Keswick, Whitehaven, Workington, Allonby, Carlisle, and Alstone (Alston). Durham (County Durham): Stockton (Stockton-on-Tees), Darlington, Hartlepool, Durham, and Chester le Street (Chester-le-Street). Tyne and Wear (Created on April 1, 1974): Sunderland, Shields (South Shields), and Newcastle (Newcastle upon Tyne). Northumberland: Haltwhistle, Hexham, Blyth, Bellingham, Rothbury, Morpeth, Alnmouth, Alnwick, Belford, and Berwick (Berwick-upon-Tweed). Cities in Wales: Monmouth (Monmouthshire): Monmouth, Newport, and Abergavenny. Glamorgan: Swansea, Bridgend, Caerphilly, Merthyr Tydvi (Merthyr Tydfil), Llandaff (Now a district of Cardiff since 1922), and Cardiff. Caermarthen (Carmarthenshire): Kidwelly, Caermarthen, Llandovery, Newcastle Emlyn, and St. Clear (St Clears). Pembroke (Pembrokeshire): Newport, Fishguard, Narberth, Pembroke, Milford (Milford Haven), and St. Davids. Cardigan (Cardiganshire): Cardigan, New Quay, Tregaron, and Aberystwyth. Brecknock (Brecknockshire): Brecon and Hay (Hay-on-Wye). Radnor (Radnorshire): Presteign (Presteigne), Radnor (New Radnor/Old Radnor), and Rhyader (Rhayader). Montgomery (Montgomeryshire): Llanidloes, Montgomery, and Llanfair (Llanfair Caereinion). Merioneth (Merionethshire): Dinasmowddy (Dinas Mawddwy), Dolgelby (Dolgellau), Harlech, Bala, and Corwen. Caernarvon (Caernarfonshire): Tremadoc (Tremadog), Porth dyn Uaen (?), Caernarvon (Caernarfon), and Bangor. Anglesea (Anglesey): Holyhead, Newborough, Amlwch, and Beaumaris. Denbigh (Denbighshire): Holt, Ruthin, Llanrwst, St. Asaph, and Denbigh. Flint (Flintshire): Mold and Flint. Cities in the Isle of Man: Ramsey, Peel, Douglas, and Castletown. Cities in Scotland: Berwick (Berwickshire): Eyemouth and Dunse (Duns). Haddington (Haddingtonshire which is now known as East Lothian): Haddington, Dunbar, and N. Berwick (North Berwick). Edinburg (Edinburgh): Edinburgh and Leith (Now a district of Edinburgh since 1920). Roxburg (Roxburghshire): Kelso, Jedburgh, Hawick, and Castletown (Old Castleton/Newcastleton). Selkirk (Selkirkshire): Selkirk. Peebles (Peeblesshire): Peebles. Dumfries (Dumfriesshire): Dornock, Annan, Dumfries, Lockerby (Lockerbie), Moffat, Thornhill, and Sanquhar. Kircudbright (Kirkcudbrightshire): Cas Douglas (Castle Douglas), Kirend bright (Kirkcudbright), Creetown, N. Galloway (New Galloway), Dalry (St John's Town of Dalry/Dalry), and Carsphairn. Wigton (Wigtownshire): Wigton (Wigtown), K. Maiden (Kirkmaiden), P. Patrick (Portpatrick), and Stranraer. Ayr (Ayrshire): Ballantrae, Girvan, Maybole, Cumnock, Ayr, Mauchline, Tryin (?), and Stewarton. Renfrew (Renfrewshire): Renfrew. Lanark (Lanarkshire): Douglas, Lanark, and Glasgow. Linlithgow (Linlithgowshire): Linlithgow. Stirling (Stirlingshire): Stirling. Dumbarton (Dunbartonshire): Dumbarton. Fife: St. Andrews, Anstruther, Kircaldy (Kirkcaldy), Cupar, and Aberdour. Kinross (Kinross-shire): Kinross. Clackmannan (Clackmannanshire): Clackmannan. Perth (Perthshire): Perth, Dunkeld, Kirkmichael, Aberfeldie (Aberfeldy), Methven, Dunning, Killin, Fortingal (Fortingall), Doune, and Callander. Argyll: Rethsaye (Rothesay), Lachlan (Old Castle Lachlan/Castle Lachlan), Inverary (Inveraray), Kilchrenan, Stronmelch (Stronmilchan), Kilvicuen (?), and Strontian. Forfar (Forfarshire): Montrose, Lunan, Arbroath, Fern, Dundee, Moneekie (Monikie), Forfar, and Kirriemuir. Kincardine (Kincardineshire): Stonehaven, Lawrence K. (Laurencekirk), Strachan, and Fordon (Fordoun). Aberdeen (Aberdeenshire): Aberdeen, Belhelvie, Newburgh, Peterhead, St. Fergus, Cairbulg (Inverallochy and Cairnbulg), Kinnaurds Hd. (Kinnaird Head in Fraserburgh), Aberdour (New Aberdour), Deer (Old Deer/New Deer), Old Meldrum (Oldmeldrum), Fyvie, Huntly, Inverury (Inverurie), Kintore, and Kirktown (?). Banff (Banffshire): Banff, Cullen, Turriff, and Tomantoul (Tomintoul). Elgin: Garmouth, Fochabers, and Elgin. Nairn (County of Nairn): Nairn. Inverness (Inverness-shire): Inverness, Laggan, Knock Fin (?), Glassfield (Glassburn?), and Beauley (Beauly). Ross (Ross-shire): Dingwall, Kiltearn (?), Kintail (?), Lochcarron, Applecross, Gairloch, Pollew (Poolewe), Stornoway, Aird, and Barvas. Cromarty (Cromartyshire): Cromarty and Ullapool. Sutherland: Loth, Kildonan, Torr (?), Tongue, Riconich, Assynt, Inver (?), Lairg, Dornoch, and Creich. Caithness: Thurso, Latheron, Wick, Keiss, and John o'Groats Ho (John o' Groats which contains the John o' Groats House which is a hotel for people wishing to take the ferry to the Orkney Islands). Orkney Islands: Hoy K. (?), Holm, Kirkwall, Evie, Stromness. Shetland Islands: Sandwich (Sandwick), Lerwick, and Uyea (There is an uninhabited island of Uyea in the vicinity but no settlement of Uyea). Cities in Northern Ireland: Antrim (County Antrim): Belfast, Antrim, Glenarm, Clogh (Clough), Cushendun, and Port Rush (Portrush). Down (County Down): Ballyhalbert, Bangor, Hillsboro (Hillsborough), Downpatrick, Banbridge, Rathfryland (Rathfriland), Newry (Part in County Down and part in County Armagh), and Kilkeel. Armagh (County Armagh): Armagh and Keady. Tyrone (County Tyrone): Dungannon, Fintona, Omagh, Clogher, Castlederg, N. T. Stewart (Newtownstewart), and Strabane. Londonderry (County Londonderry): Coleraine, Garvagh, Kilrea, Maghera, and Londonderry (Derry). Fermanagh (County Fermanagh): Enniskillen. Cities in Ireland: Louth (County Louth): Dundalk, Ardee, Dunleer, and Drogheda. Monaghan (County Monaghan): Cas Blaney (Castleblayney), Clones, and Monaghan. Meath (County Meath): Duleek, Tarah (Tara/Hill of Tara, the ancient seat of the High King of Ireland), Maynooth (Now in County Kildare), Trim, and Slane. Cavan (County Cavan): Cootehill and Cavan. Longford (County Longford): Ballymahon, Edgeworthtown (Edgeworthstown), Longford, and Lanesboro (Lanesborough–Ballyleague). Leitrim: Fenagh. Donegal (County Donegal): Carndonagh, Buncrana, Lifford, Letterkenny, Rathmelton (Ramelton), Donegal, and Ballyshannon. Dublin: Kingstown (Dún Laoghaire), Dublin, Howth, and Rush. Kildare (County Kildare): Athy, Cas Dermot (Castledermot), Monastereven, and Kildare. Kings Coy. (County Offaly): Phillipstown (Daingean) and Tullamore. Wt. Meath (County Westmeath): Mullingar, Castletown (Castletown Geoghegan), and Athlone. Roscommon (County Roscommon): Roscommon, Tulsk, Elphin, and Loughlin (Loughlynn). Sligo (County Sligo): Sligo, Ballymole (Ballymote), and Dromore (Dromore West). Wicklow (County Wicklow): Bray, Wicklow, Rathdrum, and Arklow. Carlow (County Carlow): Carlow. Queens Cy. (County Laois): Ballyraan (Ballyroan), Maryboro (Port Laoise), and Mountmellick. Tipperary (County Tipperary): Clonmell (Clonmel), Cashel, Fethard, Thurles, Holy Cross (Holycross), Clonakenny, Roscrea, Nenagh, and Burrasakeana (Borrisokane). Galway (County Galway): Woodford, Gort, Kinvarra (Kinvara), Loughrea, Eyrecourt, Ballinasloe, Monivea, Cas Blakeney (Castleblakeney), Dunmore, Tuam, and Galway. Mayo (County Mayo): Westport, Ballinrobe, Castlebar, Swineford (Swinford), and Crossmolina. Wexford (County Wexford): Gorey, Blackwater, Wexford, and New Ross. Kilkenny (County Kilkenny): Innistiogue (Inistioge), Thomastown, Kilkenny, Cas Comer (Castlecomer), and Urlingford. Waterford (County Waterford): Waterford, Kilmacthomas, Lismore, Tallow, and Ardmore. Cork (County Cork): Baltimore, Kinsale, Cork, Youghal, Rathcormuck (Rathcormac), Fermoy, Buttevant, Mitchelstown, Mallow, Kanturk, Millstreet, Macroom, Dunmanway, and Bantry. Limerick (County Limerick): Limerick, Bruff, Killmallock, Askeaton, and Newcastle (Newcastle West). Clare (County Clare): Sixmile Br. (Sixmilebridge), Newmarket (Newmarket-on-Fergus), Ennis, Innistymon (Ennistymon), and Kilrush. Kerry (County Kerry): Killarney, Tarbert, Ardfert, Tralee, Castlemaine, Cahirriveen (Cahersiveen), and Dingle.
Cape of Good Hope (1835)
Steel engraved 1834 map of The Cape of Good Hope from Montgomery Martin's History of the British Colonies Vol. 4 Possessions in Africa & Australasia. Cities appearing on the map: Cape: Capetown (Cape Town). Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch. Clanwilliam: Clanwilliam, Papkuils (?), Leeuwenkuil (?), Droeg Kr. (?), Schuit (?), and Lily Fn. (?). Swellendam: Caledon, Swellendam, and Zuurbrak (Suurbraak). Worcester: Worcester and Tulbagh. Beaufort: Beaufort (Beaufort West) and Karreebosoh (?). George: George Tn. (George) and Elandsrug. Uitenhage: Bethelsdorf (Bethelsdorp), Uitenhage, Hartebeest (?), and Enon. ?: Graaf Reynet (Graaff-Reinet). Albany: Graham Tn. (Grahamstown), Bathurst, and Fredericksburg (?). Somerset: Somerset T. (?) and Cradock. Namaqua-Land: Rhenoster F. (?), Africananders Kr. (?), Orlam Kr. (?), Konnah (?), Riizos Kr. (?), Hardcastle Kloof (?), Griqua or Klaarwater (?), Phillipolis Miss. Sn. (?), Letaka (?), Tureehee (?), Campeldorp (?), Bootschap (Boetsap), Kouna (?), Koning F. (?), Plattenburg (?), Moos (?), Mobatee (?), Hart Kr. (?), Litakou (?), Kruman or New Litakou (Kuruman), Maquassa (?), Gaikas Kr. (?), Khanvees Kr. (?), Tzatzoe (?), Vosanis Kr. (?), Matuana Kr. (?), Omjutas (?), and Mahaks Kr. (?). Written on the lower left corner of the map is the following information about the Cape of Good Hope: Discovered: 1487 English formal occupation: 1620 Dutch Colonization: 1650 British Conquest: 1795 Restoration to Dutch: 1803 Recapture by British: 1806 Area of Territory: 200,000 Sq. Miles Population: 150,000 Mapmakers: John Walker, Alexander Walker and Charles Walker, known collectively as J & C Walker (active 1820-95), were engravers, draughtsmen and publishers working through the 19th century.
Carta Geografica del Governo della Languadocca (1740)
This map is a copper engraved Map of France by Giambattita Albrizzi from 1740. Giambattita Albrizzi was a famous Venetian publisher and cartographer that lived from 1698 to 1777. Map showing Southern France. The map is filled with a lot of geographic details concerning place names, rivers, lakes, mountains, and islands. On the lower right of the map is a scale that says Scala di Miglia Venti Italiane which translates to Scale of Miles Twenty Italian. Country appearing on this map: France. Cities on this map include: France: Languedoc-Roussillon-Midi-Pyrénées: Ariège: C. di Vdelencia (?), Laborst (?), Luniac (?), Tarascon (Tarascon-sur-Ariège), Verdun, Mont Olieu (Montaillou), Orleu (Orlu), Acqs (Ax-les-Thermes), Merens (Mérens-les-Vals), Rodoune (?), Sou (?), Puech (?), Santenac (Sentenac-d'Oust), Massat, Serres (Serres-sur-Arget), Foix, Castelnau (Castelnau-Durban), la Cour (Lacourt), Mas Asil (Le Mas-d'Azil), Sabarat, Pamiers, St. Girons (Saint-Girons), St. Licer (Saint-Lizier), Doumasan (Daumazan-sur-Arize), St. Ibar (Saint-Ybars), Vauerdun (Saverdun), Mazeres (Mazères), Monsegur (Montségur), la Bastide (La Bastide-sur-l'Hers), Allongaillac (?), Aygues Viver (Aigues-Vives), Liberstat (?), Barilles (?), Mirepoix, Pyrénées-Orientales: Puygvaladou (Puyvalador), Olette, Villa Franca (Villefranche-de-Conflent), Candiez (?), Ilhe (Ille-sur-Têt), St. Felix (Saint-Féliu-d'Amont or Saint-Féliu-d'Avall), Estagell (Estagel), La Tour (Latour-de-France), Vernet (?), Altes (?), F. S. Angel (?), Opoulz (Opoul-Périllos), Tautavel (?), Salces (Salses-le-Château), Aude: Escoucombres (Escouloubre), (Queribus) (Château de Quéribus), Pasoilis (Paziols), Fitou, Pierre Fitte (Peyrefitte-du-Razès), Limoux, Arzene (Arzens), Calabre (Chalabre), Cauvissan (?), Mirabel (?), Quilla (Quillan), Les Tau del Camp (?), Albieres (Albières), Alet (Alet-les-Bains), la Grace (Lagrasse), Clermont (Clermont-sur-Lauquet), Rieux (Rieux-en-Val), Cofolens (Couffoulens), Montlaur (Montlaur), Ville Rouge (Villerouge-Termenès), Cautouze (Coustouge?), Durban (Durban-Corbières), Coscastel (Cascastel-des-Corbières), Tuchau (Tuchan), Peyrepertus (Peyrepertuse/Duilhac-sous-Peyrepertuse), Castelnau Darri (Castelnaudary), Faugnaux (Fanjeaux), St. Aulazie la Carlat (?), Montlaur (Montmaur), Fort Louis (?), St. Eeriol (?), Monferrand (Montferrand), St. Papoul (Saint-Papoul), St. Martin (Saint-Martin-Lalande), Ville Segue (Villesèquelande), Monsolens (Moussoulens), Carcassone (Carcassonne), Mas (Mas-Cabardès), Rieux (Rieux-Minervois), Penautier (?), Trebes (Trèbes), Marceillette (Marseillette), Azillac (Azille), Leucate, S. Jean (Saint-Jean-de-Barrou), Sigean, Berban (?), Villface (?), Peyriac (Peyriac-de-Mer), Bages, Narbonne, Perignan (?), Grinsac (?), Fabresan (Fabrezan), Lesignan (Lézignan-Corbières), Canat (Canet), St. Marcel (Saint-Marcel-sur-Aude), Ginetas (Ginestas), Bise (Bize-Minervois), Haute-Garonne: Montesquion (Montesquieu-Volvestre), Cazeres (Cazères), St. Sulpice (Saint-Sulpice-sur-Lèze), Margue Fave (Marquefave), Rieux (Rieux-Volvestre), St. Julian (Saint-Julien-sur-Garonne), Mausac (Mauzac), Haute Riviere (Auterive), Cinte Gabe (Cintegabelle), Muret, le Zal (?), Donne Ville (Denneville), St. Aione (?), Pibrac le Portet (Portet-sur-Garonne), Puy Jordan (Pujaudran), Tolosa (Toulouse), Blagnac, Levignac (Lévignac), Ginesi (?), Ville Nouvelle (Villenouvelle), Vignonet (Avignonet-Lauragais), S. Felix (Saint-Félix-Lauragais), Revet (Revel), Pavillac (?), Belberaud, Bazieges (Baziège), Tarn: Soreze (Sorèze), Mazamet, Castres, St. Amans la Bastide (Name changed to Saint-Amans-Soult in 1851), Ville Neuve (Villeneuve-lès-Lavaur), Puy Laurens (Puylaurens), Verfeuit (?), La Vaur (Lavaur), St. Pol (Saint-Paul-Cap-de-Joux), Briateste (Briatexte), Semalens (Sémalens), Graulbet (Graulhet), Mondrgon ( Montdragon), Lautrec, Lamiate (Damiatte), Cucg (Cuq), Vilmur (Vielmur-sur-Agout), Reguecourbe (Roquecourbe), Brassac, Castelna (Castelnau-de-Brassac), Pierres Eguade (?), Angles (Anglès), la Cabarede (Lacabarède), Baire (Barre), la Canne (Lacaune), Viannnes (Viane), Hérault: la Liviniere (La Livinière), Ferralz (Ferrals-les-Montagnes), la Caumede (La Caunette), Agde, Marseillan, Florensac, Castelnau (Castelnau-de-Guers), Pezenas (Pézenas), Mentagnac (Montagnac), Gignac, Vias, Canal le Malpas (Malpas Tunnel connected to the Canal du Midi), St. Tubers (Saint-Thibéry or Tourbes), Magalaz (Magalas), Lunaz, Faugeres (Faugères), Clermont (Clermont-l'Hérault), Becde Rioux (Bédarieux), la Voult (?), St. Gervasi (Saint-Gervais-sur-Mare), Cessenon (Cessenon-sur-Orb), Cazoux (Cazouls-lès-Béziers), Beziers (Béziers), Colombier (Colombiers), la Salvetat (La Salvetat-sur-Agout), Pons de Tomiers (Saint-Pons-de-Thomières), Olargues, Sice (?), Cruezy (Cruzy), St. Chigonan (Saint-Chinian?), Menerbe (Minerve), St. Jean (Saint-Jean-de-Fos), St. Guillaume (Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert), St. Michel (Saint-Michel), Laso Ribes (Les Rives), Cellies (Ceilhes-et-Rocozels), Lodeve (Lodève), Aveyron: Brueoue (Brusque), Boisseson (?),
Carte De Brie (1648)
Copper engraved map of the Brie, France. The map is adorned with a decorative cartouche. The map is from the publication: Cartes generales de toutes les Provinces de France et d'Espaigne, which translates to: General maps of all of the Provinces of France and Spain. The Cartographer, Nicolas Tassin, was active from 1633 until 1655 and was appointed "Royal Cartographer" at Dijon before setting up as an engraver in Paris where he issued various collections of small maps and plans. Cities appearing on this map include: Île-de-France: Hauts-de-Seine: Coulombe (Colombes), Nanterre, Bourla Reine (Bourg-la-Reine), and Anthony (Antony). Seine-Saint-Denis: Le Bourget, S. Denis (Saint-Denis), Villemonde (Villemomble), and Neuilly (Neuilly-sur-Marne/Neuilly-Plaisance). Paris: Montmartre (Now part of the 18th arrondissement of Paris since January 1, 1860), Charone (Now the Charonne quarter in the 20th arrondissement of Paris since 1860), Paris, and Auteuil (Now Neuilly-Auteuil-Passy in the 16th arrondissement of Paris since 1859/1860). Val-de-Marne: Vincene (Vincennes), Chareton (Charenton-le-Pont/Saint-Maurice), Iantilly (Gentilly), Villeneufue (Villeneuve-le-Roi), S. Maur (Saint-Maur-des-Fossés), Boissy (Boissy-Saint-Léger), Villeneuue S. George (Villeneuve-Saint-Georges), Villemont (Villecresnes?), Laqueue (La Queue-en-Brie), and Gournay (Gournay-sur-Marne). Essonne: Bieure (Bièvres), Pallezeau (Palaiseau), Lonjumeau (Longjumeau), Montlhery (Montlhéry), Bandou (Bondoufle), Valpetit (Vert-le-Petit), Valgrand (Vert-le-Grand), Chastre (Arpajon), Climuille (?), Etrechy (Étréchy), Corbeil (Combined with Essonnes in 1951 to form Corbeil-Essonnes), Esone (Combined with Essonnes in 1951 to form Corbeil-Essonnes), Coudray (Le Coudray-Montceaux), Leplessy (?), Villeroy (Parc de Villeroy), Lafertealais (La Ferté-Alais), Bunent (?), Milly (Milly-la-Forêt), Mouuielle (?), and Choisy (Soisy-sur-Seine). Seine-et-Marne: S. Sauueu (Saint-Sauveur-sur-École), Arbonne (Arbonne-la-Forêt), Fontaine-belieau (Fontainebleau), Barbusson (Barbizon), Orgenois (Orgenoy), Samois (Samois-sur-Seine), Brosle (Brolles?), Melug (Melun), Moret (Moret-sur-Loing), Chelle (Chelles), Mougny (?), Annet (Annet-sur-Marne), Meaux, Greiz (Gretz-Armainvilliers), Bry C. Robert (Brie-Comte-Robert), Beuerme (?), Armoiuilliers (Gretz-Armainvilliers), Pont Carre (Pontcarré), Lagny (Lagny-sur-Marne), Hermiere (Hermiéres), Estropelef (?), Fontenay (Fontenay-Trésigny), Croquetin (Courquetaine), Tournan (Tournan-en-Brie), Iamagne (?), Mostir (?), Lehausois (La Houssaye-en-Brie?), Lumigne (Now Lumigny-Nesles-Ormeaux after the 1973 fusion of Lunigny, Nesles, and Ormeaux), Pamerse (Pommeuse), Totquin (Touquin), Rozoy (Rozay-en-Brie), Pessy (Pécy), La Chapelle (La Chapelle-Iger), Verdoye (Vaudoy-en-Brie), Beaulieu (?), Setraid (?), La Ferte Sous Jouerre (La Ferté-sous-Jouarre), Coully (Couilly-Pont-aux-Dames), Mouceaux (Montceaux-lès-Meaux), Crecy (Crécy-la-Chapelle), Faux (?), Foussy (?), Guerard (Guérard), Rucle Velours (?), Colommiers (Coulommiers), Rebes (Rebais), La Ferte gaucher (La Ferté-Gaucher), Marche (Marchais-en-Brie?), Chaliden(?), Lasmeullieres (?), Sabloniere (Sablonnières), Lespine (?), Gregy (Now Évry-Grégy-sur-Yerre after the fusion of Évry-les-Châteaux and Grégy-sur-Yerre on January 1, 1973), Sipelle (?), Cramaiaux (Moissy-Cramayel), Aupierre (Aubepierre-Ozouer-le-Repos), Ieble (Yèbles), Monsenay (Moisenay), Simery (?), La Chapelle (La Chapelle-Gauthier), Nangis, Courlen (?), Chastillon (Châtillon-la-Borde), Barbeau (Barbeau Abbey in Fontaine-le-Port), Herissee (Héricy), Vinpele (Vimpelles), Montereau (Montereau-Fault-Yonne), Montigny (Montigny-Lencoup), Damemarie (Donnemarie-Dontilly), Quercy (?), Songnol (Sognolles-en-Montois), Vieux Champne (Vieux-Champagne), Chenoise, Pampillon (?), Villegagno (Bannost-Villegagnon), S. Loup (Saint-Loup-de-Naud), Chancoile (?), Prouins (Provins), S. Sauueur (Saint-Sauveur-lès-Bray), Grauon (Gravon), Bray (Bray-sur-Seine), Noiens (Noyen-sur-Seine), Euerlis (Everly), Flouy (?), Fouchier (Fouchères), Pigreux (?), Charlemaiso (Chalmaison), Villegray (Louan-Villegruis-Fontaine), S. Simon (Saint-Siméon), Maleuaue (?), Peuillon (?), Ludon (Leudon-en-Brie), and Borsroy (?). Nord-Pas-de-Calais-Picardie: Aisne: Chau. Thierry (Château-Thierry), Nogentel, Parois (Paroy), Conde (Condé-en-Brie/Celles-lès-Condé), Montigny (Montigny-lès-Condé), Nogent Lartaut (Nogent-l'Artaud), Verdou (?), and Mallemaison (?). Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine: Marne: Rieux, Neusuy (Neuvy), Sedane, Montmirel (Montmirail), Bouchy (Bouchy-Saint-Genest), S. Bon (Saint-Bon), Chartemarie, and Montgenou (Montgenost). Aube: Corseroy (Courceroy), Nogent (Nogent-sur-Seine), Pont (Pont-sur-Seine), Villenosce (Villenauxe-la-Grande), and Courtinan (Courtavant?).
Carte De L'Empire Romain Sous Constantin, par A. H. Brue Geographe de S. A. R. Monsieuv. (1822)
This is a copper engraved map of Europe from 1822 by Adrien Hubert Brue. The title of the map is Carte generale de l'Empire Romain sous Constantin, par A.H. Brue, Geographe de S.A.R. Monsieur. A Paris, Chez l'Auteur, rue des Macons-Sorbonne, no. 9, et chez les principaux marchands de geographie. Janvier 1822. This roughly translates to General Map of the Roman Empire under Constantine, by A. H. Brue, Geographe S. A. R. sir. In Paris at Rue des Macons-Sorbonne, No. 9 and at major geography merchants. January 1822. Constantine the Great (272-337) was the Emperor of Rome from 306-337. Countries appearing on this map: Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Jordan, Morocco, Algeria, Cities appearing on this map: Egypt: Apollinopolis Magna (Edfu), Syene (Aswan), Ombos (Naqada), Cataraetes (?), Pseleis (?), Berenice (Berenice Troglodytica abandoned in the 6th century), Hammon (?), Oasis Magna (Kharga Oasis), Latopolis (Esna), Hermunthis (Hermonthis), Thebae (Thebes, abandoned in the 1st Century), Apollinopolis Parva (Qus), Coptos (Qift), Tentyris (Dendera), Myosormos (Myos Hormos, abandoned after the 4th Century), Diospolis Parva (Hu), Abydus (Abydos, abandoned sometime after the 4th Century BC), Ptolemais (?), Chemmis vel Panopolis (Akhmim), Antaeopolis (Tjebu), Hypselis, Antinoe p. Besa (?), Hermopolis Magna (Hermopolis, abandoned sometime after the 3rd Century), Oasis Parva (Bahariya Oasis), Hepta (?), Oxyrynchus, Heracleopolis (Heracleopolis Magna, abandoned around 390), Arsinoe (Faiyum), Memphis (Abandoned in the 7th Century), Nomis (?), Aphroditopolis (Atfih), Clysma, Phaenicon (?), Pharan (Wadi Feiran), Apis, Paraetonium (Mersa Matruh), Derris extrema (?), Leucas Ptus. (?), Mareotis Lacus (Lake Mariout), Plinthinetes Sinus (Bay of Plinthine), Alexandria, Canopus (Abandoned sometime after 138 AD), Bolbitrium Ot. (Ancient Bolbitine Branch of the Nile), Bolbitine (Rosetta), Sais (Abandoned sometime after 525 BC), Sebennytus (Sebennytos which was abandoned sometime after the 3rd Century BC), Phatmeticum Ost. (Ancient Phatnitic branch of the Nile), Athribis (Abandoned sometime after the 4th Century AD), Heliopolis (Abandoned after the 6th Century AD), Bubastus (Bubastis which was abandoned after 449 AD), Heroopolis (Pithom which was abandoned sometime after the Roman era), Daphnes (?), Taphis (Abandoned sometime after 14 AD), Plusitum (?), Saudi Arabia: Iatrippa (Medina), Iambia (Yanbu), Madiana (?), Leuce (?), Phaemicon (?), Thumata (?), Magusa (?), Thaema (?), Negra (?), Libya: Garama (Germa), Augila (Awjila), Cydamus (Ghadames), Sabrata (Sabratha), Macomades Syrtis (?), Euphrantas Turris (?), Aspis Ptus. (?), Tubactis (?), Gerisa (Abandoned by the 11th Century), Oea vel Occa (Tripoli), Leptis Magna (Abandoned in the 7th Century), Darnis (Derna), Apollonia (Abandoned after 643), Cyrene (Abandoned in the 4th Century), Aplungis (?), Ptolemais (Abandoned in the 7th Century), Tauchira (Tocra), Hadriane (Deriana), Berenice (Benghazi), Axylis (?), Jordan: Aelana (Aqaba), Asiongaber (Ezion-Geber), Morocco: Adele (?), Cillaba (?), Fez, Volubilis (Abandoned by the 11th Century), Tremuli (?), Babba (?), Banasa (Iulia Valentia Banasa, abandoned around 285), Thamusida (Abandoned around 285), Sala (Chellah, abandoned in 1154), Exploratio ad Mercurium (?), Herpis (?), Algeria: Calaa (?), Mazices (?), Musalani (?), Desena (?), Vescerita vel Vescether (?), Tabudis (?), Tunisia: Pisida (?), Praesidium (?), Temp (?), Tacape (Gabès), Agiue Tu. (?), Thenae (Sfax), Taphrura (Sfax), Bizacina (?), Septimunica (?), Capsa (Gafsa), Telepte vel Tala (Thélepte), Tisurus (Tozeur), Libya Palus (?), Nepte (Nefta), Cyprus: Paphos,
Carte De La Partie Meridionale Du Bresil, Avec Les Possessions Espagnols qui en sont a L'ouest (1780)
This is a copper engraved map from 1780 by Rigobert Bonne titled Carte De La Partie Meridionale Du Bresil, Avec Les Possessions Espagnols qui en sont a L'ouest, which, translated into English reads as, Map of Southern Brasil, With the Spanish possessions that are on the West Coast. It is from the atlas, Atlas de toutes les parties connues du Globe Terrestre (Atlas of all known parts of the World), Rigobert Bonne was a famous mapmaker from the 18th Century. The map covers the countries of Uruguay and Paraguay with parts of Northern Argentina, Southern Brazil, and Southern Bolivia. Cities appearing on the map: Argentina: S. Louis de la Punta (San Luis), Villa de la Vallee Fertile (?), Cordova (Córdoba), Sta. Fe (Santa Fe), Pergamino, Buenos Ayres (Buenos Aires), S. Fernando (San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca), S. Miguel de Tucuman (San Miguel de Tucumán), St. Yago del Ebero (Santiago del Estero), Sta. Lucia (Santa Lucía), Candelaria, Salta, and Juguy (San Salvador de Jujuy). Uruguay: Colonie du S. Sacrement (Colonia del Sacramento) and Mt. Video (Montevideo). Brazil: Sta. Tecla (Fuerte de Santa Tecla destroyed in 1801 and now just the ruins of the fort), Ciudad del Rio Grande de S. Pedro (Rio Grande), Viamon (Viamão), Villa de Laguna (Laguna), S. Francois (São Francisco do Sul), Iguilpe (Iguape), S. Vincent (São Vicente), S. Paul (São Paulo), S. Sebastien de Rio Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro), S. Juan del Rey (São João del Rei), Villa Rica ou Mariana (Mariana), S. Fr. Xavier (São Francisco do Guaporé?), Sta. Anne (Santa Ana), S. Felix (São Félix do Araguaia), Villanova do Principe (?), and Porto Seguro. Paraguay: Sta. Rose (Santa Rosa), Villa Rica (Villarrica), Assomtion (Asunción), Bolivia: S. Bernardo de Tarya (Tarija) and Sta. Cruz de la Sierra (Santa Cruz de la Sierra).
Carte De La Rade De Benguella et Riviere De Cantonbelle (1749)
This is a copper engraved map of Benguella in modern day Angola printed in 1749 Jacques-Nicolas Bellin. Bellin was a famous 18th century mapmaker who focused mainly on nautical and coastal maps. This map is titled Carte De La Rade De Benguella et Riviere De Cantonbelle, which is translated to Map of the Roadstead of Benguella and the Cantonbelle River. A shows Endroit de la Riviere de Cantonbelle ou les Chaloupes vont faire de l'eau, which roughly translated to The Place of the Cantonbelle River or where the Sloops are able to travel by water. B shows Bras de Mer ou il y a quanlite de Caymans et de Baeufs Marins, which roughly translated to Inlet or the Bay of Caymans and Bay of oxen. The units shown are Une Lieue Marine de France et d'Angleterre or a Marine League of France and England. The map shows Ville de Benguella (Benguela) including Petit Fortin Ruine (Ruins of the Little Fort) and F. S. Philippe (Forte de São Filipe de Benguela) as well as Village de Negres (?), and F. Kabuto (?). In F. Kabuto, it says Les Anglois marquent ici apres Mr. Delisle le Fort de Kabuto je ne scan sur quel sondement which roughly translates into The English and Mr. Delisle mark Fort Kabuto Here and I put it in based on them.
Carte Du Cours De La Riviere De Tunquin (1760)
This is a copper engraved map printed in 1760 of modern day Vietnam and made by Jacques-Nicolas Bellin. Bellin was a famous 18th century French Mapmaker who was famous for his nautical and coastal maps. The map is entitled Carte Du Cours De La Riviere De Tunquin, Depuis Cacho jusqu'a la Mer Levee par un Navigateur Anglois, which roughly translates to the Course of the Tonquin River, Until the Sea Levee at Cacho explored by the English Navigators. The units of measurement are shown to be Echelle Grades Lieues de France which roughly translated to Scale Grades, French Leagues. The map shows. an area of Vietnam along the Tonquin River. It shows Cacho, Ville Capitale du Tunquin (Hanoi), several Pagodas, and Ville ou les Anglois ont un Contour (Village or the English possession at the Contour). It shows the depth of the river at different points and several Bays, Islands, and Settlements.
Carte Dv Beavvaisis (1648)
Copper engraved map of the Region of Beauvais, France. The map is adorned with a decorative cartouche. The map is from the publication: Cartes generales de toutes les Provinces de France et d'Espaigne, which translates to: General maps of all of the Provinces of France and Spain. The Cartographer, Nicolas Tassin, was active from 1633 until 1655 and was appointed "Royal Cartographer" at Dijon before setting up as an engraver in Paris where he issued various collections of small maps and plans. Cities appearing on this map include: Île-de-France: Yvelines: Mante (Mantes-la-Jolie), Meulan (Meulan-en-Yvelines), and Poissy. Val-d'Oise: Pontoiz (Pontoise), Artis (Arthies), Marignes (Marines), Magny (Magny-en-Vexin), Lisle Adam (L'Isle-Adam), and Beaumont (Beaumont-sur-Oise). Nord-Pas-de-Calais-Picardie: Oise: Meru (Méru), Chaumont (Chaumont-en-Vexin), Labosse, Cormeille (?), Creil, Senlis, Pont S. Maixance (Pont-Sainte-Maxence), Chailly (?), Verberie, Moluin (?), Crepy (Crépy-en-Valois), Russy (Russy-Bémont), Ludron (?), Compiegne (Compiègne), Pierrefond (Pierrefonds), Auberual (?), Rotonde (Rethondes), St. Leu (Saint-Leu-d'Esserent/Villers-sous-Saint-Leu), Merlou (Mello/Saint-Vaast-lès-Mello), Mouy, Fremicourt (?), Auelon (?), Gerberoy, Meroatte (?), Villedieu (?), Bury, Clermont, St. Thibault (Saint-Thibault), Bulles, Beavvais (Beauvais), St. Just (Saint-Just-en-Chaussée), Hinu (Hénu), lequesnel (Le Quesnel-Aubry), Blicourt, Labruire (Labruyère), Remy, Neroy (Noroy), Montiers, Noyon, Le Plessis de Roye (Plessis-de-Roye), Gournay (Gournay-sur-Aronde), Oruilliers (Orvillers-Sorel), Beuuerem, Ferrieres (Ferrières), Breteuil, and Flechy (Fléchy). Somme: Nelle (Nesle ), Harbonnieres (Harbonnières), Roye, Rouy (Rouy-le-Petit/Rouy-le-Grand), Mottnselle, Mondidier, Moreul (Moreuil), Cottensy (Cottenchy), and Conty.. Normandy: Eure: Dangu and Gisors. Seine-Maritime: Gournay (Gournay-en-Bray) and Beuueray (Beuvreuil).
Carte Generale De Espagne es du Portugal Par A. H. Brue, Geographe de S. A. R. Mousieuv. (1821)
This is a copper engraved map of Spain and Portugal from 1821 by Adrien Hubert Brue. The title of the map is Carte generale de l'Espagne en du Portugal, par A.H. Brue, Geographe de S.A.R. Monsieur. A Paris, Chez l'Auteur, rue des Macons-Sorbonne, no. 9, et chez les principaux marchands de geographie. Decembre 1821. This roughly translates to General Map of Spain and Portugal, by A. H. Brue, Geographe S. A. R. sir. In Paris at Rue des Macons-Sorbonne, No. 9 and at major geography merchants. December 1821. Countries appearing on this map: Morocco, Spain, Great Britain, Portugal, Cities appearing on this map: Morocco: Arsila (Asilah), Tanger (Tangier), Tetuan (Tétouan), Spain: Autonomous City of Cueta: Cueta. Andalusia: Province of Huelva: Te. la Higuera (?), Province of Cádiz: Ceuta, Salinas (?), Chipiona, Rota, San Lucar (Sanlúcar de Barrameda), Bornos, Arcos (Arcos de la Frontera), Xeres (Jerez de la Frontera), Pto. de Sa. Maria (El Puerto de Santa María), Pto. Real (Puerto Real), Paterna (Paterna de Rivera), Alcala (Alcalá de los Gazules), Medinasidonia (Medina-Sidonia), Chiclana (Chiclana de la Frontera), Renalia (?), Conil (Conil de la Frontera), S. Carlos (?), Cadix (Cádiz), Te. Bernuja (?), Veger (Vejer de la Frontera), C. de Plata (?), Tarifa, Algeciras, S. Roque (San Roque), Ximena (Jimena de la Frontera), Ubrique, Setenil (Setenil de las Bodegas), Pta. Serrano (Puerto Serrano), Grasalema (Grazalema), Province of Seville: las Cabezas (Las Cabezas de San Juan), Te. de Oreas (?), Lebrija, la Real Ca. del Cuervo (El Cuervo de Sevilla), Pruna, Province of Málaga: Gaucin (Gaucín), Estepona, Marbella, Te. de Cala Moral (?), Co. Licata (?), Coin (Coín), Alhaurin (Alhaurín el Grande), Monda, Turon (?), Ronda, Alora (Álora), Te. de Cala Moral (La Cala de Mijas), Te. Frangerola (Fuengirola), Te. Molinos (Torremolinos), Almogia (Almogía), Malaga (Málaga), Velez Malaga (Vélez-Málaga), Pinos del Rey (?), Torros (Torrox), Province of Granada: Almunecar (Almuñécar), Salobrena (Salobreña), Motril, Velez (Vélez de Benaudalla), Lanjaron (Lanjarón), Orgiva (Órgiva), Torbiscon (Torvizcón), Gualchos, Ce. de Rabida (La Rábita), Busqotar (Busquístar), Ugijar (Ugíjar), Province of Almería: Adra, Berja, Ce. de Guardas Viejas (Castillo de Guardias Viejas/Los Baños de Guardias Viejas/Guardias Viejas), Dalias (Dalías), Almeria (Almería), Rioja, Nijar (Níjar/San Isidro de Níjar)), Te. S. Miguel (San Miguel de Cabo de Gata), Te. de Calafiguera (?), Great Britain: Gibraltar: Gibraltar Portugal: Algarve Region: Faro District: N. Sa. de la Luz (Praia da Luz), Carrapateira, Aljesur (Aljezur), Seixe (Odeceixe), Monchique, Alentejo Region: Beja District: Serdao (Cavaleiro), Villanova de Milfontes (Vila Nova de Milfontes), Setúbal District: Sines,
Carte Generale de la Grece Ancienne Et D'Une Partie De Ses Colonies par A. H. Brue, Geographe de S. A. R. Mousieuv. (1822)
This is a copper engraved map of Ancient Greece and Turkey from 1822 by Adrien Hubert Brue. The title of the map is Carte generale de la Grece Ancienne et D'ne Partie de Ses Colonies, par A.H. Brue, Geographe de S.A.R. Monsieur. A Paris, Chez l'Auteur, rue des Macons-Sorbonne, no. 9, et chez les principaux marchands de geographie. Aout 1822. This roughly translates to General Map of Ancient Greece and Some of Its Colonies, by A. H. Brue, Geographe S. A. R. sir. In Paris at Rue des Macons-Sorbonne, No. 9 and at major geography merchants. August 1822. Countries appearing on this map: Greece Cities appearing on this map: Greece: Island of Crete: Cisanuis (?), Coricus (?), Aptera (Destroyed by an Earthquake in the 7th Century), Polyrrhenia, Cydonia (Kydonia, abandoned after the 13th Century), Amphimalia (Amphimalla, abandoned), Phenix (?), Pantomatrium (?), Miletus (?), Rhitymna (Rethymno), Eleutherna (Abandoned in the 16th Century), Dium (?), Cylaeum (?), Cnossus (Knossos, abandoned 1100 BC), Methymna (?), Assus (?), Phaetus (?), Gortyna (Gortyn, destroyed in 828), Inathus (?), Heracleum (Heraklion), Lyctos (Lyctus, abandoned by the 16th Century), Minoa (?), Arcades (?), Hyerapytna (Ierapetra), Blenna (?), Prasos (Praisos), and Nanus (?). Island of Karpathos: Nisyrus (?) and Posidium (?). Peloponnese: Messenia: Pylus (Pylos), Methone (Methoni), Asine (Abandoned), Corone (Koroni), Stenyelaeus (?), Ahia (?), Pharie (?), Aetylus (?), Thalamie (?), Laconia: Baea (Boeae), Asopus (Asopos), Leucaae (?), Epi Delium (?), Epidaurus Limera, Geronthae (?), Maryos (?), Chorion (?), Magonia (?), Acria (?), Melos (?), Gythium (?), Palae (?), Las (?), Teuthrone (Kotronas), Pyrrhieus (?), Taenarium vel Caenopolis (Tenarus), Messa (?), Attica: Islands: Cythera (?), Scandea, South Aegean: Milos: Melos (Milos)
Carte Particuliere des Environs d'Arthois du Boulenois et d'Une Partie de la Picardie (1712)
This is a copper engraved map of Northern France by Eugene Henry Fricx published in 1712. The title in French is Carte Particuliere des Environs d'Arthois du Boulenois et d'Une Partie de la Picardie and a rough English translation is Map of the Surroundings of Arthois Boulnois and Part of the Picardie. At the key it is written in French, Echelle de deux Lienes de Brabant which roughly translates in English to Scale of two Brabant Lines. Below it reads in French, A Bruxelles chez Eugene Henry Fricx rue de la Madelene aver Privilege du Roy 1708, which roughly ran slated in English to In Brussels Eugene Henry Fricx Street of the Madeleine with Privilege of the King, 1708. Cities appearing on the map: Nord-Pas-de-Calais-Picardie: Nord: Marquete (?), Koflande (?), Hasebrouk, Wate ou la Mote au bois(La Motte-au-Bois which is now part of Morbecque since the early 1790s), Steenbek (Steenbecque), Morbek (Morbecque), Fontainecastel (?), Zekele (?), Waloncapele (Wallon-Cappel), la Vostine F. O. C. (?), Ablinghem (Ebblinghem), Norstract (?), Bacouk (?), Renecrre (Renescure), Sille ou Linde (Lynde), Blaringhem, Boisinghem (Boëseghem), Tiene (Thiennes), Haveskerke (Haverskerque), Sanai capele (?), Wiacbrouq (Widdebrouck), and Pequeur. Pas-de-Calais: Bambek (?), Roughe F. ruine (?), Garlinghem, S. Floris (Saint-Floris), S. Venant (Saint-Venant), Amuzois (Les Amusoires), Robek Printe (Robecq), Le Quenol (?), Bune (Busnes), Garbek (Guarbecque), Le Moulenou (?), Bernoville (?), Berguete (Berguette, which, on January 1, 1996, consolidated with Molinghem and Isbergues to form Isbergues), Molinghem (Molinghem, which, on January 1, 1996, consolidated with Berguette and Isbergues to form Isbergues), Flandre (La Flandrie), P. en Bune (Pont en Busnes), Bunete (Busnettes), Canteraine (?), Manquevile (Manqueville), Ham H. O. S. (Ham-en-Artois), Pire (?), Orgevile (Orgeville), Cote (Saint-Hilaire-Cottes), S. Hilaire (Saint-Hilaire-Cottes), Malanoi (Norrent-Fontes), Norrem (Norrent-Fontes), Fonte (Norrent-Fontes), Tanai (?), les Mottes (?), Mazinghem, Breux (?), Isberge (Isbergues), Aire (Aire-sur-la-Lys), F. S. Francois (Fort St. Francis), S. Martin (Saint-Martin), Wit (Wittes), Jumele (La Jumelle), Rinck (Rinq), S. Quintin (?), S. Andrellas (?), Cohen (?), Quarq (?), Marte (Marthes), Mame (Mametz), Rebeck (?), Glominghem (Glomenghem), Cauchie d'Eck (There is a Fond de Cauchie and a Rue de Cauchie outside the city of Ecques), Warne, Roquetoir (Roquetoire), Ron (?), Ecoire (?), Raquinghem (Racquinghem), le Barne (?), Verderek (Wardrecques), Campagne (Campagne-lès-Wardrecques), Blandeque F. C. (Blendecques), Sorice (?), Quistede (Quiestède), Huringhem (Heuringhem), Pihen (Pihem), Helfaut, Bilk (?), St. Arque Comte (Arques), Wime (?), S. Bertin (Abbey of Saint Bertin inside Saint-Omer founded in the 7th Century that was closed during the French Revolution and is now Ruins), St. Omer (Saint-Omer), le Nar (?), les Chartroux (?), Longeunesse, Leulinghem, Wisq (Wisques), Wiserne (Wizernes), Haline (Hallines), Equerde (Esquerdes), Setque (Setques), Arqenbrone (?), Estrehen (Estrehem), Tatinghem (Merged to form Saint-Martin-lez-Tatinghem on January 1, 2016), le Hautoi (?), Cormete (Cormette), Disq (Petit Difques?/Grand Difques?), Noircarme (?), Quelme (Quelmes), Lumbre (Lumbres), Baynghem (Bayenghem-lès-Éperlecques/Bayenghem-lès-Seninghem), le Val du bois (?), Zud Ausq (Zudausques), Aquin (Joined with Westbécourt on January 1, 1974 to form Acquin-Westbécourt), Moringhem, Boidinghem (Boisdinghem), Bouvelinghem, Watine (?), Quercamp (Quercamps), Alquine (Alquines), Haut et Bas Locquin (Haut-Loquin/Bas Loquin), Waterdal (?), Colombi (Coulomby), Journi (Journy), Cauchie (?), Surque (Surques), Equeule (Escœuilles), Brunemberg (Brunembert), Reberg (Rebergues), Bainghem (Bainghen), Longuevile (Longueville), Coquerel (?), Cele (Selles), Bournonvile (Bournonville), Duche (?), Liane (There is a La Liane stream), Heneveu (Henneveux), Alingtun (Alincthun), Cremare (Crémarest), Belebrune (Bellebrune), Haute fontaine (There is a hotel called Gite Cottage des Hautes Fontaines), Bele (Belle-et-Houllefort), Contevile (?), Perne (Pernes-lès-Boulogne), Huplande (Huplandre), la Capele (La Capelle-lès-Boulogne), Pitefau (Pittefaux), Sauvre moulin (17th Century Chateau of Souverain-Moulin), Cuvervile (There is a street Chemin de Cuverville), Cluse (La Haute Cluse), S. Martin (?), Bedeutre (?), Boulemberg (?), Maquinghem (Macquinghen), Bertenlair (?), Baingtun (Baincthun), la Pature (?), Echinghem (Echinghen), S. Leonard (Saint-Léonard), P. De Brique (Pont-de-Briques), Hermeranq (?), Isque (Isques), Quehem (Quehen), Quetinghem (Questinghen), Hedin l'Abbe (Hesdin-l'Abbé), Oureq (?), Lanoi (?), Quetre (Questrecques), Wirevigne (Wirwignes), Reelinghem (There is a street Route de Reclinghen), S. Etiene (Saint-Étienne-au-Mont), Audisque (?), la Manoir (?), Ecame (?), Condete (Condette), Choquel (Le Choquel), la Hate (?), Chateau de Hardelot (Neufchâtel-Hardelot), Neuchatel (Neufchâtel-Hardelot), la Riniere (?), Pelinctun (?), Danne (Dannes), Camier (Camiers), Rombli ensable (?), Niele (Nesles), Verlingtun (Verlincthun), Menti (?), Floringtun (?), Hedigneul (Hesdigneul-lès-Boulogne), Tingri (Tingry), Carli (Carly), le Breuc (?), l'Epeche (?), Longuereque (Longuerecque), au bois Belazane (Bellozanne), Samer H. O. S. B., Pta. d'Estienfort (?), H. et B. Blefel (?), Wierre au Bois (Wierre-au-Bois), Le spreiet (?), Jourelingtun (?), S. Gertrude (?), Long Fosse (Longfossé), Courtaut (?), Canteraine, Chauffee (?), Devre (Desvres), Manevile (Menneville), S Martin (Saint-Martin-Choquel), Queque (Quesques), Buisson de Mai (?), Lotinghem (Lottinghen), Vieu Moutier (Vieil-Moutier), Monthulin rase (?), le Calique (?), Frinevile (?), Etaple (Étaples), Hilbert (?), Fromecen (Fromessent), Le Fau (Lefaux), Audiq (?), Goluque (?), Tubersen (Tubersent), Enoc (Bréxent-Énocq), la Roque (?), Courtevile (Courteville), Longviler H. C. (Longvilliers), les Prez (?), Courne (?), Rofenniel (?), Fren (Frencq), le Turne (?), Widehem, Cormont, Hubersent, Niembourg, Halinghem (Halinghen), Beutin, Atin (Attin), Brequesen (Bréxent-Énocq?), Marevile (Maresville), Etrayele (Estréelles), Tativile (Tatéville), Regue (Recques-sur-Course), Moncavrel ou Mailli (Montcavrel), Beussen (Beussent), Bernieul (Bernieulles), le Violier (?), Preurele (?), Enguinehaut, Rolers (?), Sequiere (Séquières), Veillame (?), Erime (?), Lacre (Lacres), Dale (Dalles), Parenti (Parenty), Doudeauvile H. O. S. A. (Doudeauville), Beauceroi (Beaucorroy), Cours (Course), la Croix de Pierre, Courset, les Chartrux (La Chartreuse de Neuville), Neuvile (Neuville-sous-Montreuil), Etree (Estrée), Marle (Marles-sur-Canche), Maren (Marant), la Beauce (?), Hurtevent (?), Sempi (Sempy), Aimi (?), Alete (Alette), Toutendal, Clenleu, Remortier, Maninghem au mont (Maninghem), Digitized 2-2015
Carte de L'Isle Celebes ou Macassar (1752)
This is an engraved map of Indonesian Island of Sulawesi published in 1752. Cities shown on the map include: Dondo (no longer a city but a district of Sulawesi), Tetoli (?), Condi Sanga (?), Camanga (?), Manado, Caidupa (?), Gorontano (Maybe Gorontalo), Tomine (?), Babay (?), Sederem (?), Gabe (?), Bone (Maybe Bone-Bone region), Vagiou, Tambuco (?), Renuguy (?), Buto (?), Toraja (an ethnic group from the mountainous Southern region), Soppen (?), Goa (there was a king of Goa in the 17th century), Bonpanga (?), Bencauang (?), Aengetang (?), Bannelle (?), Fort Hollandois (?), Jompandam, Macassar ou Mancacara (Makassar), Banttaim (?), Galesor (?), Talahor (?), Moder (?), Congi (?), Cooti (?), Mandar (Modern Regency of Polewali Mandar), Mamoja (Maybe Mamuju sub district), and Turate (?). At the top of the map in French is Carte de L'Isle Celebes ou Macassar which translates to Map of Isle Celebes or Makassar. At the bottom of the map in Dutch is Kaart Van't Eiland Celebes of Makassar which translates to Map of the Island Celebes or Makassar. Jacques-Nicolas Bellin who lived from 1703 to 1772 was an important cartographer of the 18th century. He is understood as geographe de cabinet and a transitional mapmaker spanning the gap between 18th and early 19th century cartographic styles. His long career as Hydrographer and Ingénieur Hydrographe at the French Dépôt des cartes et plans de la Marine resulted in hundreds of high quality nautical charts of practically everywhere in the world. His work focuses on function and accuracy tending in the process to be less decorative than the earlier 17th and 18th century cartographic work. Unlike many of his contemporaries, Bellin was always careful to cite his references and his scholarly corpus consists of over 1400 articles on geography prepared for Diderot's Encyclopedie. In addition to numerous maps and charts published during his lifetime, many of Bellin's maps were updated (or not) and published posthumously. He was succeeded as Ingénieur Hydrographe by his student, also a prolific and influential cartographer, Rigobert Bonne. Jakob van der Schley who lived from 1715 to 1779 was a Dutch engraver and painter. He has engraved the maps and views of the maps of the Dutch edition of Prevost's Histoire General des Voyage.
Carte de l'Isle d'Anjouan (1748)
This is a copper engraved map of the Island of Anjouan in the Comoros by Jacques Nicolas Bellin in 1748. It is labeled in both French and Dutch. The title in French is "Carte de l'Isle d'Anjouan, Une des Isles de Comore: Par le Cape. Cornwal" and in Dutch is "Kaart van't Eiland Anjuan, den der Komorose Eilanden, door Kapt. Cornwall". A rough English translation would be "A map of the Island of Anjouan, One of the Islands of the Comoros: Per Captain Cornwall. It shows a unit of measurement with the title, Echelle de quatre lieues marines in French and Schaal van Zee-Mylen in Dutch which translates to Scale of four marine leagues. Cities appearing on the map include: Kavane (?), Sakken (?), Marapare (?), Village:Dorp (?), Asanpon (?), Esoue (?), Eavil (?), Gindi (?), Mokeside (?), Bandane (?), Mindehore (?), Onzene (?), Kani (?), Bandankod (?), Bombo la Saunga (Bambao Mtrouni?), Lamude (?), Gaune (?), Bombae (?), Merone (?), Warne (?), Zeumillome (?), Haromt (?), Ponhal (?), Herovne (?), Bandanka (?), Boderan (?), Pinda (?), Suzane (?), Kova (?), Demoni (?), Koway (?), Namakil (?), Hada (?), and Demani (Domoni). Under Deamni it reads: Ville Capitale ou Demeure du Roy, Hoofdstad, which translated to Capital city or Residence of the King. Off of the Western Coast of the island it reads: Ici le Mouillage set fort bon: Hier is geode Ankering, which translated to, Here, anchorage is very good and Bancs de Roches sous l'eau, which translated to Rock Banks Under Water. On the Northern Portion of the island it reads: Tres bon endroit pour faire du bois: Beste Plaats voor den Houthak, which translates to, Very good place for wood/best place for logging.
Carte de la Riviere de Cook, dans la partie N. O. de L'Amerique (1785)
This is a copper engraved map of Alaska from the first French Edition of the Chronicles of James Cook's Third Voyage. The title of the book is Cartes et figures du troisième voyage de Cook or Maps and figures of Cook's Third Voyage. This was published in 1785 in Paris at Hôtel de Thou, Rue des Poiteuins. This map shows the coast of Southern Alaska that Cook explored in May of 1778. The map gives a starting date of May 12, 1778 and traces his route along the coast. He gives depth measurements and coastline information along the way. The title of the map is Carte de la Riviere de Cook, dans la partie N. O. de L'Amerique which translates to Map of the Cook River in N (North) O (West) Part of America. The map shows Prince William Sound, where Valdez currently is, which is shown as Entree du Prince Guillaume and Cook Inlet along with its Turnagain Arm and its Knik Arm where Anchorage currently is.
Carte des Sevennes (1648)
Copper engraved map of the Cévennes, a range of Mountains located in South-Central France. The map is adorned with a decorative cartouche. The map is from the publication: Cartes generales de toutes les Provinces de France et d'Espaigne, which translates to: General maps of all of the Provinces of France and Spain. The Cartographer, Nicolas Tassin, was active from 1633 until 1655 and was appointed "Royal Cartographer" at Dijon before setting up as an engraver in Paris where he issued various collections of small maps and plans. The cities, towns, Rivers, and bridges on this map are: Avignon, Uzez (Uzès), Le pont S. Esprit (Pont-Saint-Esprit), Alez (Alès), Anduze, Sauve, Ganges, Montleomar (Montèlimar), Privas, Pont du Gard (Gard Bridge (World Heritage Site)), S. Hipolite (Saint-Hippolyte-de-Montaigu), Uzez (Uzès), Valabres (Vallabrix), Monfalcon (Montfaucon), Le Rhosne Fl. (Le Rhône or the Rhône River), Le Gardon-R. (Gardon River), S. Anastazier (Sainte-Anastasie), Casseignolles (Cassagnoles), St. Geniers (Saint-Geniès-de-Malgoirès), S. Iust (Saint-Just-et-Vacquières), Angoustrine, Ribaute (Ribaute-Les-Tavernes), Vezenobre (Vèzènobres), Quissac, S. Hipolite (Saint-Hippolyte-du-Fort), Dherant, S. Bolize (Saint-Bauzille-De-Putois), Pont de Seludre, S. Iehan de Gardoningue, La Creme, Pont de S. Guillem, Herault R. (L'Hèrault or Hèrault River), S. Iehan de la Blaquiere (Saint-Jean-de-la-Blaquière), Modiere, Vis R. (La Vis or Vis River), Semene (Sumène), Pont daurey (Pont D'Herault), Le Vigan, Larboras, Arry (Arre), Le Tar R. (Le Tarn (Tarn River), Meinieis, Florac, Pont de Far, Barry, Pont de Manteurt (Le Pont-De-Montvert), Mirail, Chambon Rigault, Lhospitalet, Les Salles, S. Romain, Sacanton, S. Germain, Genoullac, Peiremale, Banes, Les Vans, Portes, S. Iehan de la Seb, Mayer, Rousson, S. Ambroise, Chasse Sac R. (), Chambonas, Cassaigne, Teirargues, Le Seze R (La Cèze), S. Iehan des Auel, Bariac, Vagnol, La Bastide, Vallon, Salauar, Pont-Darc, La Gorce, Mirebel, Legar, Ardeche R. (L'Ardeche (Ardeche River), Le Coirou, S. Genes, S. Pons (Saint-Pons), Aps, Roquemaure, Viuiers (Viviers), S. Anchol (Bourg-Saint-Andèol), S. Omer, Gras, Aigneuze, La Paillaseo, S. George, Baignolz (Bagnols-Sur-Ceze), and Veneian (Vènèjan).
Carte du Chemin de Ust-Kameno-Gorsk jusque' aux Ruines d' Ablaikit (1779)
This is an engraving of the Buddhist Monastery of Ablaikit and a map of the location of the ruins published in 1779. The map shows the city of Ust-Kameno-Gorsk (Oskemen) in Kazakstan as are the Monastery ruins. In the upper left is a map of the area of Kazakstan containing the ruins with the French title: Carte du Chemin de Ust-Kameno-Gorsk jusqu' aux Tuines d' Ablaikit which translates to Map of Ust-Kameno-Gorsk and Path to the Ruins of Ablaikit. In the upper right is a map of the Monastery grounds with a title in French: Plan de l'Enceinte des Murs du Temple d'Ablaikit which translates to Map of the Temple Walls of Ablaikit. In the bottom section is an image of the Monastery and Temple itself. In French is Plan du Temple which translates to Temple Map showing a plan of the inner temple. There is also a detailed image of the Monastery and Temple with the French title Elevation du Temple d'Ablaikit which translated to Elevation of the Temple of Ablaikit. Below the map is the French title Plan des Environs et de L'Enceinte du Temple D'Ablaikit which translated to plan of the Temple and Surroundings of Ablaikit. Jacques-Nicolas Bellin who lived from 1703 to 1772 was an important cartographer of the 18th century. He is understood as geographe de cabinet and a transitional mapmaker spanning the gap between 18th and early 19th century cartographic styles. His long career as Hydrographer and Ingénieur Hydrographe at the French Dépôt des cartes et plans de la Marine resulted in hundreds of high quality nautical charts of practically everywhere in the world. His work focuses on function and accuracy tending in the process to be less decorative than the earlier 17th and 18th century cartographic work. Unlike many of his contemporaries, Bellin was always careful to cite his references and his scholarly corpus consists of over 1400 articles on geography prepared for Diderot's Encyclopedie. In addition to numerous maps and charts published during his lifetime, many of Bellin's maps were updated (or not) and published posthumously. He was succeeded as Ingénieur Hydrographe by his student, also a prolific and influential cartographer, Rigobert Bonne. Jakob van der Schley who lived from 1715 to 1779 was a Dutch engraver and painter. He has engraved the maps and views of the maps of the Dutch edition of Prevost's Histoire General des Voyage.
Carte du Retelois (1648)
Copper engraved map of the Retelois, an area around the city of Rethel in Northeastern France which roughly corresponds to the modern day Ardennes department. The map is adorned with a decorative cartouche. The map is from the publication: Cartes generales de toutes les Provinces de France et d'Espaigne, which translates to: General maps of all of the Provinces of France and Spain. The Cartographer, Nicolas Tassin, was active from 1633 until 1655 and was appointed "Royal Cartographer" at Dijon before setting up as an engraver in Paris where he issued various collections of small maps and plans. The cities appearing on the map include: Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine: Ardennes: Donhery (Donchery), Sedan, Torcy (?), Chaumont, Harocourt (Haraucourt), Chehery (Chéhéry), Conage (Connage), Chimery (Chémery-sur-Bar), Raucourt (Raucourt-et-Flaba), Mouzon, Pouron (Pourron), Yon (Yoncq), la Besasse (La Besace), Baumont (Beaumont-en-Argonne), le Barbier (La Berlière), Oche (Oches), Pierremont (Saint-Pierremont), Chy (Sy), Tenet (Tannay), Brieullesurbar (Brieulles-sur-Bar), Besansy (Buzancy), Mezierres (Merged in 1966 with Charleville to form Charleville-Mézières), Chalandry (Chalandry-Elaire), St. Martin (Hannogne-Saint-Martin), St. Marceau (Saint-Marceau), Baleine (?), But (Butz), Villers le Tigneux (Villers-le-Tilleul?), Poix (Poix-Terron), Masargny (Mazerny), St. Gly (?), Balon (Baâlons), la Cassine (?), Jouual (Jonval), Chany (Chagny), la Chaisne (Le Chesne), Macquiny (Marquigny), Monion (?), lamay (Lametz), Doij (?), Neusuil (Neuville-Day), Von (Voncq), lesalleux (Les Alleux), Vendy (Vandy), Balaise (Ballay), Noruax (Noirval), Toge (Toges), Chette (Chestres), Olizy (Olizy-Primat), Boult (Boult-aux-Bois), Briequenay (Briquenay), Seury (Sivry Les Buzancy), Mortonde (?), Mouron, Prix (Prix-lès-Mézières), Tiche (This), Neusuil (Neuville-lès-This), S. Pierre (Saint-Pierre-sur-Vence), Guignicourt (Guignicourt-sur-Vence), Laricourt (?), Clauy (Clavy-Warby), Ceruion (Servion), Vaux (Vaux-Villaine), Lesperon (Lépron-les-Vallées), Libercy (?), Tin (Thin-le-Moutier), Domery (Dommery), Launay (Launois-sur-Vence), Vieux St. Pemy (Viel-Saint-Remy), Neuuizy (Neuvizy), St. Loup (Saint-Loup-Terrier), Guincourt, Sachaux (?), Monclin (Saulces-Monclin/Monclin), Lorcy (?), Lugny (Lucquy?), Nouy (Novy-Chevrières), Corny (Corny-Machéroménil), Nouion (Novion-Porcien), Voignon (Wagnon), Memont (Mesmont), Serry (Sery), Justine (Justine-Herbigny), Inomont (Inaumont), Barbie (Barby), Ichy (Écly), Retel (Rethel), Logny (Lonny), Pimogne (Rimogne), Chilly, Blonbel (Blombay), Auny (?), Girondel (Girondelle), Etrebay (Estrebay), Pumigny (Rumigny), Auuille (Auvillers-les-Forges), Maubert Fontaine (Maubert-Fontaine), Neusuil (?), Auge, Marenhoy (Maranwez?), St. Ian (Saint-Jean-aux-Bois?), Liarre (Liart? or La Férée?), Naple (?), Bay (Blanchefosse-et-Bay), Neufchastel (Neufchâtel-sur-Aisne which is in Aisne/Neufchâtel which is in Ardennes), Letour (Le Thour), Arpy (Herpy-l'Arlésienne), Baugnone (Banogne-Recouvrance), Conde (Condé-lès-Herpy), Chasteau Portien (Château-Porcien), St. Fargau (Saint-Fergeux), St. Cour (Seraincourt?), Reneuil (Renneville), Soin (Son), Chape (Chappes), Odon (Adon), Slencourt (?), Vadimont (Wadimont), Vaux (Vaux-lès-Rubigny), Roquigny (Rocquigny), Russilly (?), Vieux (Vieux-lès-Asfeld), Ecry (?), Roissy (Roizy), St. Loup (Saint-Loup-en-Champagne), Aire, Blancy (Blanzy-la-Salonnaise), Auenson (Avançon), Le Chastelet (Le Châtelet-sur-Retourne), Tagnon, Perte (Perthes), Assy (Acy-Romance), Saux (?), Ieneuil (Juniville), Begnicourt (Bignicourt), Nel (?), Tugny (Thugny-Trugny), Coully (Thugny-Trugny), Villesuretoune (Ville-sur-Retourne), Pauure (Pauvres), Coulomme (Coulommes-et-Marqueny), Mery (Méry), Atigny (Attigny), Rilly (Rilly-sur-Aisne), Germigny (?), St. Estienne (Saint-Étienne-à-Arnes), Coroy (Cauroy), Machault, Bricourt (Dricourt), Chaumont (Tourcelles-Chaumont), Orrs (Aure), Manre, Vieus (Marvaux-Vieux), Montoy (Monthois), Liry, Chuny (?), Vouzy (Vouziers), Gratereux (?), Ardeul (Ardeuil-et-Montfauxelles), Challerange (Challerange), Vaux (Vaux-lès-Mouron), and Autry. Marne: Sampin (Sommepy-Tahure). Nord-Pas-de-Calais-Picardie: Aisne : Aubenson (Aubenton), Doulignon (Dolignon), Raineual (Renneval), Rouuevoy (Rouvroy-sur-Serre), Douy (?), Guiex (?), Resigny (Résigny), Beaume (Beaumé), Les Hostelz (Les Autels), Tadenis (?), Nizy le Comte (Nizy-le-Comte), Dizy (Dizy-le-Gros), Moncornet en Tirache (Montcornet), Tuel (Le Thuel), Maloy (?) (Le Thuel), Soiue (Soize), and Rosoy (Rozoy-sur-Serre).
Central America and the West Indian Islands (1863)
This is a highly detailed copper engraved map of Central America and the West Indies published in 1863. This was created by A. K. Johnston for his book entitled, School Atlas of General & Descriptive Geography which was published by William Blackwood & Sons. Alexander Keith Johnston was a Scottish Geographer who lived from 1804 to 1871. This map has a section along with the title which states: Central America and the West Indian Islands, A. K. Johnston, F. R. S. E., Scale: 200 miles to an inch, 14,000,000 of nature, Scale of English Miles, The West Indian Islands are sometimes denominated the "Columbian Archipelago" or "The Antilles." In some English Charts the term "Leeward Isles", is erroneously applied to those of the Caribbean Group extending from Porto Rico to Dominica, those from Martinique to Tobago, being styled the "Windward Isles.", Railways, (B.)-British, (Da.)-Danish, (DU.)-Dutch, (F.)-French, (S.)-Spanish, (Sw.)-Swedish. Around the edge of the map reads: General Geography, Plate 25, William Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh & London. Countries appearing on the map: Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Trinidad and Tobago, Grenada, Barbados, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Lucia, Martinique, Curaçao, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Dominica, Guadeloupe, Montserrat, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica, Belize, Cuba, Mexico, The Bahamas, and the United States of America. Cities appearing on the map: Venezuela: Angostura or S. Thomas (Ciudad Bolívar), Corona (?), Cabruta, Merida (Mérida), Varinas (Barinas), Barcelona, Cumana (Cumaná), Cariaco, Assumption (La Asunción), Caracas, la Guayra (La Guaira), Coro (Santa Ana de Coro), Cariaco (?), and Maracaybo (Maracaibo). Colombia: Ocana (Ocaña), Tola (Tolú), Saragoza (Zaragoza Municipality), Antiquia (Santa Fe de Antioquia), Caceres (Cáceres), Uraba (?), Honda (Bahia Honda?), la Hacha (Riohacha), Sa. Marta (Santa Marta), and Cartagena. Panama: Yavisa (Yaviza), Carreto, Chame, Porto Bello (Portobelo), Aspinwall (Colón), Chagres (Now the World Heritage Site of Chagres and Fort San Lorenzo which was depopulated in 1916 and the residents were moved to Nuevo Chagres), Los Santos (La Villa de los Santos), Santiago (Santiago de Veraguas), S. Lorenzo (San Lorenzo), David, and Estrella (La Estrella). Costa Rica: Eredia (?), Cartago, S. Jose (San José), Alahuela (Alajuela), Nicoya, Bagases (Bagaces), and Guanacasto (Liberia). Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad (British): P. of Spain/P. Espana (Port of Spain). Tobago (British): Scarborough. Grenada (British): S. George (St. George's). Barbadoes (Barbados) (British): Bridge Tn. (Bridgetown). S. Vincent (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) (British): Kingstown. S. Lucia (Saint Lucia) (British): Castries. Martinique (French): Pt. Royal (Fort-de-France). Curacao (Curaçao) (Dutch): Williamstadt (Willemstad). Nicaragua: S. Juan de Nicaragua or Grey Town (San Juan de Nicaragua), S. Carlos (San Carlos), Trinidad (?), Blewfields (Bluefields), Rivas or Nicaragua (Rivas), Masaya, Granada, Managua, Leon (León), Realejo (El Realejo), Comolapa (Comalapa?), Segovia (Ocotal), and Chinandega. Honduras: Juticalpa, Catacamas, Choluteca, Tegucigalpa, Comayagua, Copan (Copán ruins of ancient Mayan city), Poyais (Fake place created by Gregor MacGregor for a scheme), Truxillo (Trujillo), Lasal (?), and Omoa. S. Salvador (El Salvador): La Union (La Unión), S. Miguel (San Miguel), Concordia (?), S. Vicente (San Vicente), Tobasco (?), La Libertad, S. Salvador (San Salvador), and Sonsonate. Guatemala: Chiquimula, New Guatemala (Guatemala City), Istapa (Iztapa), Old Guatemala (Antigua Guatemala), Zacatepec (?), S. Thomas (Santo Tomás de Castilla), Livingston, S. Luis (San Luis), S. Andres (San Andrés), Coban (Cobán), Quesaltenango (Quetzaltenango), Solola (Sololá), and Tetonicapan (Totonicapán). Dominica (British): Roseau. Guadeloupe (French): Base Terre (Basse-Terre). Montserrat (British): Plymouth (Abandoned in 1997 after volcanic eruption and burying under pyroclastic flows). Antigua and Barbuda: Antigua (British): S. John (St. John's). Barbuda (British). Saint Kitts and Nevis: S. Christopher (Saint Kitts) (British): Basse Terre (Basseterre). Nevis (British). U.S. Virgin Islands: Sta. Cruz (Saint Croix) (Danish): Christianstadt (Christiansted). S. John (Saint John) (Danish). S. Thomas (Saint Thomas) (Danish). Porto Rico (Puerto Rico) (Spanish): San Juan and Ponce. Dominica (Dominican Republic): S. Domingo (Santo Domingo), Savanna (Sabana de la Mar), Samana (Samaná), Cotuy (Cotuí), La Vega, Santiago (Santiago de los Caballeros), Monte Christi (Monte Cristi), Bunica (?), and Nelva (Neiba). Haiti: Cape Haitien (Cap-Haïtien), S. Nicolas (Môle-Saint-Nicolas), Port au Prince (Port-au-Prince), Tiburon, Cayes (Les Cayes), and Jacmel. Jamaica (British): Kingston, P. Antonio (Port Antonio), Port Royal, Spanish Tn. (Spanish Town), Falmouth, and Savanna la Mar (Savanna-la-Mar). Brit. Honduras (Belize): Manati (?) and Balize (Belize City). Cuba: Baracoa, Cuba (Santiago de Cuba), Holguin (Holguín), Bayamo, S. Salvador (?), S. Miguel (San Miguel de Baga), Nuevitas, S. Maria de Pt. Principe (Camagüey), Pto. Principe (?), Trinidad, S. Clara (Santa Clara), S. Juan (?), Cienfuegos, Cardenas (Cárdenas), Matanzas, Batavano (Batabanó), Santiago (Santiago de las Vegas which is now a ward of Havana), Havana, Bahia Hoirda (?), and Pinar del Rio (Pinar del Río). Mexico: Yucatan: Arena (?), Bacalar, Campeachy (Campeche City), Seyba (Seybaplaya), Victoria, Balchaco (?), Cuyo (El Cuyo), Silan (?), Valladollid (Valladolid), Merida (Mérida), and Sisal. Chiapas: Tapachula, Palenque, Comitan (Comitán), and Ciudad Real (San Cristóbal de las Casas). Tabasco: Tabasco (?), Palasada (Palizada), Chiltepeque (Chiltepec), and S. Anna (Santana). Tehuantepec: Tehuantepec, Pilpa (?), and S. Pedro (?). Oaxaca: Tilapa (?), Oaxaca (Oaxaca City), and Alpisque (?). Vera Cruz (Veracruz): Alvarade (Alvarado), Vera Cruz (Veracruz), Cordova (Córdoba), Jalapa (Xalapa), Orizaba, Tuspan (Tuxpan), and Antonio (?). Puebla: Puebla (Puebla City) and Tehuacan (Tehuacán). Tamaulipas: Tampico, New Santander (Nuevo Santander was a region of Mexico before joining the Texas region in 1762), and Matamoros. The Bahamas: Nassau. United States of America: Florida: S. Augustine (St. Augustine) and Tampa. Louisiana: New Orleans. Texas: Austin and Galveston.
Central Europe (1853)
Detailed single page historical steel engraved map of Southern New England published in 1853. This map depicts Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and parts of New York, Vermont, and New Hampshire. The map shows several geographic details on cities, towns, rivers, mountains, and islands. Along the bottom edge is written: Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1853 by Daniel Burgess & Co in the Clerks office of the Southern District of New York. Countries appearing on map: Greece, Ionian Islands (Greece), Turkey (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Austria-Hungary (Croatia, Italy, Serbia, Slovenia), Naples (Italy), States of the Church (Italy), Tuscany (Italy), Spain, Gibraltar, Portugal, France, San Marino, Tuscany (Italy), Lucca (Italy), Modena (Italy), Parma (Italy), Sardinian States (Italy) Cities appearing on the map: Greece: Capsali (Kapsali), Mistra (Mystras), Navarino (Pylos), Arcadia (?), Tripolitza (Tripoli), Napoli (Nafplio), Corinth, Patras, Marathon, Athens, Negropont (Chalcis), Livadia (Livadeia), Zeitoun (Lamia), Lepanto (Naupactus), and Missalonghi (Missolonghi). Ionian Islands (Greece): Zante (Zakynthos), Lixuri (Lixouri), Argostola, and Corfu. Naples (Italy): Termoli, Gaeta, Naples, Salerno, Pescara, Ortona, and Aquila (L'Aquila). States of the Church (Italy): Rome, Terracina, Civita Vecchia (Civitavecchia), Perugia, Urbino, Fermo, Loreto, Ancona, Ferrara, Ravenna, Rimina (Rimini), and Bologna. Spain: Carthagena (Cartagena), Vera, Granada, Malaga (Málaga), Cordova (Córdoba), Seville, Cadiz (Cádiz), Palos (Palos de la Frontera), Palma, Valencia, Alicante, Ciudad Real, Murcia, Toledo, Almaden (Almadén), Badajos (Badajoz), Barcelona, Tarragona, Tortosa, Saragossa (Zaragoza), Madrid, Valladolid, Salamanca, Urgel (La Seu d'Urgell), Pamplona, Bilbao, Santander, Gijon (Gijón), Oviedo, Leon (León), Corunna (A Coruña), and Santiago (Santiago de Compostela). Gibraltar: Gibraltar. Portugal: Faro, Lagos, Sines, Abrantes, Evoro (Évora), Leira (Leiria), Lisbon, Coimbria (Coimbra), Oporto (Porto), and Valenca (Valença). France: Bayonne and Strasburg (Strasbourg). Turkey (Bosnia and Herzegovina): Bosnaserai (Sarajevo), Mostar, Uzitza (?), Kupris, Bamaluka (Banja Luka), and Gradiska (Gradiška). Austria-Hungary (Croatia, Italy, Serbia, Slovenia, Hungary, Austria, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland): Croatia: Spalatro (Split), Esseck (Osijek), Posega (Požega), Agram (Zagreb), Zara (Zadar), Segna (Senj), Fiume (Rijeka), Carlstadt (Karlovac), Umago (Umag), Rovigno (Rovinj), Kopremitz (Koprivnica), and Kottori (Kotoriba). Italy: Trieste, Padua, Venice, Roveredo (Rovereto), Brescia, Mantua, Verona, Vicenza, Bergamo, Como, MIlan, Belluno, Gorizia, Botzen (Bolzano), Trent (Trento), and Brixen. Serbia: Peterwardin (Petrovaradin) and Sombor. Slovenia: Neustadt (Novo Mesto), Laybach (Ljubljana), Marburg (Maribor), and Cilly (Celje). Hungary: Buda (Western part of Budapest), Pesth (Eastern part of Budapest), Kalocsa, Kormund (Körmend), Lovo (Zalalövő?), Raab (Győr), and Vesprin (Veszprém). Austria: Neustadt (Wiener Neustadt), Clagenfurth (Klagenfurt), Murau, Leitzen (Liezen), Weyer, Gratz (Graz), Leoben, Lien (Lienz), Werfen (Werfenweng), Saltzburg (Salzburg), Radstadt, Imst, Innspruck (Innsbruck), Pludenz (Bludenz), Vienna, Lintz (Linz), Grein, Zwettel (Zwettl), and Mautern (Mautern an der Donau). Slovakia: Schemnitz (Banská Štiavnica), Neusohl (Banská Bystrica), Presburg (Bratislava), and Leopoldstad (Leopoldov). Czech Republic: Teschen (Split into Cieszyn, Poland on the East bank of the Olza River and Český Těšín, Czech Republic on the West bank of the Olza River), Austerlitz (Slavkov u Brna), Brunn (Brno), Olmutz (Olomouc), Troppau (Opava), Czaylau (?), Seltschan (Sedlčany), Pisek (Písek), Tabor (Tábor), Budweis (České Budějovice), Iglau (Jihlava), Pilsen (Plzeň), Klattau (Klatovy), Toepel (Teplá), Gabel (Jablonné v Podještědí), Gitschin (Jičín), Koeniggratz (Hradec Králové), Prague, Eger (Cheb), Saatz (Žatec), and Sedlitz (Korozluky). Poland: Teschen (Split into Cieszyn, Poland on the East bank of the Olza River and Český Těšín, Czech Republic on the West bank of the Olza River) and Cracow (Kraków). San Marino: San Marino. Tuscany (Italy): Arezzo, Siena, Piombino, Leghorn, Florence, and Pisa. Lucca (Italy): Lucca. Modena (Italy): Modena and Reggio (Reggio Emilia). Parma (Italy): Parma, Carrara, Massa, and Piacenza. Sardinian States (Italy and France): Italy: Vercelli, Padua (Pavia), Allessandria (Alessandria), Genoa, Aosta, Ivrea, Turin, Susa, Saluzzo, and Mondovi (Mondovì). France: Chambery (Chambéry). Bavaria (Germany): Weilheim (Weilheim in Oberbayern), Amberg, Ratlsbon (Regensburg?), Deggendorf, Passau, Landshut, Wasserburg (Wasserburg am Inn), Wurtzburg (Würzburg), Bamberg, Erlangin (Erlangen), Nuremberg, Anspack (Ansbach), Ingoldstadt (Ingolstadt), Augsburg, Munich, and Schweinfurt. Switzerland: Puseniavo (Poschiavo), Schaffhausen, Luzerne (Lucerne), Zurich (Zürich), Geneva, Neuchatel (Neuchâtel), Lausanne, Soleure (Solothurn), Berne (Bern), and Basle (Basel). Baden (Germany): Constance (Konstanz), Freyburg (Freiburg im Breisgau), Saar Louis (Saarlouis), Treves (Trier), Manhelin (Mannheim), Heidelburg (Heidelberg), Carlsruhe (Karlsruhe), Baden (Baden-Baden), and Darmstadt. Wirtemburg (Germany): Stuttgard (Stuttgart), Ulm, Esslingen (Esslingen am Neckar), Elwangen (Ellwangen), Heilbron (Heilbronn), and Halle (Schwäbisch Hall). Hesse-Darmstadt (Germany): Mentz (Mainz), Marburg, Geissen (Giessen), Frankfort (Frankfurt), and Homburg (Bad Homburg vor der Höhe). Hohenzollern (Germany): Hechingen, Rentlingen (Riedlingen), and Sigmaringen. Prussia (Rhine (Belgium, Luxembourg, and Germany), Silesia (Poland and Germany), Westphalia (Germany), Brandenburg (Germany and Poland), and Pomerania (Germany and Poland), Germany) Rhine (Belgium, Luxembourg, and Germany): Belgium: Bastogne. Luxembourg: Luxemburg (City of Luxembourg). Germany: Cologne, Aix la Chappelle (Aachen), Bonn, and Coblentz (Koblenz). Silesia (Poland and Germany): Poland: Ratibor (Racibórz), Oppeln (Opole), Neisse (Nysa), Breslau (Wrocław), Liegnitz (Legnica), Steinau (Ścinawa), and Glogau (Głogów). Germany: Huska (Bad Muskau?). Westphalia (Germany): Detmold, Wesel, Essen, Dusendorf (Düsseldorf), Arensburg (Arnsberg), Elberfeld (Now a subdivision of Wuppertal), and Munster (Münster). Brandenburg (Germany and Poland): Germany: Wittenberg, Herzburg (Herzberg), Frankfort on Oder (Frankfurt), Beltzig (Bad Belzig), Brandenburg (Brandenburg an der Havel), Berlin, Potsdam, Lenzen, Salzwedel, and Magdeburg. Poland: Custrin (Kostrzyn nad Odrą) and Soldin (Myślibórz). Pomerania (Germany and Poland): Germany: Anclam (Anklam), Stralsund, and Bergen (Bergen auf Rügen). Poland: Stettin (Szczecin), Stargard (Stargard Szczeciński), Wollin (Wolin), Butow (Bytów), and Colberg (Kołobrzeg). Saxony (Germany): Bautzen, Altenburg, Leipsic (Leipzig), Meissen, Dresden, Freyburg, Schliez (Schleiz), and Lobenstein (Bad Lobenstein). Reuss-Greiz (Germany): Greiz. Anhalt-Bernburg (Germany): Cothen (Köthen). Hanover (Germany): Dessau, Eisenach, Weimar, Gotha, Jena, Brunswick (Braunschweig), Lunenburg (Lüneburg), Hanover, Soltau, Bremen, Cuxhaven, Osnaburg (Osnabrück), and Embden (Emden). Saxe Coburg Gotha (Germany): Coburg. Scharzburg Sondershausen (Germany): Saudershausen (Sondershausen). Waldeck (Germany): Arolsen (Bad Arolsen) and Waldeck. Heese Cassel (Germany): Cassel (Kassel), Fulda, and Hanau. Nassau (Germany): Wisbaden. Netherlands: Arnheim (Arnhem), Breda, Bergen op Zoom, Rotterdam, The Hague, Groningen, Zwolle, Amsterdam, Helder (Den Helder), Utrecht, and Leeuwarden. Belgium (Belgium and Netherlands): Belgium: Liege (Liège), Namur, Antwerp, Waterloo, Brussels, Ghent, Tournay (Tournai), Bruges, and Ostend. Netherlands: Maestrich (Maastricht). Russia (Poland): Posen (Poznań). Mecklenburg Schwerin (Germany): Parchia (Parchim), New Strelitz (Neustrelitz), Wismar, Schwerin, and Rostock. Denmark (Holstein, Germany): Lubeck (Lübeck), Gluekstadt (Glückstadt), Altona (Now a borough of Hamburg), Hamburg, Kiel, and Rendsburg. Oldenburg (Germany): Oldenburg and Kniphausen (Wilhelmshaven). Populations shown on the map: Capsali (Kapsali): 14,500 Navarino (Pylos): 2,000 Arcadia (?): 4,000 Napoli (Nafplio): 14,000 Corinth: 2,000 Patras: 10,000 Athens: 31,000 Lepanto (Naupactus): 3,000 Missalonghi (Missolonghi): 4,000 Greece: 1,100,000 Ionian Islands (Greece): 220,000 Zante (Zakynthos): 20,000 Lixuri (Lixouri): 6,000 Argostola (Argostoli): 5,000 Corfu: 25,000 Naples (Italy): 8,704,500 Gaeta: 16,000 Naples: 100,750 Salerno: 12,000 Rome: 184,000 Terracina: 8,000 Carthagena (Cartagena): 37,000 Granada: 80,000 Malaga (Málaga): 52,000 Cordova (Córdoba): 60,000 Seville: 91,000 Cadiz (Cádiz): 70,000 Gibraltar: 20,000 Faro: 8,500 Lagos: 9,000 Sines: 1,250 Palma: 34,000 Valencia: 66,000 Alicante: 25,000 Ciudad Real: 8,000 Murcia: 36,000 Toledo: 16,000 Almaden (Almadén): 10,000 Badajos (Badajoz): 13,000 Spain: 14,216,500 Abrantes: 5,000 Evoro (Évora): 9,000 Leira (Leiria): 2,000 Lisbon: 280,000 Barcelona: 150,000 Tarragona: 12,000 Tortosa: 11,000 Saragossa (Zaragoza): 50,000 Madrid: 207,000 Valladolid: 21,000 Salamanca: 15,000 Coimbria (Coimbra): 15,000 Oporto (Porto): 80,000 Bilbao: 15,000 Santander: 25,000 Gijon (Gijón): 6,000 Oviedo: 10,000 Leon (León): 6,000 Corunna (A Coruña): 22,000 Bosnaserai (Sarajevo): 60,000 Mostar: 10,000 Spalatro (Split): 9,000 Pescara: 3,000 Ortona: 6,000 Aquila (L'Aquila): 14,000 Civita Vecchia (Civitavecchia): 9,500 Perugia: 32,000 Urbino: 14,000 Fermo: 20,000 Loreto: 8,000 Ancona: 32,000 States of the Church: 2,898,200 San Marino: 8,250 Tuscany (Italy): 1,778,000 Arezzo: 9,500 Siena: 91,000 Piombino: 1,000 Leghorn: 88,000 Florence: 105,000 Pisa: 21,000 Lucca (Italy): 182,000 Lucca: 25,000 Peterwardin (Petrovaradin): 6,500 Sombor: 22,500 Esseck (Osijek): 12,500 Posega (Požega): 5,000 Agram (Zagreb): 20,000 Zara (Zadar): 7,000 Fiume (Rijeka): 11,000 Carlstadt (Karlovac): 7,000 Rovigno (Rovinj): 11,000 Trieste: 76,000 Lombardy: 5,007,500 Padua: 52,000 Venice: 120,000 Ferrara: 28,000 Ravenna: 26,000 Rimina (Rimini): 18,000 Bologna: 75,000 Roveredo (Rovereto): 8,000 Brescia: 28,000 Mantua: 28,000 Verona: 52,000 Vicenza: 33,000 Modena (Italy): 586,500 Modena: 28,000 Reggio (Reggio Emilia): 19,000 Parma (Italy): 503,000 Parma: 41,000 Carrara: 8,500 Massa: 10,000 Piacenza: 30,000 Bergamo: 32,000 Como: 12,000 MIlan: 205,000 Vercelli: 19,500 Padua (Pavia): 24,500 Allessandria (Alessandria): 46,000 Genoa: 120,000 Aosta: 7,000 Ivrea: 8,5000 Turin: 135,000 Susa: 3,500 Saluzzo: 15,000 Mondovi (Mondovì): 16,5000 Chambery (Chambéry): 18,500 Sardinian States (Italy): 4,916,500 Hungary: 11,017,000 Buda (Western part of Budapest): 45,000 Pesth (Eastern part of Budapest): 90,000 Kalocsa: 8,250 Austria-Hungary: 36,515,000 Neustadt (Wiener Neustadt): 12,000 Raab (Győr): 18,000 Laybach (Ljubljana): 19,000 Marburg (Maribor): 6,250 Clagenfurth (Klagenfurt): 13,000 Gratz (Graz): 5,000 Belluno: 12,000 Gorizia: 9,5000 Saltzburg (Salzburg): 13,000 Botzen (Bolzano): 9,000 Trent (Trento): 15,000 Brixen: 3,500 Innspruck (Innsbruck): 14,000 Weilheim (Weilheim in Oberbayern): 2,500 Schaffhausen: 7,500 Luzerne (Lucerne): 8,500 Zurich (Zürich): 16,000 Constance (Konstanz): 7,000 Switzerland: 2,390,200 Freyburg (Freiburg im Breisgau): 14,500 Geneva: 31,000 Neuchatel (Neuchâtel): 6,250 Lausanne: 16,000 Soleure (Solothurn): 4,500 Berne (Bern): 24,000 Basle (Basel): 3,000 Teschen (Split into Cieszyn, Poland on the East bank of the Olza River and Český Těšín, Czech Republic on the West bank of the Olza River): 7,500 Vienna: 429,500 Presburg (Bratislava): 45,000 Austerlitz (Slavkov u Brna): 3,250 Brunn (Brno): 42,000 Olmutz (Olomouc): 18,250 Troppau (Opava): 14,000 Lintz (Linz): 25,000 Budweis (České Budějovice): 8,250 Iglau (Jihlava): 16,000 Pilsen (Plzeň): 10,000 Amberg: 11,000 Ratlsbon (Regensburg?): 22,000 Passau: 11,000 Landshut: 13,250 Wurtzburg (Würzburg): 27,500 Bamberg: 21,500 Erlangin (Erlangen): 11,000 Nuremberg: 48,000 Anspack (Ansbach): 13,000 Ingoldstadt (Ingolstadt): 10,250 Augsburg: 38,000 Munich: 115,000 Stuttgard (Stuttgart): 46,000 Ulm: 18,500 Elwangen (Ellwangen): 3,750 Heilbron (Heilbronn): 11,750 Halle (Schwäbisch Hall): 6,750 Saar Louis (Saarlouis): 7,500 Treves (Trier): 20,000 Manhelin (Mannheim): 23,750 Carlsruhe (Karlsruhe): 24,750 Baden (Baden-Baden): 6,250 Darmstadt: 31,000 Mentz (Mainz): 34,000 Luxemburg (City of Luxembourg): 12,000 Cracow (Kraków): 37,000 Ratibor (Racibórz): 8,000 Silesia: 3,065,000 Oppeln (Opole): 8,000 Neisse (Nysa): 16,500 Breslau (Wrocław): 112,750 Liegnitz (Legnica): 14,250 Steinau (Ścinawa): 2,750 Glogau (Głogów): 14,750 Bautzen: 11,000 Koeniggratz (Hradec Králové): 8,000 Prague: 114,000 Eger (Cheb): 10,000 Greiz: 7,000 Altenburg: 15,000 Leipsic (Leipzig): 60,000 Meissen: 8,250 Dresden: 85,250 Dessau: 12,500 Wittenberg: 11,250 Coburg: 10,000 Eisenach: 10,000 Weimar: 12,000 Gotha: 14,000 Jena: 6,000 Saudershausen (Sondershausen): 3,750 Detmold: 5,000 Arolsen (Bad Arolsen): 2,250 Waldeck: 1,000 Marburg: 8,000 Geissen (Giessen): 7,500 Frankfort (Frankfurt): 58,000 Homburg (Bad Homburg vor der Höhe): 128,000 Cassel (Kassel): 32,500 Fulda: 9,500 Hanau: 15,000 Wisbaden: 13,000 Cologne: 95,250 Bonn: 18,000 Coblentz (Koblenz): 23,000 Westphalia: 1,445,700 Rhineland: 2,273,000 Wesel: 16,000 Essen: 7,250 Dusendorf (Düsseldorf): 28,000 Arensburg (Arnsberg): 4,500 Elberfeld (Now a subdivision of Wuppertal): 38,250 Munster (Münster): 25,000 Arnheim (Arnhem): 15,000 Breda: 14,500 Bergen op Zoom: 8,000 Rotterdam: 33,000 The Hague: 66,000 Liege (Liège): 73,000 Namur: 24,500 Antwerp: 30,000 Waterloo: 2,000 Brussels: 124,750 Ghent: 90,000 Tournay (Tournai): 30,500 Bruges: 45,000 Ostend: 12,500 Maestrich (Maastricht): 31,000 Posen (Poznań): 38,000 Frankfort on Oder (Frankfurt): 180,000 Custrin (Kostrzyn nad Odrą): 8,500 Soldin (Myślibórz): 6,000 Pomerania: 1,166,000 Brandenburg: 2,020,000 Prussia: 16,331,000 Stettin (Szczecin): 45,000 Stargard (Stargard Szczeciński): 13,250 Berlin: 420,000 Potsdam: 16,500 Anclam (Anklam): 8,500 New Strelitz (Neustrelitz): 7,500 Brunswick (Braunschweig): 40,000 Lunenburg (Lüneburg): 12,500 Lenzen: 3,000 Magdeburg: 51,000 Wismar: 11,500 Schwerin: 17,500 Lubeck (Lübeck): 25,250 Hanover: 40,500 Bremen: 53,000 Oldenburg: 8,000 Kniphausen (Wilhelmshaven): 3,000 Gluekstadt (Glückstadt): 6,000 Altona (Now a borough of Hamburg): 32,000 Hamburg: 137,000 Osnaburg (Osnabrück): 12,250 Embden (Emden): 12,500 Groningen: 31,000 Zwolle: 17,500 Netherlands: 3,363,000 Amsterdam: 225,000 Helder (Den Helder): 3,000 Utrecht: 45,000 Leeuwarden: 22,500 Butow (Bytów): 8,750 Stralsund: 18,500 Bergen (Bergen auf Rügen): 3,250 Rostock: 20,000 Kiel: 13,000 Rendsburg: 10,500 There is a table titled: Referene to the German States and contains the following: Austria, Catholic, Limited Monarchy with a population of 11,900,000. Prussia, Protestant, Limited Monarchy with a population of 12, 315,600. Bavaria, Catholic, Limited Monarchy with a population of 4,505,000. Saxony, Protestant, Limited Monarchy with a population of 1,836,500. Hanover, Protestant, Limited Monarchy with a population of 1,759,000. Wirtemberg, Protestant, Limited Monarchy with a population of 1,744,000. Baden, Catholic, Grand Dutchy, Limited Monarchy with a population of 1,363,000. Hesse Cassel, Protestant, Limited Monarchy with a population of 733,000. H. Darmstadt, Protestant, Grand Dutchy, Limited Monarchy with a population of 852,700. Holstein, Protestant, Dutchy, Limited Monarchy with a population of 526,900. Luxemburg, Catholic, Grand Dutchy, Limited Monarchy with a population of 389,500. Saxe Weimar, Protestant, Grand Dutchy, Limited Monarchy with a population of 262,000. Saxe Coburg Gotha, Protestant, Dutchy, Limited Monarchy with a population of 147,200. Saxe Altenburg, Protestant, Dutchy, Limited Monarchy with a population of 129,600. Saxe Meiningen, Protestant, Dutchy, Limited Monarchy with a population of 163,500. Brunswick, Protestant, Dutchy, Limited Monarchy with a population of 269,000. Mecklenburg Schwerin, Protestant, Grand Dutchy with a population of 534,500. Mecklenburg Strelitz, Protestant, Grand Dutchy with a population of 96,300. Oldenburg, Protestant, Grand Dutchy, Limited Monarchy with a population of 279,000. Nassau, Protestant, Dutchy, Limited Monarchy with a population of 418,700. Anhalt Dessau and Anhalt Bernburg, both Protestant, both Dutchy, both with the same Limited Monarchy with a combined population of 155,900. Scharzburg Sonder., Protestant, Principality with a population of 60,100. Scharzburg Rudolstadt, Protestant, Principality with a population of 69,700. Liechtenstein, Catholic, Principality, Limited Monarchy with a population of 6,360. Reuss Greitz, Protestant, Principality, Limited Monarchy with a population of 34,000. Reuss Schleiz, Protestant, Principality, Limited Monarchy with a population of 77,100. Lippe Detmold, Catholic, Principality, Limited Monarchy with a population of 108,300. Lippe Schauenburg, Protestant, Principality, Limited Monarchy with a population of 29,000. Waldeck, Protestant, Principality, Limited Monarchy with a population of 59,000. Hesse Homburg, Protestant, Landgraviate, Limited Monarchy with a population of 24,250. The Republics or Free Cities of: Frankfort Protestant with a population of 78,000 Lubeck Protestant with a population of 54,200. Bremen Protestant with a population of 78,100. Hamburg, Protestant with a population of 183,100. Total Population of the German States: 41, 248,110. The Table also states that Germany contains 244,000 Square Miles and 170 inhabitants to a Square Mile.
Chimborazo, from the Plain of Tapia, South America [jmap056]
Countries appearing on this map: Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Cities appearing on this map: Chile: Los Lagos Region: Chiloé Province: S. Carlos (Name changed to Ancud in 1834). Los Ríos Region: Valdivia Province: Valdivia. Araucanía Region: Cautín Province: Villarica (Villarrica). Bío Bío Region: Arauco Province: Arauco. Concepción Province: Concepcion (Concepción). Ñuble Province: Chillan (Chillán) and Coulemu (Coelemu). Maule Region: Curicó Province: Curico (Curicó). O'Higgins Region: Cachapoal Province: Triana (Name changed to Rancagua). Valparaíso Region: Valparaíso Province: Port of Valparaiso (Valparaíso). Quillota Province: Quillota. Santiago Metropolitan Region: Santiago Province: Santiago. Argentina: Río Negro Province: Port St. Antonio (Abandoned in 1905 and moved to San Antonio Oeste and San Antonio Este). Santa Fe Province: Corzo (?), Rosario, and Sta. Fe (Santa Fe). San Luis Province: S. Luis (San Luis). Córdoba Province: Cordova (Córdoba). Mendoza Province: Mendoza. San Juan Province: S. Juan (San Juan) and Marcedes (?). Buenos Aires Province: S. Elena (?). City of Buenos Aires: Buenos Ayres (Buenos Aires). Entre Ríos Province: Conception (Concepción del Uruguay). Uruguay: Almagro (?), S. Jose (?), Monte Video (Montevideo), S. Joseph (?), S. Tecla (?), and S. Teresa (?). Brazil: South Region: Rio Grande do Sul: Rio Grande or S. Pedro (Rio Grande), Quintao (Quintão), Portalagre (Porto Alegre),
Comitatus Namurci (1702)
This is a highly detailed copper engraved map of the area around Namur, Belgium. There is a mileage cartouche and a title cartouche. This is from the publication, Atlas portatif, ou, le nouveau theatre de la guerre en Europe: contenant les cartes geographiques, avec les plans des villas & fortresses les plus exposees aux revolutions presented: accompagne d'une nouvelle methode pour apprendre facilement la geographie & la chronologie des potentats. A Amsterdam Chez Daniel de la Feuille 1702, which roughly translates in English to, Portable Atlas, or, The New Theatre of War in Europe Containing Geographical Maps, with City Plans and Fortress Plans which are most Exposed to the Revolution Presented: Accompanied by a New Method to Easily Learn Geography and Chronology. In Amsterdam by Chez Daniel de la Feuille in 1702. The title of the map is Comitatus Namurci La Feuille excudit which roughly translates to County Namur Printed by La Feuille. Daniel de La Feuille lived from 1640 until 1709. He was from Sedan in Northern France and was born to Huguenot parents. In 1683, he and his family fled religious persecution to Amsterdam and became an engraver and cartographer. Cities appearing in the map: Belgium: Liège: Eynges (Engis), Floen (Flône), Aymoin (?), Herion (?), Fisfontaine (Fize-Fontaine), Ouhe (?), Vignamot (?), Feumal (Fumal), Falays (Fallais), Coutuin (?), Hosdain (Hosdent?), Breft (?), Mox (Moxhe), Aum (?), Crehe (Crehen), Haesche (Hannêche), Acache, Emptines, Messle, Ambesmeau, Chiple, Mouha, Coutuin, Han, Mozey, Haesche (Hannêche), Acache (Acosse), Meffle (Meeffe), Ambesmeau (Ambrésinaux), Chiple (?), Mouha (Moha), Coutuin (?), Han (?), Mozey (?), Namur: Braehan (Branchon), Fraquees (Franquenée), Tauiers (Taviers), Hettemot (?), Asche en refail (Aische-en-Refail), Gemblours (Gembloux), Conroy (Corroy-le-Château), Aurenault, Sombreff (Sombreffe), Ligny, Boegne (Boignée), Bagny (?), Mons (?), Hauere (?), Boety (Bothey), Tongre (Tongrinne), S. Martin (Saint-Martin), Masy (Mazy), Visne, Argenti (?), Meux, Fero (Ferooz), Tillon (?), Du (Dhuy), Liernu, Osltn (?), Mehaigne (Mehaigne/Noville-sur-Mehaigne), S. Denis (Saint-Denis-Bovesse), Esmynes (Émines), Chemen (?), Rime (?), Haule (?), Name (Namur), Le Faliec (?), Bernacome (?), Ponthy (?), Frize (?), Leuze, Dassoulx (?), Ypigney (Upigny), Franeqwarat (Franc-Waret), Fernemons (Fernelmont), Haure (?), Froncou (?), Nouille sur Mehaig (Noville-sur-Mehaigne), Boneff ab. (Boneffe/Boneffe Abbey), Recourt (?), Hambruie (Hambraine), Vodon (Cortil-Wodon), Emptines (Hemptinne), Forte Iles (?), Arz (?), Selles (Seilles), Malroy (?), Hingeon, Sosoy (?), Som (?), Naesche (Namêche), Ielhusee (?), Bonen (Boninne), Marche (Marche-les-Dames), Bez (Beez), Yanau (?), Florisont (Floreffe/Floriffoux), Iodion (Jodion), Templo (Temploux), Ymedame (?), Monslier (Moustier-sur-Sambre), Spy, Omme (?), Faume (?), Iemepye (Jemeppe-sur-Sambre), Tarsen (Tarcienne), Hansen (Hanzinne), Bersee (Berzée), Leneff (Laneffe), Thille Chast. (Thy-le-Château), Puy (?), Iardinet Abb. (?) Castre (Chastrès), Walcourt, Vogne (Vogenée), Yue (Yves-Gomezée), S. Aubain (Saint-Aubin), Dacheu (?), Iamuelle (Jamiolle), Viller Y Eglise (?), Philippeville, S. Zelle (?), Sauton (Sautour), Iamaigne (Jamagne), Waudesy (Vodecée), Franhimont (Franchimont), Louten (Lautenne), Hastiers (Hastière/Hastière-Lavaux/Hastière-par-delà), Wassers abb. (?), Poren (?), Minaoye (Miavoye), Maure (Maurenne), Frayers (Castle of Freÿr), Ierenne (?), Ante (Anthée), Moruille (Morville), Rosoy (Rosée), Florennes, Corenne, Forge (?), Walloon Brabant: Perwez, Threbaex (?), Gonensau (?), Pandese (?), Courtil (Cortil-Noirmont), Gemlines (Gentinnes), Viller (Villers-la-Ville), Houtham (?), Nivelle (Nivelles), Marbais, Hainaut: Petit Reulx (Petit-Rœulx-lez-Braine), Selle (Pont-à-Celles), Busee (Buzet), Renez (Rèves), Frane (Frasnes-lez-Gosselies), Liberche (Liberchies), Lut (Luttre), Brunehault (There is a street Chaussee Brunehault), Ville Paroy (?), Melle (Mellet), S. Amand (Saint-Amand), S. Bris (Brye), Wagny (Wangenies), Wauferche (Wanfercée-Baulet), Banley (?), Farse (Farciennes), Flerso (Fleurus), Telon (?), Chastelniau (Châtelineau), Charleroy (Charleroi), Gilly, Soreamol (Soleilmont), Heppenyes (Heppignies), Wagnelle (Wagnelée), Hegne (?), Gosseliers (Gosselies), Vinille (?), Plouy (?), Sartles moisni (Sartis), le Ron (?), Fonteineleuesque (Fontaine-l'Évêque), Marchien au pont (?), Gamigno (?), Court (?), Chastillan (Castillon), Cense (?), Bossu (?), Forge (?), Senlry (?), Conille (?), Acos (Acoz), Marcinelle (?), S. Nicolas (Sart Saint-Nicolas), Nalen (?), Gerpines (Gerpinnes), France: Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine: Ardennes: Charlemont (Charlemont fortress in Givet)
Comitatus Volkenborg et Dalem (1702)
This is a highly detailed copper engraved map Belgium along the Meuse River from Liege to Maastricht. This engraving is taken from a plate from the 1696 edition of P. van der Slart's 'Theatrum Belgii Foederati' with small changes. Slart's map was printed from the same plate of the 1635 edition of 'Vyerighe Colom' by Jacob Aertsz Colom. There is a mileage cartouche and a title cartouche. This is from the publication, Atlas portatif, ou, le nouveau theatre de la guerre en Europe: contenant les cartes geographiques, avec les plans des villas & fortresses les plus exposees aux revolutions presented: accompagne d'une nouvelle methode pour apprendre facilement la geographie & la chronologie des potentats. A Amsterdam Chez Daniel de la Feuille 1702, which roughly translates in English to, Portable Atlas, or, The New Theatre of War in Europe Containing Geographical Maps, with City Plans and Fortress Plans which are most Exposed to the Revolution Presented: Accompanied by a New Method to Easily Learn Geography and Chronology. In Amsterdam by Chez Daniel de la Feuille in 1702. Daniel de La Feuille lived from 1640 until 1709. He was from Sedan in Northern France and was born to Huguenot parents. In 1683, he and his family fled religious persecution to Amsterdam and became an engraver and cartographer. Countries appearing on this map: Belgium and the Netherlands. Cities appearing on this map: Belgium: Wallonia Region: Liège: Liège: S. Gille (?), Liege (Liège), S. Lenart (There is a Rue St. Lèonard in Liège near where this town should be), Herstal, Viuenges (Vivegnis), Hermal (Hermalle-sous-Argenteau), Sluetel (?), Liese (Lixhe), Nay (Lanaye/Petit Lanaye), Flemish Region: Limburg: Membergh (Membruggen), Wulre (?), Sichem (Zichen-Zussen-Bolder), Montenacken, Emet (?), Remst (Riemst), Kisselt (Kesselt), Vlietingen (Vlijtingen), Roesmervelt (?), Veltwesel (Veldwezelt), Brockhof (?), Gelick (Gellik), Loenake (Lanaken), Scholez (?), Petersen (Pietersheim), Hoichte (Hocht Abbey), Neerharen (Neerharen), Com. Recken (Rekem), Vechouen (?), Grimmini (?), Mechelen (Maasmechelen), Vucht, Esden (Eisden), Luit (Leut), Netherlands: Limburg: F. S. Pierre (Fort Sint Pieter located in the Sint Pieter neighborhood of Maastricht), Maestricht (Maastricht),
Correct Map of Europe from the Best Authorities (1758)
Highly detailed copper engraved map of the European Continent published in 1758. Cities appearing in the map: Cyprus: Nicosia ; Israel: Jerusalem ; Lebanon: Tripoli ; Syria: Damascus, Aleppo, and Rakka (Ar-Raqqah) ; Iraq: Anah, Baghdad, and Musol (Mosul) ; Portugal: Lisbon and Oporto (Porto) ; Spain: Merida (Mérida), Cordova (Córdoba), Seville, Granada, Murcia, Toledo, Valencia, Vigo, St. Jago (Santiago de Compostela), Groyn (A Coruña), Leon (León), Madrid, Bilboa (Bilbao), Burgos, Saragosa (Zaragoza), Tortosa, and Barcelona ; Gibraltar: Gibraltar ; Italy: Cagliari, Messina, Turin, Genoa, Lucca, Florence, Rome, Milan, Trent (Trento), Venice, and Trieste ; Turkey: Smyrna (İzmir), Satalia (?, site of two battles in 1212 and 1361), Kutayeti (Kütahya), Kogni (Konya), Kaysaria (Kayseri), Alexandretta (İskenderun), Malataya (Malatya), Sivas, Bir (Birecik), Dyarbekr (Diyarbakır), Arzerum (Erzurum), Wan (Van), Adrinople (Edirne), Constantinople (Istanbul), Angari (Ankara), Amasia (Amasya), Trebisond (Trabzon), and Kars ; France: Bayon (Bayonne), Bourdeaux (Bordeaux), Tolouse (Toulouse), Narbon (Narbonne), Avignon, Marseilles (Marseille), Grenoble, Toulon, Bastia, Brest, l'Orient (Lorient), Caen, Rennes, Nantes, Rochelle (La Rochelle), Havre de Grace (Le Havre), Rouen, Paris, Orleans (Orléans), Dijon, Lyons (Lyon), Strasburg (Strasbourg), Nancy, and Dunkirk ; Bosnia and Herzegovina: Saray (Sarajevo) ; Croatia: Ragusa (Dubrovnik) ; Albania: Durazzo (Durrës) ; Greece: Salonica (Thessaloniki) ; Bulgaria: Sofia, Varna, and Nicopoli (Nikopol) ; Russia: Kabarty, Derbent, Kabarty (?), Asof (Azov), Panchin (?), Zaritza (Volgograd), Krasnoyar, Astrakan (Astrakhan), Soleternoy (Selitrennoye), Koningsberg (Kaliningrad), Bielgorod (Belgorod), Oskol (Stary Oskol), Woronitz (Voronezh), Tarvraw (?), Saratof (Saratov), Samara, Petersburg (Saint Petersburg), Novogrod (Veliky Novgorod), Smolensko (Smolensk), Ustiusna (Ustyuzhna), Jeraslaw (Yaroslavl), Moskow (Moscow), Nisna (Nizhny Novgorod), Wologda (Vologda), Muron (Murom), Kaigorod (?), Solikamskoy (Solikamsk), Uffa (Ufa), Weskotaria (?), Wyburg (Vyborg), Seraka (Belomorsk), Korelskoe (?), Kargopol, Archangel (Arkhangelsk), Kewrol (?), Ustjug (Veliky Ustyug), Totma, Jarensk (Yarensk), Pomodia (?), Beresorva (?), Kieliw (?), Kandalar (Kandalaksha), Kola, Vansia (?), Kusmin (?), Petzora or Pustozerskoy (Pustozyorsk abandoned in the 1960s), and Obdora (Salekhard) ; Georgia: Kutatis (Kutaisi) and Teflis (Tbilisi) ; Armenia: Erivan (Yerevan) ; Switzerland: Basil (Basel) and Bern ; Czech Republic: Prague and Olmutz (Olomouc) ; Germany: Ratisbon (Regensburg), Munich, Passau, Embden (Emden), Munster (Münster), Frankfort, Hamburg, Hanover, Berlin, and Dresden ; Austria: Lintz (Linz) and Vienna ; Slovakia: Presburg (Bratislava) and Cassova (Košice) ; Hungary: Buda (Budapest) ; Romania: Hermanst (Sibiu), Temeswar (Timișoara), Buckhorest (Bucharest), and Yassi (Iași) ; Serbia: Belgrade ; Moldova: Bender ; Ukraine: Saray (Bakhchysarai), Koffa (Feodosia), Kaminick (Kamianets-Podilskyi), Braklaw (Bratslav), Akerman (Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi), Ochakow (Ochakiv), Perekop, Sech (Zaporizhia), Kudac (Dnipropetrovsk), Bakmut (?), Leopol (Lviv), Kiow (Kiev), Pultarva (Poltava), Chernigow (Chernihiv), and Glucorv (?) ; Ireland: Cork and Dublin ; England: York, Bristol, and London ; Belgium: Brussels ; Netherlands: Amsterdam ; Poland: Breslaw (Wrocław), Cracow (Kraków), Geona (?), Dantzik (Gdańsk), Warsaw, and Varzovia (?) ; Lithuania: Vilna (Vilnius) ; Belarus: Minsk, Grodno, and Tropez (?) ; Khazakstan: Jalokigorod (?) ; Northern Ireland: Londonderry (Derry) ; Scotland: Edinburg (Edinburgh) and Aberdeen ; Norway: Bergen, Waldros (?), Dronthem (Trondheim), Salten (District in Norway), Waranger, (Varangerbotn), and Wardhuse (Vardøhus Fortre) ; Denmark: Copenhagen ; Sweden: Gottenburg (Gothenburg), Lunden (Lund), Stockholm, Sundswald (Sundsvall), Uma (Umeå), and Pithea (Piteå) ; Latvia: Riga ; Estonia: Revel (Tallinn) ; Iceland: Scalholt (Skálholt) ; Finland: Abo (Turku), Torno (Tornio), and Ulaborg (Oulu)., Cartographer: John Gibson was an important British cartographer of the late 18th century. He produced thousands of maps and was noted as a skilled engraver and sculptor. Gibson's most important work is the pocket sized 1758 Atlas Minimus.
Côte du Nord Est de l'Isle de Juan Fernandez: Tirée du Voyage de l'Admiral Anson (1750)
This is a copper engraved map of the Northeast portion of Robinson Crusoe Island in the Juan Fernández Islands published in 1750. The upper portion of the map shows a lithographic view of Cumberland Bay on the Northeast Coast of Robinson Crusoe Island in the Juan Fernández Islands. Cumberland Bay is the modern site of San Juan Bautista, Robinson Crusoe Island. It contains a title in French and Dutch: Vue de la Baye de Cumberland/ Gezigt van de Cumberlandse Baay which translated in English to: View of the Bay of Cumberland. The lower portion of the map is a map of the entire Northeast portion of the island showing mountains, trees, and water depths off the coast. There is a title in French that reads, Côte du Nord Est de l'Isle de Juan Fernandez: Tirée du Voyage de l'Admiral Anson (1750) which translates to Northeast Coast of the Isle of Juan Fernanadez: Extracted from Admiral Anson's Travels. Below this portion is the Dutch title: Noord-Oost Kust van't Eiland Juan Fernandez: Uit de Reize van den Admiral Anson getrokken which translated to the same as the French title. Shown on the map are: Baye de l'Est (East Bay), Baye de Cumberland (Cumberland Bay), Baye de l'Ouest (West Bay), Fond de Sable fin (Fine Sand), and Baye du Pain de Sucre (Sugar Loaf Bay). Jacques-Nicolas Bellin who lived from 1703 to 1772 was an important cartographer of the 18th century. He is understood as geographe de cabinet and a transitional mapmaker spanning the gap between 18th and early 19th century cartographic styles. His long career as Hydrographer and Ingénieur Hydrographe at the French Dépôt des cartes et plans de la Marine resulted in hundreds of high quality nautical charts of practically everywhere in the world. His work focuses on function and accuracy tending in the process to be less decorative than the earlier 17th and 18th century cartographic work. Unlike many of his contemporaries, Bellin was always careful to cite his references and his scholarly corpus consists of over 1400 articles on geography prepared for Diderot's Encyclopedie. In addition to numerous maps and charts published during his lifetime, many of Bellin's maps were updated (or not) and published posthumously. He was succeeded as Ingénieur Hydrographe by his student, also a prolific and influential cartographer, Rigobert Bonne. Jakob van der Schley who lived from 1715 to 1779 was a Dutch engraver and painter. He has engraved the maps and views of the maps of the Dutch edition of Prevost's Histoire General des Voyage.
